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KYM Pony General VII: Live Free or Twi Hard

Last posted Jul 06, 2014 at 04:08PM EDT. Added Apr 19, 2013 at 12:22AM EDT
9943 posts from 165 users

(if they go more than three hours without a post, cries of “the Thread died” or “I killed the Thread” resound)

Okay… That sounds like how I think… There was a Time I was so talkative that just about every time a thread was over, I was the last one that posted…

…And I started to think it was some kind of "Forum Ending Curse" on me.

But that's stupid… Right?


In any case… Here's some Halloween Edition Panel from that thing you all forgot I do:

… It's been a while since I actually shared anything complete instead of just Sketches… Thought now was a good time.

…And then it turns out I feel it's slightly off model… But in a good way I guess? Since it's not a hideous deformity unlike my old "No Belly, all Chest" images.

Still having trouble figuring out how big the two circles for the body should be in comparison to the head though. (Early in the process anyways, I usually seem to have it fixed by the time I'm done.)

Last edited Oct 22, 2013 at 12:53PM EDT

­­­Alex Mercer wrote:

^Did i scare them too much? Oh boy..

I say we plan an invasion a friendly peace offering of many lovely pornographic gifs and images. That will show them that Know Your Meme is not the internet hate machine C'thuhlu cancer that is killing memes surly elder sibling that they might make us out to be.

Sixthhokage1 wrote:

Thanks for the welcome!

Hello fellow troper!
Welcome to the Know Your Meme forums.

EDIT: I am Alex Mercer. A non-brony poster on KYM Pony General. I started to interest in pony fandom when i saw the community on KYM. This place is really interesting IMO. You are able to see/post much longer posts than TV Tropes Pony General. I dunno if is that short of character limit problem or something on Tv Tropes forums. I'll see that when i join your forums.
And also another good thing: since this thread is featured by moderators, this thread cannot be nuked. (it's 7th thread btw, we have finished 6 thread each one is 300 pages long.) So you don't need to push yourself to post for just bumping to keep the thread alive. This thread can't die.

You can post multiple videos or images at the same time, write tl;dr's, walls of text… You can use quoting, spoilering, embeding videos exc. as you see: our forums allow some textiles.

I hope that you now a little about html codes. If you don't, you can PM to us, we can teach you.

Last edited Oct 22, 2013 at 07:26PM EDT

Oh, and at the comment on the thread nuking, I figure I should clarify: It wasn't a mod that did that. One night, there was a glitch in the forum that gave logged-out users access to certain mod powers, one person encouraged people to go and use them for lulz, and suddenly thread's gone from some asshat abusing the glitch.

­­­Alex Mercer wrote:

Hello fellow troper!
Welcome to the Know Your Meme forums.

EDIT: I am Alex Mercer. A non-brony poster on KYM Pony General. I started to interest in pony fandom when i saw the community on KYM. This place is really interesting IMO. You are able to see/post much longer posts than TV Tropes Pony General. I dunno if is that short of character limit problem or something on Tv Tropes forums. I'll see that when i join your forums.
And also another good thing: since this thread is featured by moderators, this thread cannot be nuked. (it's 7th thread btw, we have finished 6 thread each one is 300 pages long.) So you don't need to push yourself to post for just bumping to keep the thread alive. This thread can't die.

You can post multiple videos or images at the same time, write tl;dr's, walls of text… You can use quoting, spoilering, embeding videos exc. as you see: our forums allow some textiles.

I hope that you now a little about html codes. If you don't, you can PM to us, we can teach you.

Just….be careful with Gifs and Youtube videos. Too many on one page can cause………"Problems". What kind of "Problems" do you ask? None of your business that's what, knowing what "Problems" come to fruition can cause a one way trip to the morgue buddy. Just watch out man it's a dog eat dog world here but you'll be safe on Pony thread, YOU'RE ALL safe on Pony thread…….All…….Safe……..Oh and don't do any double posts, those aren't well received over here……..I learned the hard way.

Man I hate the Pony hiatus, at least we only have a month to go! Which means in a week or two we'll be getting SPOILERS GALORE! Maybe like last year they'll release the first 8 minutes of the episode, plus three different clips each a minute long showing DIFFERENT clips from the same episode thus spoiling the entire first half of the episode!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! It'll be great.

Last edited Oct 22, 2013 at 07:40PM EDT

I'm stuck on a Windows 8 tablet that slows down immensely using Tumblr, so yeah, not gonna go heavy on gifs or YouTube. Also can't reliably use YouTube on here unless I want to use IE seeing how I don't have admin rights to install the Flash plugin for Firefox >_< (school tech sucks)

Sixthhokage1 wrote:

November is a good month: First comes Ender's Game, then my 18th birthday, then new pony :D

Oh, and I know HTML :P

Wait, my birthday is in November too. The first day of the month to be exactly and, i do agree that is the best month of the year.
Also, welcome to the best pony thread ever.

Oh, wow, so many people joining/returning!

Oh, hey! I know you! You're that famous guy! Hi! I'm that not famous guy! ACKNOWLEDGE ME!

Seriously though, it's great to see you stuck around.

Welcome, new user! Or as the kids say, "Newzer!" Have a nyan dash.

Oh god, Memes and Tropes living together! MASS HYSTERIA!

By the way, we have a guy named Fifths here. You guys will probably have to have a battle to the death at some point.

Deadparrot222 said:

You get that schist out of here or I mica have to breccia your face!

Aa, that's not very gneiss.

Alex Mercer said:

Are they?…. Our lost brother?? They need this forum. Someone! Send them here!

Yes. We can join forces and merge together. With their level headedness (I don't think I've ever seen their jimmies get rustled) and our use of memes and other jokes, there's nothing that can stop us.

I would post there but:
1) I forgot my TV Tropes password and
2) it takes me half an hour to post here, and that's without 200 posts a day to comb through

20% Cooler than Ice Rinsankajugin said:

It’s not surprising, considering the TVTropes Pony thread was nuked a about a month ago and had to start a new.

That wasn't the mods doing, though. That was due to TV Tropes' coding being notoriously buggy and a troll was able to hack it, gain Admin privileges, delete several threads and articles, and then get permanently IP banned (as in, not being able to access the site). Sadly, the site had no failsafe backups. (One of the users, though, does have an archive of the entire thread, so it's not terrifyingly bad.)

Alex Mercer said:

Rin may i ask you something?
Is this “Japanese Teeth” some kind of RandomMan?

To the best of my knowledge, no. He is one of their more level headed members, and, when I lurked there, I also thought he was a girl due to his screen name and the Twilight avatar he was using at the time.

Damn it, this is really happening, isn't it? I need to figure out my password and join the TV Tropes-KYM Exchange.

Sixthhokage1 said:

Now that I’m home I’ve finally got this account activated…

The union has begun…

Also, welcome. Be prepared for up to eighteen hour gaps between posts, inside jokes that creep out even former moderators, and an election to decide the title of the next pony thread that results in vote rigging, voter fraud, and a mod-imposed title.

I remember the night the nuking happened quite clearly, and it wasn't a hack. The system started glitching the login cookies, randomly logging people out, and the logged out users ended up having access to some of the moderation tools. This happened, and someone took advantage of the knowledge of the tools being accessible to get rid of the thread, though Storyyeller has a backup of all but the last 9 pages I believe it was. No one knows for sure who deleted the thread.

Last edited Oct 22, 2013 at 10:51PM EDT

Sixthhokage1 wrote:

I remember the night the nuking happened quite clearly, and it wasn't a hack. The system started glitching the login cookies, randomly logging people out, and the logged out users ended up having access to some of the moderation tools. This happened, and someone took advantage of the knowledge of the tools being accessible to get rid of the thread, though Storyyeller has a backup of all but the last 9 pages I believe it was. No one knows for sure who deleted the thread.

What exactly is this "bounce" that the mod mentioned? Is that like a permaban?

20% Cooler than Ice Rinsankajugin wrote:

Being bounced prevents the person from even viewing the site from their IP. It's a megapermaban.

I ave seen the face of hell, and it is bounce.

20% Cooler than Ice Rinsankajugin wrote:

Being bounced prevents the person from even viewing the site from their IP. It's a megapermaban.

Wow, good thing no other websites do that. Imagine if you got banned on Youtube for uploading a video that featured 2 seconds of a copyrighted song and were banned from even watching another Youtube video again.

Imagine if they had that rule on /mlp/

Jimmy 3, People 0 wrote:

Not to mention Catching Fire and Thanksgiving. November is best month.

and it's a certain show's 50th birthday.. Can't believe Doctor Whooves has been left out of the 50th anniversary… I think he would have fitted in just fine..


I guess he'll have to wait till My Little Pony's 50th anniversary… Though on that note I just realized that this year back in August would have been it's 30th anniversary, why does no one tell me these things?! Talk about being late to the party.. Happy anniversary! (Even if it's months late) I was late to wish Commodore 64 a happy birthday, and late to wish MLP a happy birthday… for someone with a time machine, I do seem to always be running late..


I always was hoping everyone in this fad was just trolling and it would go away forever.

Now it's like everywhere still, and KYM is so bad with this subject even ED.SE is making fun of KYM. ED sucks now.

Last edited Oct 23, 2013 at 01:02AM EDT


Just so you know, I'm black.
This going back to every single person you've met matching up to racial stereotypes to a tee.
You know. Online forum moderator, brony, Pokémon fan, listens to chiptunes and video game OSTs…African-American stuff like that.

Y'all need pony in the worst way.

Or at least some Fluffy, the Bringer of Darkness.


Wait, I’m not totally on board with what’s going on here. Could I get a little context please?

I'm not sure how much you need but I'll start from the top of the thread and explain downward:

1. Discussion about the TV tropes pony thread, continued from last page
2. More and more focus here is being put on the TV tropes pony thread community and their activity. The TV tropes community is in return, paying more attention to this thread. Macro's that are made here, are being posted over there.
3. Some guys from TV tropes just made accounts here for this thread (Hi! Welcome!). Obviously a few posters here have met them already.
4. Discussion about the TV tropes pony thread and what happened to it, particularly its one time deletion. Apparently it was nuked by trolls during a mod security breach
5. The Doctors 50th anniversary gets a special mention, just so you know
6. Sweatie is trolling
7. Verbs is retorting.
8. You posted.

And here we are at the bottom of the thread

Any questions?

Last edited Oct 23, 2013 at 01:56AM EDT

Don't you see platus? It's a Race War! RACE WAR EVERYBODY!

Now before us white folk get wiped out in said Race War I'd just like to say……..Season 4. I honestly can't wait to see some butthurt from the people going "But we complained all year about Alicorn Twilight! Why didn't they turn her back into a unicorn?! We complained about it, they were supposed to obey our cries! Fuck you Meghan McCarthy!!!"

@Sweatie Killer
It is really easy to mock someone with almost everything. I never take anything serious on the internet. Because the real life is the real issue more than anything on the internet.
Also here is a surprise for you : most of the dramatracts (Encyclopedia Dramatica fags) are also ponyfags from /mlp/…

How did this conversation come to the race of users?

And most weirdest thing of all: Verbose mentioned it first.

I know how to turn back our rails! There are few black bronies i have already know. Let me list those:

Everybody should already know the internet celebrity Tay Zonday have become a brony.
Black Nerd Comedy even mentioned that he is a hipster brony.
Animator AnimatedJames is mostly known by doing MLP X Sonic crossovers.
And there is a lets player called ratchetness is often play r34 games or watching episodes of MLP.

Last edited Oct 23, 2013 at 02:54AM EDT

Bruno the Rustler posted:

He has returned, just as the prophecy foretold!
Good to see that you're doing better, man.
Everyone needs a break from time to time and it sounds like yours did wonders.
Just glad you were able to catch it early enough that you are able to return and continue to enjoy pony along with the rest of us.

Hello to you all!
Reading through the posts of today has been like watching two galaxies collide.
Two separate giant entities slowly drift toward one another.
As they approach, small bits break off each and swirl around the other, exchanging little tastes of each other; testing the waters.
But inevitably, they are drawn ever closer to the inevitable explosive conclusion.

It's beautiful really.

BSoD wrote:

I’m not sure how much you need but I’ll start from the top of the thread and explain downward:

1. Discussion about the TV tropes pony thread, continued from last page
2. More and more focus here is being put on the TV tropes pony thread community and their activity. The TV tropes community is in return, paying more attention to this thread. Macro’s that are made here, are being posted over there.
3. Some guys from TV tropes just made accounts here for this thread (Hi! Welcome!). Obviously a few posters here have met them already.
4. Discussion about the TV tropes pony thread and what happened to it, particularly its one time deletion. Apparently it was nuked by trolls during a mod security breach
5. The Doctors 50th anniversary gets a special mention, just so you know
6. Sweatie is trolling
7. Verbs is retorting.
8. You posted.

And here we are at the bottom of the thread

Any questions?

"Wait, then what part of the thread is this?"

"This is now."

"Now? But what happened to then?"

"You just missed it!"

(By the way, BSoD, I'm thinking that Platus was more referring to the clear history that seems to exist between Sweatie and Verbs. Not sure what that was, but luckily I don't really care either.)

Tonight, I found one of the weirder things I've seen…

I mean, I know we have the whole 'Ponify Everything' motto, but…

And finally:
<div class=spoiler title="Season 4 spoiler">

Looks like more world-building in regards to the Wonderbolts in on its way!
Any speculation?
For me, though they are obviously based on the non-combat Blue Angels, they did seem to have a very military-like response to Spike's rampage and their academy definitely had a boot camp vibe to it.
I'm betting that they have some sort of official combat postions, they are just largely unused in the typically peaceful Equestria.

Well, really more of 'a vague McCarthy hint,' but spoiler tags just for the heck of it.


“Wait, then what part of the thread is this?”
“This is now.”
“Now? But what happened to then?”
“You just missed it!”

I absolutely loved that movie. Well played sir, well played

Last edited Oct 23, 2013 at 03:48AM EDT

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