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KYM Pony General VII: Live Free or Twi Hard

Last posted Jul 06, 2014 at 04:08PM EDT. Added Apr 19, 2013 at 12:22AM EDT
9943 posts from 165 users

The Cute Master :3 wrote:

@chowzburgerz Here you go. Just click that photo and it will take you straight to the main image to download.

Thanks for making it. What's with the angry Twilight? She must be a Yankees fan.

Last edited Oct 31, 2013 at 12:56AM EDT


I guess I am the only one here that doesn't see circlejerking as something that's inherently bad so long as it isn't taken too far

Taking it too far would certainly be hijacking an entire thread topic towards each other rather than the given topic and/or blocking out other potential posters and that has happened a couple times in this thread in the past. We want to reduce incidences of that

When that happens, people only need to point out that the thread is getting too distracted and well adjust it's focus. Last time it happened, we had DP express his concern over the thread getting too hugboxy. We listened and switched topic.

Circlejerking happens when posters become accustomed to each other and they become friends rather than just random people they meet online. Naturally friends want to know about friends. It just so happens that this thread, with all its versatility in pony topics, has become somewhat of a hub for that kind of interaction. That's just what happens when you have one thread cover everything for so long with all the same familiar faces. It shouldn't be too surprising that it happens here when considering the sheer size of the thread, the number of dedicated participants, and it's subject matter (or more accurately the lack of subject matter in his case). Hell, the very topic has "Friendship" in it.

It's obvious that we want the thread to stay on topic and we will enforce that if need be. But as long as it is kept in small doses that don't detract from possible topics, I'm not too worried. I trust that once S4 gets here and new discussion topics arrive, this thread will stay focused on those

Last edited Oct 31, 2013 at 02:19AM EDT

Blue Screen (of Death) wrote:


I guess I am the only one here that doesn't see circlejerking as something that's inherently bad so long as it isn't taken too far

Taking it too far would certainly be hijacking an entire thread topic towards each other rather than the given topic and/or blocking out other potential posters and that has happened a couple times in this thread in the past. We want to reduce incidences of that

When that happens, people only need to point out that the thread is getting too distracted and well adjust it's focus. Last time it happened, we had DP express his concern over the thread getting too hugboxy. We listened and switched topic.

Circlejerking happens when posters become accustomed to each other and they become friends rather than just random people they meet online. Naturally friends want to know about friends. It just so happens that this thread, with all its versatility in pony topics, has become somewhat of a hub for that kind of interaction. That's just what happens when you have one thread cover everything for so long with all the same familiar faces. It shouldn't be too surprising that it happens here when considering the sheer size of the thread, the number of dedicated participants, and it's subject matter (or more accurately the lack of subject matter in his case). Hell, the very topic has "Friendship" in it.

It's obvious that we want the thread to stay on topic and we will enforce that if need be. But as long as it is kept in small doses that don't detract from possible topics, I'm not too worried. I trust that once S4 gets here and new discussion topics arrive, this thread will stay focused on those

Indeed, it's surprising how much material has come out simply from our mutual familiarity, and how easily we have been able to weave pony in and out of our conversations.

Those hundreds of thread pages seem to me to have radiated from the air.

I guess you could say our friendship is . . . . magic?

Rarity is manliest pony!

Okay actual spoiler:
<div class=spoiler title="Official Episode 1 & 2 synopses!">

EQD Link

The only new bit is that part about the 'Tree of Harmony' which must obviously be what was seen in that teaser from a few days ago.

Only time will tell how it factors in and what its place in the world of pony truly is…
Original source of the elements, maybe?

Last edited Oct 31, 2013 at 04:50AM EDT

Oh boy, is that a shitstorm I see on the horizon?

@Premiere Synopses
Well, that was incredibly uninformative, except…

>Air date: November 23

Looks like we're getting both parts of the two-parter on the same day!

Title: Castle-Mania
Air date: November 30, 2013
Synopsis: While in Luna and Celestia's old castle, the ponies are convinced it is haunted by the Pony of Shadows.

Last edited Oct 31, 2013 at 05:38AM EDT

@chowzburgerz Try cardinals. lol. Go Sports!

@DeadParrot I could watch this stuff all day. I've seen it at least a dozen times by now. lol.

@Season 3 spoilers that I just went back and read:

Last edited Oct 31, 2013 at 05:40AM EDT

I just have something to ask involving spoilers, I was just on EQD and there was a post saying "Holy shit guys, you just ruined the episode for me!" which just raises the question… much spoiler is too much spoiler? I ask this because I read the synopsis's's's all the time (Synopsis: 1-2 sentence set up for the episode) and I don't see those as spoilers, but other people out there will be Capslock raging at you for saying "In this episode the kingdom falls prey to a mysterious flu" (<Not the real plot line for Season 4 people, don't worry) when in reality it's just a plain old setup when a spoiler would be giving away the ENTIRE episode in a paragraph summary. Hell, I remember a few years back seeing someone flip out when someone commented on a Youtube video for Return of Harmony saying "I can't wait till next week when Luna comes back!"

Also, Luna kills Celestia.

Supreme the Lurking Monitor wrote:


Elements of Harmony are Silmarils, callin' it.

You know, that's exactly what I thought when I saw that picture.

@nightmare night being upon us

And suddenly, everything was 2spooky.

@state of pony general

can't say I like everything I see here, but there's a lot of reasons I've been checking these threads almost every day for 2 years now. Mainly I enjoy how people roll with whatever comes up and it's fun to be a part of that from time to time. I do loose interest when things become more about OCs, T.V tropes and cringe though. But I wouldn't want to see people feeling the need to avoid those things if they like them solely on my part when I can just go browse somewhere else for awhile. Gotta be honest though.

@xTSGx about fanfics

I read a nice feel – fic once but I have trouble staying interested in anything long.


I personally only define spoilers as anything that divulges a major plot point. A synopsis can't tell you everything about an episode and reading them pretty much satisfies my curiosity until new episode day.

@favorite artists

As I've already mentioned KPshadowsquirrel recently I'll post semehammer this time.

@Halloween / Nightmare Night
This isn't that big around where I live, so I wish all of you who will be doing something today a lot of fun.
Happy Halloween to all of you

I like fanfics, first one I've read was My Little Dashie. It didn't have an as big effect on my, though it made me feel a bit. Currently, I'm still reading Fallout Equestria, which I think is a great story.

Iamslow wrote:

That is really cute :o

Last edited Oct 31, 2013 at 11:48AM EDT

I gotta say, my Halloween has been pretty boring. Nothing really special happening at all. :/
Then again I haven't done anything special myself. Closest I've gotten was kinda writing a costume – related story but it isn't Halloween related (Though it IS Pony related to a degree).
I must say that I really agree with the whole thing about a synopsis not being a spoiler, I don't see how something as basic as these can spoil it to a meaningful degree. Yes, it's some information and you ARE going in with some of the surprise gone but it's so little that it's not worth mentioning.

CrashGordon94 wrote:

I gotta say, my Halloween has been pretty boring. Nothing really special happening at all. :/
Then again I haven't done anything special myself. Closest I've gotten was kinda writing a costume – related story but it isn't Halloween related (Though it IS Pony related to a degree).
I must say that I really agree with the whole thing about a synopsis not being a spoiler, I don't see how something as basic as these can spoil it to a meaningful degree. Yes, it's some information and you ARE going in with some of the surprise gone but it's so little that it's not worth mentioning.

It's true; I don't expect there to be intricate plots outside of Twilight's to spoil, but I haven't gone into an episode completely blind in a very long time. I'd like to be able to do that without banishing myself from the thread.

If I thought it were just me, then I'd just tell myself to deal with it so as not to force everyone to use spoilers for my sake. But I think we'd run off lurkers and a few posters.

We're not having a vote.

(Feel free to chime in tough.)

I'll give two cents on the circleworking later.

Last edited Oct 31, 2013 at 03:24PM EDT

Verbose said:

…but I haven’t gone into an episode completely blind in a very long time.

>tfw you were able to watch the Discord episodes completely blind and were blindsided by Star Trek

I really wish Hasbro would have an episode where they reveal nothing. No synopsis. No plot. No previews. And then we all sit wondering what the episode could possibly be about. The hype, fear, and anxiety would be unbelievably sweet.

We’re not having a vote.

C'mon. Don't you miss it? The Google polls? The pie charts? The voter fraud? The Deathly Hasbro?

I agree that a synopsis is fine, but I think what xTSGx said would be a fun idea. Sort of a "secret episode," if you will. Maybe it could be like what The Sponge Who Could Fly was for SpongeBob or what The Juice Is Loose was for Family Guy: a "lost episode" that was apparently only found recently.

@Nightmare Night: Ah, yes, the one night a year where cosplaying is normal and we all gain about three pounds.



I wonder if he'll be assisting our little ponies, or acting as an antagonist. If it is a Twilight-in-a-flashback style episode, it could just be to show Luna and Celestia's overthrowing of him.

Oh my gosh so many spoilers.

“Princess Twilight – Part One” --Princess Twilight is busy adjusting to her new
wings and new role in Equestria when Celestia and Luna go missing.
Meanwhile, her friends are all having unusual troubles of their own and it will take
all of them working together to help find the missing royals.”


“Princess Twilight – Part Two” --The ponies need to put the rest of the puzzle
pieces together to find Celestia and Luna before it’s too late. Their journey
becomes even more dangerous when they must travel deep into the heart of the
expanding Everfree Forest and learn stunning news about the Elements of


I hope you all have a happy (and safe) Halloween. Be careful, children can be bloodthirsty.

For you people outside the US, have a happy (and safe) Thursday. Be careful, children can be bloodthirsty.

Last edited Oct 31, 2013 at 05:22PM EDT

dirudiru wrote:

@Halloween / Nightmare Night
This isn't that big around where I live, so I wish all of you who will be doing something today a lot of fun.
Happy Halloween to all of you

I like fanfics, first one I've read was My Little Dashie. It didn't have an as big effect on my, though it made me feel a bit. Currently, I'm still reading Fallout Equestria, which I think is a great story.

Iamslow wrote:

That is really cute :o

Not so big? Mike, I'd be suprised if even half of the folks here knows it's today.

In other news: Spoopy times.

You know… Down here, this is like… The second time I got to taste anything close to Halloween Atmosphere, and though it's great, all the costumes I could possibly find in the immediate area… For want of a better word… Suck.

That said, I already look like I'm wearing a supper Hero Insignia just with my usual clothes, so what do I know?

On the other hand I continue to make updates with a bunch of OCs in semi appropriate costumes

Well… Since the next major holiday is X-mas/Xerneas-mas/Hearths-Warming Eve, I should probably have fun with finding an excuse to have some snow show up.

…Yes… I just called it Xerneas-Mas, But that's a discussion for Pokemon General.

And now for something Tangentially related… Luna Xerneas

(And Suddenly with the inclusion of Luna, this brings up back to Nightmare Night, this summing up this post and the fast few pages in one image.)

Last edited Oct 31, 2013 at 05:27PM EDT

@Lunar: You mean Christmas, right?
Don't get all strange about the name…

As for Halloween, this is about all I have left except for costumes and such:

Last edited Oct 31, 2013 at 06:08PM EDT

Happy Halloween! I did dress up as Doctor Whooves, though things got a little crazy and I seem to have lost my green tie.. still got my sonic screwdriver though which I thought would be the first thing I'd loose.. safe to say going to need to lye in tomorrow.. also probably shouldn't do anything flying for awhile..



I'm not a big fan of spoilers, but I don't mind reading synopsis, though I have been avoiding them recently, but I did see something from Season 4 on the web.. something I didn't want to see, which I would of rather been surprised about when watching the episode, but meh.. I suppose it's my fault for browsing the web before the first episode is released. I'm defiantly avoiding screenshots since they always give away too much. I suppose it depends on the person, my brother (who's also a brony) is the type of person who loves spoilers and wants to know every detail about something, though I'm more secluded.

I'd like to go into at least one episode without having anything spoiled, but living in the UK, by the time the episode is up, many people have already seen it and have posted every little detail about it on many sites without making it clear they're posting spoilers, it can be annoying when you're about to watch an episode and then you just happen to see "OMG! Can't believe Big Mac and Applejack turned out to secretly be Apple Blooms parents! :O" making me fall on my knees screaming "curse you internet!".

Last edited Oct 31, 2013 at 06:16PM EDT

Jimmy 3, People 0 wrote:

I agree that a synopsis is fine, but I think what xTSGx said would be a fun idea. Sort of a "secret episode," if you will. Maybe it could be like what The Sponge Who Could Fly was for SpongeBob or what The Juice Is Loose was for Family Guy: a "lost episode" that was apparently only found recently.

@Nightmare Night: Ah, yes, the one night a year where cosplaying is normal and we all gain about three pounds.

I like how all of the CMC went as Luna.

Perhaps they've been spending time with Pip.

CrashGordon94 wrote:

I gotta say, my Halloween has been pretty boring. Nothing really special happening at all. :/
Then again I haven't done anything special myself. Closest I've gotten was kinda writing a costume – related story but it isn't Halloween related (Though it IS Pony related to a degree).
I must say that I really agree with the whole thing about a synopsis not being a spoiler, I don't see how something as basic as these can spoil it to a meaningful degree. Yes, it's some information and you ARE going in with some of the surprise gone but it's so little that it's not worth mentioning.

Ha ha, that's cute. Try spending your Halloween in crippling pain in half a body cast AND your jaw wired shut so you can't even eat the candy then come complain to me you pleb. AND I just bought a fedora for nothing now, NOTHING.

Oh well, over in Illinois it's been raining all day and still is. There IS no trick or treating today. This makes me happy, if Kewln00b can't enjoy Halloween then NO ONE can. Gee, let's hope nothing makes me miss the Premiere of Season 4 of MLP.

@The Doctor. I know what you mean, I went to go see one of my friend's concert the night before The Last Roundup premiered. After the show we just crashed at his place so when I got home I went to go look up the episode on Youtube just to see Every. Single. Episode's. Description say the same thing, ahem OMG DERPY JUST SPOKE! THEY JUST CALLED HER DERPY OKDNKJFHSKDHFJHBSJDFB. So yeah……I got that ruined for me……

Last edited Oct 31, 2013 at 07:36PM EDT


I lol'd.


They forgot the wings! How dare they!


AND I just bought a fedora for nothing now, NOTHING.

OCorrection:_ You just bought a fedora for awesome. Go forth and dawn your awesomeness.
(once you can that is.)

I'm pretty sure that video needs to be the header of the next 79 pages.

Does anyone know the source of that image. It gets me every time. (I don't want to go outside now.)
Edit: So I just found out that the e-mail I was using for this site (KYM) was For those of you who don't know, it's a mail server that some AWESOME guy runs, but unfortunately he had to take it down a few months back. I don't if it was true, but he says it was being DDoS attacked at a higher bandwidth than he could afford so he took it down. This led me to extreme sads after hearing this news because I used this as a e-mail client for 2 years and was my favorite e-mail handle. Is the fandom really so deplorable that some jack*#% has to DDoS and censor the internet??? I mean WTF!

Last edited Oct 31, 2013 at 11:07PM EDT

I might be a little late on this, but Happy Halloween / Nightmare Night!

That fedora is your hat of shame. Now you must wear it everyday for the rest of your life.

They forgot the wings! How dare they!

If we're going down that route, she's also a male human from the neck down.

OCorrection:_ You just bought a fedora for awesome. Go forth and dawn your awesomeness.
(once you can that is.)

The Internet has a heavy duty irrational hatred of them right now. One can only hope it eventually dies.

Ugh, back from a debate on TVT. Got anything new on the happenings?

What was the debate about?

(No, I don't care that it's after midnight and technically November. I didn't have time earlier.)

First up, more DinkySharkFighter32!

Interesting fact: Petirep apparently had to put in quite a bit of work to modify Sony Vegas (his preferred video creation software) to intentionally look as crappy as Windows Movie Maker.
That's some dedication.
(Nice little jab at FiW, too!)

Next, something really cool:

So yeah, an actual game (or technically 'demo' at the moment)!
I haven't gotten a chance to play it yet, but it looks awesome!

And finally:
<div class=spoiler title="The Most Horrifying Thing Ever!">

Last edited Nov 01, 2013 at 05:38AM EDT

markhaox14 said:

It’s a reference to a scene in Higurashi No Naku Koro Ni…

Sounds like a cheerful and happy anime.

CrashGordon94 said:

Ugh, back from a debate on TVT. Got anything new on the happenings?

What was the debate about?

If the TV Tropes Pony Forum is still like how it was when I was stalking observing it, then there's a:

40% chance it was a power level debate
30% chance it was a Fallout: Equestria debate
20% chance it was a debate over how to clean up the "Nightmare Fuel/Wallbanger" pages
5% chance it was a debate on how likely the mods will delete everything
5% chance it was actually show related

Last edited Nov 01, 2013 at 06:19AM EDT

Good news and bad news. Good news I found something more extreme then cutting off my hand. Bad news is that it turns out pumpkins aren't very good replacement heads. Let's just hope I find it again before the end of the week…

@Jircle Cerking
Ahh, yes. I'm pretty guilty of that myself. The main reason is just that you all feel more like a set of characters than actual people living in the real world to me, so you're a lot of fun to play off of. I can understand why others would be bothered by the lack of pone, though. Once season four rolls around I imagine things will get back on the right track.

@Vanly Mideo
Is it odd that I still find a lot of the things they do super cute? Like the little dances with minimal movement, Rarity's tiny little mouth, Pinkie rolling around in the cake… I never knew you could be so cute and yet so manly at the same time. Cute and cool, yes, but manly? Never crossed my mind.

@Miths Fusic
Why do I keep switich the first letters around?
Anyway, I'm surprised more people aren't commenting on this. It's a great little halloweeny headbobber. One of the best I've heard from you, Fifths. Anyone who saw me listening to it probably noticed me doing this:

@Nightmare Night
Oh, look, I can't switch this one around.
Anyway, I had a lot of fun this halloween. I walked around giving away candy while dressed as Slenderman and remaining completely quiet throught the whole night. He's a bit of a tired concept but it was still a lot of fun to actually do something at halloween for once. I even got some good scares even though I was just a guy in a suit with a knee bandage around my head.
Oh. and to keep it on the subject of ponies, what do you guys think the MLP characters would dress up as if there was a second episode set during Nightmare Night?


If the TV Tropes Pony Forum is still like how it was when I was stalking observing it

Woah woah woah. If you want to do any stalking around here, you best be askin' me first.

Last edited Nov 01, 2013 at 08:17AM EDT

The debate was actually about how one of the users hated the brony fandom even though they're a fan of FiM, then I explain that all fandoms have shit in them but it's best that they be ignored. Then another user had a similar answer but was more angry about it. I though why do we ignore them if they'll just fester, but that went unanswered and then we found out both of the previous users have had a stressful time so they thought it little rest would fix that.

One of the more uncommon debates.

^Oh, I see, thank you!

I must admit fandom-judging bothers me too, ultimately most of it basically just comes down to dismissing an interest or the people who share that interest because of how SOME behave.

Ehh, I don't see anything in the fandom that makes me downright HATE it (Like what's been said before, MLP isn't the only fandom out there with porn. Shit there's a lot of shows out there where the main characters are kids and people make porn out of that….and some of them don't have the common courtesy to "age" them and make them 18+ for the sake of the porn.) but I can definitely see where a brony may get angry at the fandom at times.

1. For one, we DID start on 4chan. There's a lot of people on the internet who think they're above 4chan and hate said website in every way possible. Of course there are bronies out there who'll act holier than thou over 4chan.
2. The guy who married Twilight Sparkle.
3. We tend to overreact to 'little' things (whether you like Twilicorn or not you have to admit, that was a HUGE shitstorm for a cartoon.)
4. When there's a cringe thread it's really easy to find material. But we're not going to do that in fear of speeding trucks.
5. The guy who married Twilight Sparkle.
6. We went from 'The Untrollable Fandom' to the guys who flip their shit when someone says "Bronies r fags"
7. The guy who married Twilight Sparkle.

Did you guys hear about the guy who married Twilight Sparkle? Kind of a small time story you probably haven't heard of it, but all I know is it rustles my jimmies badly.


Thank you, Stunthead, for being THE ONLY PERSON TO GIVE A FUCK about that thing I'd been working on for weeks and pulled an all nighter just so I could have it done in time for Halloween.

Because apparently me spending hours laboring to put something together is only half as interesting as Verbose taking five seconds to post a gif…

Whatever KYM, I didn't really want your approval anyway.


@Manly pones

I thought this was glorious. I actually had tears in my eyes watching this I was laughing so hard. Gotta say, Rarity definitely stole the show on this one. I mean shit, look at that walk cycle with the hand under the chin: That, ladies and gentlemen, is what you call being a pimp. And the tea scene, oh my God.

Last edited Nov 01, 2013 at 10:04AM EDT

@Fandom judging
I'll be honest, there are moments I hate the fandom and wish I wasn't part of it. However, when I check the gallery and the forum on KYM, I dismiss that hate. What I find revolting would be the porn of MLP, some of the videos that are kinda creepy, (Don't remind me about Smile HD) cringeworthy videos of Bronies intimidating themselves publicly, shitty drawings that appear on Deviantart and leave you with a "WTF is that?" on your face, and ultimately the fact that you can't Google search a character without having to cover up your screen to avoid awkward situations.

Anyways, that's why I tend to stick to sites like this to get my dose of internet and thus, end my rant.

PS. I know porn is inevitable, I just wish it where a bit more discreet and slightly harder to access.

Fifths wrote:


Thank you, Stunthead, for being THE ONLY PERSON TO GIVE A FUCK about that thing I'd been working on for weeks and pulled an all nighter just so I could have it done in time for Halloween.

Because apparently me spending hours laboring to put something together is only half as interesting as Verbose taking five seconds to post a gif…

Whatever KYM, I didn't really want your approval anyway.


@Manly pones

I thought this was glorious. I actually had tears in my eyes watching this I was laughing so hard. Gotta say, Rarity definitely stole the show on this one. I mean shit, look at that walk cycle with the hand under the chin: That, ladies and gentlemen, is what you call being a pimp. And the tea scene, oh my God.

Is that approval enough for you? XD

@The Fandom
Yeah, there are parts of the fandom I don't go near, but they don't make me ashamed to be a brony or anything. Every fandom has weird sides, and this one is no different. Sure, the "bads" often get more attention that the "goods," but there is still a lot of good out there! If people ever become too obsessive about anything, it leads to situations like that, but there always will be people like that. It's just the way it goes. Can someone like the show but hate the fandom? Yes, I can understand how that happens. The fandom and the show can be quite mutually exclusive at times, with one having nothing to do with the other. But again, I think this happens to most fandoms. Live and let live, that's my approach to it. Just because I'm a fan of the show first and foremost doesn't mean others must be as well.

Huh, I guess I actually had something to say on that subject. Usually I don't write that much!

@Friendship is MANLY!!!
Those… those images…

Just saw them for the first time a little while ago. All my wat. But in a good way!


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