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KYM Pony General VII: Live Free or Twi Hard

Last posted Jul 06, 2014 at 04:08PM EDT. Added Apr 19, 2013 at 12:22AM EDT
9943 posts from 165 users

@The Sad Krama Bombing of page 97

"A crusade of fairness and justice, no matter how noble or logically reasoned, is surely doomed to failure when its leader is so overcome with pettiness, that he repels all who might have joined his cause, all who might have lent their ear. For how can he, who does not discriminate in his own punishings, possibly make worthy his claim of unfair treatment?"

-Leonard Nimoy, inside Supreme's head

Whoa, page get…this is eh, probably wasted on me…ooh, Rule 85 go!

Last edited Sep 14, 2013 at 01:18AM EDT

Jimmy 3, People 0 wrote:

Disregard the last post I made. The RP will go as normal tomorrow, and I'll probably contribute a bit on my phone. However, I will keep Sundays at 4 for bonus RP action. Now I go to bed.

Thank you for understanding the situation


Either way, me and Stunt will need to be up a 8:00am to make that time. So I warn that I may be late. If I don’t appear, I’m still in bed

Same here. If I'm late, assume I'm still asleep under someone's bed or something.

Unrelated picture that I thought was cute.

Derpy Vaz wrote:

Since I don't know who keeps downvoting me at least like I said before, I am fair.

Page 10 posted by fifths with no spoiler Luna's bulbis plot in panties is considered NSFW according to this thread.

Well I didn't, nor did I post anything about or relative to you yet you downvoted me for no reason, which just kinda sucks since I was aiming for a perfect 100% karma since others have said they'd tried to do it but failed, and now I've also failed by being downvoted for an argument that I wasn't even in.. lolwut?


Ah well easy come, easy go.

Hey, I picked Twilight! At least, disregarding when I mentioned Fluffle and Wheely.

The very same! The one and only Wheely Bopper!

@Rule 85: Don't have anything to contribute to this now since I'm actually kinda busy, will come back to it later, until then have my favorite OCs combined.

Grey wheeled Pegasi driving on rainbows…

Lastly, when I had my friends over the day before yesterday they kept joking about me being into MLP. Not sure if they're onto me, or just kidding…

@Rule 85

If you've never played Baldur's Gate II, this one requires a little explanation. This is a ponification of Aerie, an Elf character you can take along in your party. However, she is not just any Elf. She is an Avariel, a winged Elf. Her wings aren't shown because she doesn't have any in the game. Her back story is that she was captured by slavers and sold to a circus where she was kept in a cage to the point her wings atrophied and had to be amputated. So with this ponified picture, this is essentially a wingless Pegasus.

mfw I came to this realization:

This has led me to a shocking discovery: We're KYM, and yet the 'Rules of the Internet' page has no information on rule 85!

Who made rule 85 and when? Where has that rule spread and who spread it? Is this part of the main rules of the internet or a spinoff like Rules of the Bronynet?

We should be on top of that, people! I demand research and an update!

Last edited Sep 14, 2013 at 10:08AM EDT

Blue Screen (of Death) wrote:

This has led me to a shocking discovery: We're KYM, and yet the 'Rules of the Internet' page has no information on rule 85!

Who made rule 85 and when? Where has that rule spread and who spread it? Is this part of the main rules of the internet or a spinoff like Rules of the Bronynet?

We should be on top of that, people! I demand research and an update!

Th-the information is in the Ponify entry! It's listed as rule 85 in TvTropes' list of rules, and searching "rule 85" on DeviantArt will get you results, though salted amongst ordinary things with the number 85 in their title. The rule's true number is either up for some debate or people just don't give numbering it much thought, but the only other numbers that appear to be in the running are as an r34 sub-rule and rule 42; I prefer 85 because it lets 34 remain distinct as the "porn rule", and because 42 is better reserved for an inevitable Hitchhiker's Guide reference. It makes sense for ponification to follow the prior convention of each "no exception" rule being their own distinct rule as well, so…

Blue Screen (of Death) wrote:

Wait…whats Rule 85 again?

Is it: Everybody ships Lyra/Bonbon?

Or: Rule 84 is true?

Everyone ships Lyra/Bonbon? Okay

They are so cute

Oh look, even Derpy ships Lyra/Bonbon.

Wait, wat?

Also, not that anyone cares, today is my two year anniversary on this site! Yay! But I haven't really done anything for the first five months so I don't know if that counts…..

For all effects, I think "Rule 85" is only existent in the Brony-sphere, therefore, nobody out of that understands or cares, so only bronies use it.
And why does it have to be a rule? Can't we just call it crossover and get happy with it? There are a lot of awful X the hedgehog pictures out there and there is nothing like "Rule 89: All names have a terrible Hedgehog variant."

And on the topic of crossovers, anyone else thinks that, among ALL the crossovers out there, Fallout Equestria seens so unfitting? Anyone else

Ponify? Something I don't think needs to happen to every little thing but I giggle like a mad little schoolgirl when I find a good ponification.

Not the best one, as I need to find a better Pony Gat but Derpibooru isn't loading so I had to use……..Deviantart.

Jimmy Lethal wrote:

I’m sorry, I had to.

You call that a karma bombing? [oldfag mode initiated]

Back in my day, the pony threads were karma bombed so hard and so often that you could have confused them for Dresden (too soon?). For quite a while there were even coordinated attacks, where several pages would all suffer up to -5 or -6 karma per post. Of course we always fought back, often to the point where every post on a page would end up with at least +3. I'm pretty sure that the majority of my negative karma came from those raids.

CrashGordon94 wrote:

Hey, I picked Twilight! At least, disregarding when I mentioned Fluffle and Wheely.

Oh, err… sorry, I must have missed that. I was probably just too busy reveling in Her Twilightiness to notice. My bad.

@Rule 85

This gives me an excuse to post the best crossover.

Edit: Turns out that this was mentioned as I was typing out this post.

Bruno wrote:

And on the topic of crossovers, anyone else thinks that, among ALL the crossovers out there, Fallout Equestria seens so unfitting? Anyone else

I'm a pretty big fan of the original fic, to the point where I'm almost at the end of my second reading. Considering it's over 620,000 words long, that means I've invested quite a lot of time into it.

Despite that, I agree that it is pretty unfitting. That's kinda supposed to be the entire point of it though. Throughout the fic, the protagonist, Littlepip, is able to look into the memories of some of the ponies which were alive before the apocalypse (including the mane 6) through things called 'memory orbs'. These memories slowly build the story of what led to everything going so wrong, and the stark contrast to the cheerful innocence that you see in the show is fully recognised and explained. Everything that happened up to the end of season 1 in the show also happened in Fallout Equestria, but there's a divergence at some point after that. (The reason for seasons 2 and 3 never being referenced is simply that it's an old fic)

It's definitely not for everyone, and I can easily understand why some people would be opposed to such a crossover. If you read into it though, you'll find it's probably one of the most skillfully made crossovers to date (by which I mean it's a natural blend of two completely distinct universes, as opposed to most crossovers which just go along the lines of 'Character X is now in Equestria – hilarity ensues'). As a universe, it rivals both of its source materials in depth, especially if you also start looking into some of the more popular side-stories. I think Project Horizons has almost doubled the size of the original fic, and it's still going.

Last edited Sep 14, 2013 at 01:28PM EDT

Jimmy 3, People 0 wrote:

I'm sorry, I had to.

The fact that you actually made such an image means you most likely deserved it.

Not to forget what Algernon said. The fact that you actually made this over 1 (!!!) downvote shows some real inexperience. This "bomb" is a dud firecracker compared to the bombs we had back then.

BSoD wrote:

This has led me to a shocking discovery: We’re KYM, and yet the ‘Rules of the Internet’ page has no information on rule 85!
Who made rule 85 and when? Where has that rule spread and who spread it? Is this part of the main rules of the internet or a spinoff like Rules of the Bronynet?
We should be on top of that, people! I demand research and an update!

I added a header for that to the Ponify Entry already back when I made that entry, which was already more than a year ago.

Last edited Sep 14, 2013 at 01:22PM EDT

Actually, Pages 1-6 were also karmabombed. I noticed my neg total increase by about 6 or 7 while that whole shit fest was going on last night, got curious and did some looking around.

Karma isn't a huge deal to me, but being that I don't get many downvotes I notice when my neg total changes after remaining static for about a month. I could care less if anything is done about it, but I do think it should be pointed out.

Last edited Sep 14, 2013 at 01:37PM EDT

Hey just coming in to say that I will be gone for the next three days, coming back late on the 17th.
I might sign on once or twice but I doubt it. If I don't see you guys until then, bye and have fun!

20% Cooler than Ice Rinsankajugin wrote:

Anyone here feeling stone free for Season 4, which is in TWO MONTHS!

I don't need to worry about the wait, I'll have GTA 5 in a few days and all time will move much faster.

And on a continuing note from Crash, I shall be gone from 17th and onwards, since GTA V is coming out, and it has rightfully claimed ownership of any spare time that I have..

Last edited Sep 14, 2013 at 07:36PM EDT

Pony General, once again I have come knocking
To provide you all with this week's pony chalking

If it is not obvious, we went and drew Zecora
We even included some appropriate blue flora
(unfortunately, nobody had donned a fedora):

If you ever wish to view images of chalkings past,
Then go to this imgur album, of pictures we have amassed

My negative karma has quadrupled, but I am not mad
I have stolen no stimpaks, and am not scantily clad.

Blue Screen (of Death) wrote:

This has led me to a shocking discovery: We're KYM, and yet the 'Rules of the Internet' page has no information on rule 85!

Who made rule 85 and when? Where has that rule spread and who spread it? Is this part of the main rules of the internet or a spinoff like Rules of the Bronynet?

We should be on top of that, people! I demand research and an update!

To be honest there are several different versions of the rules including a pony version and they are uploaded to the entry. The original rules never got that high. There were only 47 original rules.
This is the most complete list I've ever seen. The rule Supreme The Lurking Monitor is referring to is actually rule 35.2. If no pony is found of it, it will be made. He made a mistake but we all knew what rule he was referring to.

@last page
Algernon said:

Back in my day, the pony threads were karma bombed so hard and so often that you could have confused them for Dresden (too soon?). For quite a while there were even coordinated attacks, where several pages would all suffer up to -5 or -6 karma per post. Of course we always fought back, often to the point where every post on a page would end up with at least +3. I’m pretty sure that the majority of my negative karma came from those raids.

Yep I do remember that. The last page was the most neg Krama I've ever had to give out. I've only done it in Krama threads (cuz that's a kym rule) and to trolls that have really deserved it. I come here to have fun, post pics with you guise and discuss memes. I am not trolling you guise. When one of our own uses downvotes as a disagree button it doesn't bother me as in "OMG my krama hurr durr", it's more of a "SRSLY GUISE?". When we get krama bombed from haters all the time why would you guise use it as a "I don't like it" button? I just don't understand that way of thinking at all. Please, If you have a problem say it don't be a pussy and just hit a button.


I added a header for that to the Ponify Entry already back when I made that entry, which was already more than a year ago.

I didn't think to look in the Ponify entry. The subject was "A rule of the internet" so I looked in the place where I expected to find information on it: "The Rules of the internet"

But it wasn't there. The Rules entry has two images that suggest two different things for Rule 85. I posted those above. There was not a single hint that Rule 85 had anything to do with ponification so I got confused.

This is kinda backwards to me IMO. You would only find the info on Rule 85 in the Ponify entry if you knew it was ponification to begin with.

Now to KYM's credit, doing a search on 'rule 85' brings up the ponify entry. Perhaps if that entry was also labeled 'Rule 85' it would have been more clear


Shit, I overslept. Knew this would happen. Now what?

Last edited Sep 14, 2013 at 11:01PM EDT

@Fimfiction shitstorm
Why must the mods continue to stifle creativity and entertainment by banning an entire subgenre of fanfics because they're too lazy to actually moderate the site? I swear, that "must be related to FiM" rule is going to become so twisted by them that by the end, we're not even going to remember what "related" is supposed to mean. If I didn't know any better, I'd say Wanderer D's anti-human bias is casting a far greater influence than it should. And why must the mods refuse to involve the userbase in anything? 95% of these shitstorms could be avoided if they'd just suck up their pride and take the users seriously instead of treating us like sheep.

Ah, I forgot how much fun and rustled jimmy inducing Fimfiction shitstorms could be.

@Best pony
Regardless as to your meaningless fan favorite polls or questionnaires, canon has already stated who best pony is.

Twilight has been confirmed for best pony and nothing anyone says or does will change that.

@Derpy Vazquez
From one shitstorm to another.

@Oldfag mode
takes out teeth

Back in my day we had to rate fanfics using a five-star system. None of this confangled upvote/downvote bullhonkety. It's creating wusses, I tell yah. Nobody can have an option anymore and must pick between one or the other.

Cereal Velocity wrote fanfics. And good ones too. None of that Fallout: x crap that's spoiled the readers with its mindless filth. Spoiled! Spoiled I tells yah.

@Fallout: Equestria
My Suspension of Disbelief has never been able to get over the fact that a 1000+ year old ruler who's had centuries to master the art of diplomacy and negotiation and has probably seen every type of government the griffins and zebra can throw isn't able to stop a global thermonuclear war while a forty something year old who botched an invasion the year previous somehow can.

Okay, at the risk of drudging up… whatever the hell that was…
Seriously, what the hell was that?
At the suggestion of Iamslow's post, I refreshed my profile page and saw my negative karma jump from 45 to 62 in a 24 hour period in which I didn't even post.
Also of note: I have never once left a negative karma or downvote, ever.

You talk about how downvoting is a cheap and cowardly way of disagreeing with someone while dodging any responsibility to explain and I would actually agree with that to a certain extent.
I would much rather there be no voting system and all approval or disapproval came from posted responses.
What I don't agree with is this idea that because someone did something to you that you didn't like, you suddenly have the right to lash out at everyone around you, whether that had anything to do with what you are complaining about at all or not.
Please, without resorting to 'cowardly downvoting,' explain precisely why I deserved 17 downvotes since last night.
What exactly did I do?
Oh, that's right: nothing.

You claim to not know why you were downvoted.
Your original post contained literally two sentences and a picture.
Not much to really figure out there.
People didn't like the picture.
That's about it.
Also of note: Your original post has fewer downvotes than your second one in which you began indiscriminately accusing anonymous people of wronging you.
That's what people have the real problem with.
Not hard to figure out.

You claim that we at least know why we are getting downvoted, and yes, that is true.
We were downvoted because you decided to 'make a statement' by acting like an ass to everyone without bothering to have a conversation to figure out why.
You know, the exact thing you spent the rest of the day complaining about.
As I said above, had you simply begun a discussion on the various reasons why downvoting is detrimental to conversation, I would have agreed with you.
After this little… 'display,' any hope for a rational discussion kind of jumped out the window in a pointless fit.

Derpy said:

"The last page was the most neg Krama I’ve ever had to give out."

Drop the 'had to' crap.
You 'chose' to do it, no one forced you and trying to displace the blame like that is just irritating.
Long story short:

On to better things:

@Fallout Equestria
I've talked recently about how I generally dislike violence in my ponies (and I still do), but I actually really liked FO:E.
I think the main reason was the way the violence was handled.
It was… regrettable.
Humans in video games and movies always seem more than happy to tear each other to pieces, and too often this is the same way people try to write for ponies.
But Equestria is not the human world and their society is too different from ours for raw violence to be a natural part of it, and FO:E took that to heart.
It really did feel like a real l blending of the two IPs rather than simply plopping characters from one universe into another like so many other crossovers do.
I liked that Littlepip's first interactions were very 'pony-like' by trying to befriend everyone she met.
Even after she adopted the idea that violence is necessary, she often went out of her way to avoid it if she could.
Violence was used as a device to test and explore characters and the world they inhabit, not as a senseless gore-fest.
(To be honest, the fact that it was text and not images did help quite a bit as well, but as a more minor factor.)

@Best Ponies
They always win…

And just for fun:


Twilight has been confirmed for best pony and nothing anyone says or does will change that.

Pfft, yeah, by Pinkie. She would confirm anyone for best pony in order to suit herself. I remember hearing she called Mr. Cake best pony so she could have an extra cupcake, then called the cupcake best pony as soon as she got it.
insert joke about that making Rainbow Dash best pony here


Shit, I overslept. Knew this would happen. Now what?

Never fear, Mr Bihsod, for there has been a change of plans. As of today, the decision was made to allow every user to create 1 or 2 sections to introduce their characters all by themselves. That means writing the narrative as well. So even if you missed today's roleplaying session, you can still do some writing in your own time. For more details, take a look at the big-ass post I made in the preporatory discussion section.

I also made a fancy new character test that everyone can use to figure out what they need to do to improve the character that they have been using. It's simple and very generalized, but it will hopefully give people a better grasp of what the best way to write is.

Man, mod work is tough.

Last edited Sep 15, 2013 at 12:21AM EDT
This post has been hidden due to low karma.
Click here to show this post.

DeadParrot22 said:

What exactly did I do?
Oh, that’s right: nothing.
You claim to not know why you were downvoted.

Sorry you where hit with friendly fire but since I don't know who it was the only fair thing to do is hit everyone. Now that everyone knows how it feels to get negged, maybe everyone will think twice before hitting that downvote button. So there is some method to my madness.
I never claimed I didn't know why. I knew why. I stated that the pic may be to "gorrie" in my first response. The same assholes downvoted me again and it wasn't because of the pic I posted. It was because of my response. By the time I made my third response, time to play, I had over 15 downvotes and a MOD edit of "don't push my luck" (Wat the crap is that supposed to mean?) all because I wanted to post zombie pone with an image some thought is too gorrie. The second pic I posted should have never gotten a nsfw tag but I can see why the first should but I was asking for a response from the one who downvoted the first and got downvoted again probably the same "BROnies"

And by the way the I got the Image from a girls DeviantArt page that says under the pic "I love Zombies and MLP so I made a Zombie Derpy". So the fags that downvoted me cuz it's too gorrie are bigger pussies than a girl? WTF?

As for

Drop the ‘had to’ crap.
You ‘chose’ to do it, no one forced you and trying to displace the blame like that is just irritating.

Yes had to. I don't come here and choose to argue, go on downvote sprees, and get everyone in the thread to hate me. I come here for the lulz. For a long time I would only post here because I had to many people hate me on the rest of the forum because of ponies, furry, everyone thinks I'm a troll, etc., etc.. There was also I time when I stopped coming here because Mod problems, bronies with superiority complexes, and pussies who couldn't even handle a lil plot let alone anything worse.
Look, I'm not one to hold grudges and I can let things go but some people just keep bringing things back up (like you just did). I will respond and not hit a button. I want to let this go and get back to posting ponies. I don't want this to drag on, I do want people to think before hitting a dumbfuck button, and I don't want to be shunned (or downvoted) by those that are supposed to be my BROs.

Again, I am sorry though.

Derpy Vazquez said:

Now that everyone knows how it feels to get negged, maybe everyone will think twice before hitting that downvote button.

>implying I give a shit about downvotes
>implying handing out karma's like Mutually Assured Destruction
>implying you're not really, really, really overreacting to a little button that controls an arbitrary and meaningless number on a pony forum

If people stopped giving a shit about stuff on the internet, 80% of all butthurt and shitstorms would evaporate.

Derpy Vaz wrote:

DeadParrot22 said:

What exactly did I do?
Oh, that’s right: nothing.
You claim to not know why you were downvoted.

Sorry you where hit with friendly fire but since I don't know who it was the only fair thing to do is hit everyone. Now that everyone knows how it feels to get negged, maybe everyone will think twice before hitting that downvote button. So there is some method to my madness.
I never claimed I didn't know why. I knew why. I stated that the pic may be to "gorrie" in my first response. The same assholes downvoted me again and it wasn't because of the pic I posted. It was because of my response. By the time I made my third response, time to play, I had over 15 downvotes and a MOD edit of "don't push my luck" (Wat the crap is that supposed to mean?) all because I wanted to post zombie pone with an image some thought is too gorrie. The second pic I posted should have never gotten a nsfw tag but I can see why the first should but I was asking for a response from the one who downvoted the first and got downvoted again probably the same "BROnies"

And by the way the I got the Image from a girls DeviantArt page that says under the pic "I love Zombies and MLP so I made a Zombie Derpy". So the fags that downvoted me cuz it's too gorrie are bigger pussies than a girl? WTF?

As for

Drop the ‘had to’ crap.
You ‘chose’ to do it, no one forced you and trying to displace the blame like that is just irritating.

Yes had to. I don't come here and choose to argue, go on downvote sprees, and get everyone in the thread to hate me. I come here for the lulz. For a long time I would only post here because I had to many people hate me on the rest of the forum because of ponies, furry, everyone thinks I'm a troll, etc., etc.. There was also I time when I stopped coming here because Mod problems, bronies with superiority complexes, and pussies who couldn't even handle a lil plot let alone anything worse.
Look, I'm not one to hold grudges and I can let things go but some people just keep bringing things back up (like you just did). I will respond and not hit a button. I want to let this go and get back to posting ponies. I don't want this to drag on, I do want people to think before hitting a dumbfuck button, and I don't want to be shunned (or downvoted) by those that are supposed to be my BROs.

Again, I am sorry though.

So you assume everyone's guilty because it's easier to do so then to find out who wronged you specifically? Do you work for the NSA or something? Majority of the people you downvoted weren't even talking about you, those are the people you assumed were downvoting you? I don't understand.. The downvoting only bothered people such as me and DeadParrot since there was literally no reason for us two to be attacked when we weren't even apart of the conversation. Never the less no one on here dislikes you or has anything against you, just your posts felt very extreme if I'm honest.

I Don't like that you wrote:

And by the way the I got the Image from a girls DeviantArt page that says under the pic “I love Zombies and MLP so I made a Zombie Derpy”. So the fags that downvoted me cuz it’s too gorrie are bigger pussies than a girl? WTF?

It could just be poorly phrased, but it came across as a sexist comment, as if your implying that all girls are by default "pussies" and therefore any man who doesn't like something violent that a girl likes automatically borrows the girl's original title of being "a pussy". I dislike the implications in that comment, not because of what your implying about people who aren't horror fans but due to the more serious implications of female stereotypes, considering you're a fan of a show like "My Little Pony: Friendships is Magic" I thought you'd be above applying stereotypes to genders. Girl's aren't by default "pussies", so saying "bigger pussies then a girl" as if that's meant to be shocking is very disappointing to read. I for one know 100's of girls who could kick my ass in a fight..


^ Also that image is my contribution to the rule 85 page.. if we're still doing that..


Okay, at the risk of drudging up… whatever the hell that was…
Seriously, what the hell was that?

Great, now you started all this up again. Thanksamillion

Guys, that's enough. Stop hampering on Vazquez. I thought we reached an agreement on the last page to let it go. He already apologized for it


If people stopped giving a shit about stuff on the internet, 80% of all butthurt and shitstorms would evaporate.

If people stopped giving a shit, Vazquez could have posted that zombie pony without 6 or 7 people freaking out over it then karma bombing him and then we wouldn't be having this discussion in the first place.

@Rule 85

I want to keep the topic on this. Have some more

Last edited Sep 15, 2013 at 06:40AM EDT


I'm with Blue Screen here. I didn't think the original pic was all that bad, but if some people found it distasteful enough to give it so many downvotes, then I guess that's cool. The later attempts at throwing karma around wasn't so cool.

But after Vazquez karma bombed, people voiced their concerns, and then he apologised (sorta). That probably should have been where the argument ended, and dragging it out over another page isn't going to help anything.

Anyway, karma's just a number on the internet, and it's not like anybody will think less of you for suddenly having 5% negative karma instead of 3%. If anything, it'll probably just make you seem more edgy, so it's really not worth getting so rustled over this.

xTSGx wrote:

My Suspension of Disbelief has never been able to get over the fact that a 1000+ year old ruler who’s had centuries to master the art of diplomacy and negotiation and has probably seen every type of government the griffins and zebra can throw isn’t able to stop a global thermonuclear war while a forty something year old who botched an invasion the year previous somehow can.

>Not balefire
lrn 2 FO:E

Of all the things to catch my suspension of disbelief in that fic, that wasn't one of them. Now that I think about it, it is kinda dumb how Celestia gives up on her entire nation the second shit starts to get ugly. Again, the fic does offer an explanation as to why Celestia stepped down, but it's not pretty. In typing out the following few paragraphs, it made me all too aware of how badly justified it was.

If I recall correctly, the war was started simply over resources and land, with the zebras trying to get access to Equestria's gems (which they needed in order to access their magic), and with Equestria trying to get access to the coal in the zebra lands. Things get heated after an armed zebra trade caravan accidentally travels too close to a newly built school, and when the school's guard mistakenly identifies them as military, a minor accident escalates into a shootout. And… somehow that results in everyone in the school being horribly massacred, and Celestia, feeling responsible after being dumb enough to suggest building it close to the zebra borders in the first place, is so devastated that she steps down from power and gives Luna full control over Equestria. I'll admit, that part didn't really make a lot of sense.

That leads to the zebras going a bit crazy. Apparently, nobody in Equestria took the time to learn anything about the religious views of the race they were at war with, and so nobody was aware that the zebras thought Nightmare Moon was evil incarnate. Oh, and also the zebras never got the memo that explained to them that Luna wasn't NMM anymore. It turned from a bunch of minor skirmishes over territory into a full-blown religious war for them, and they were prepared to risk mutually assured destruction if it meant they could take out a supposed evil goddess.

After taking control, Luna has the bright idea of dividing the government into six independent 'Ministries', and for some reason she thinks the Mane 6 are the most qualified ponies around to run them. Problem is, they really aren't, so the ministries go a bit nuts. They're either warped by internal power struggles or they lose sight of their original goals and become twisted versions of an initial vision, or they just make mistakes in a show of good intentions gone wrong. It doesn't take long for the real power to shift away from Luna and the Mane 6, and it instead ends up in the hands (hooves?) of greedy businessponies and corrupted politicians who are more concerned with their own safety and financial gain than the greater good of Equestria. The influence of the broken ministries turns Equestria into a propaganda-driven police state, and the war leads to a technological revolution which brings about everything from advanced computers to the 'megaspells' (essentially the FO:E equivalent of a nuclear bomb). So, in the face of an army of religious zealots stands a nation of technologically advanced warmongers which can barely hold itself together due to internal conflict. In the end, there was nothing that could be done to prevent everything going to hell.

So yeah, while it isn't the best explanation as for how something like a 'nuclear' war could come to somewhere as idyllic as Equestria, at least it's something. I doubt it's possible to do much better than that, considering the source material you have to work with.

My suspension of disbelief managed to survive all of that stuff, but what it couldn't handle was the aspects of the story which reflected Fallout's gameplay. For example, Littlepip manages to go on her adventures carrying a large pistol, a zebra-made assault rifle, a sniper rifle, a combat shotgun (for a while, anyway), enough ammunition to use all of them almost indefinitely, a bunch of medications, plenty of food and water, and a tonne of other random crap like pony figurines and memory orbs. It busted my suspension of disbelief in Fallout when I found I could carry around about 12 rocket launchers at once, and Fallout: Equestria makes the exact same mistake. I simply couldn't imagine where she'd be keeping everything. (It also doesn't help that I still can't imagine what a rifle would look like if it were designed for a pony. Descriptions in the story make them sound just like our own weapons, but if they were like that then surely nobody would be able to use them.)

There's also the way she improbably survives absolutely everything, including a ridiculous amount of bullet and shrapnel wounds, and by sheer luck alone she never takes a single hit to anywhere especially vulnerable. After taking your 43rd shot to the right foreleg, you'd have to start wondering why none of your would-be-assailants thought to aim about a foot higher to get you in the head. I suppose that's a problem inherent to all kinds of adventure stories though. Can't have your main character dying 4 chapters in like any real person probably would.

More R85? Sounds good.

Last edited Sep 15, 2013 at 09:33AM EDT
If people stopped giving a shit, Vazquez could have posted that zombie pony without 6 or 7 people freaking out over it then karma bombing him and then we wouldn’t be having this discussion in the first place.
NC (not cool) content: images, videos, forum posts and comments that should be removed from the site:
-pornography, photographed or illustrated (ex: pubes, sexual fluids, genitalia)
-violent, gore and shock images, censored or uncensored
-unwarranted obscenity (racist, sexist, or homophobic content) (ex: posting “blackface” image in MLP photo)

So you're saying it's not violent or not gory.

If you say, "Yes, it's not violent and gory," then I would disagree. But I accept that it's not my call.
If you say, "No, it's violent and gory," then there's really no conversation to be had. Just action.
If you say, "Yes it's violent and gory, but [insert statement that indicates action will not be taken here], then…well, simply…I'd disagree. I accept that it's not my call. But I also feel as if I can respectfully disagree.

And yes, I'm OK with bringing this up, because Daniel's just going to do it again, and this is going to get everyone all a-flutter all again.

Ask Daniel…heck, look at his forum history (what hasn't been deleted, that is.)

  • "Derpy, are you going to post something that will be borderline or outright against the rules?"

Then look at his post above. He already said he's not sorry about the image or the karma. I don't care about karma, but I am upset that he decided to take to users like DeadParrot and Stunthead (nothing to do with Scootaloo Ok, maybe a little,) see their posts, and downvote them indiscriminately after all they've contributed to Pony General. Just because a few users didn't want to say after downvoting him.
Daniel, you don't have an issue with those users.

You have an issue with James for creating that system.
If it makes you feel better, then just find all of my forum posts and make a point to downvote them in your free-time. Feel free to make a post here saying you did and how upset it made you. I do like my karma record: I'll admit that. But if it keeps you from doing this again (which you've said you'd do again in a similar situation,) then please do take to my karma and just go crazy with it.
But do you think Vazquez isn't going to do something like this again? Do you think he won't get downvoted again? Do you think that he won't respond "in kind" (i.e. "punishing" the "class" for the (actually justified) actions of a few?)

So why would the best action be to just pretend it didn't happen? Because within the next 3 months:

  • Derpy Vazquez will post something users don't like or will be flat out against the rules.
  • Users will respond negatively.
  • And Derpy will start calling people cowards and the like for not tolerating his images.

Ignoring it and forgetting it ever happened doesn't change anything. It just ignores something that you should see to (even if it isn't an easy issue to deal with. I couldn't do it in these circumstances myself, but I trust the mods who can. I do recognize that I'm not a moderator, so what I say shouldn't and doesn't hold any sway, but I hope that there is logic to it.)

If he hasn't learned, then that means a couple of things. He has a condition that makes it impossible for him to learn, or he simply doesn't care ultimately.

Yes had to

He doesn't care.
I'm surprised and (if I could be frank) disappointed that after all Vazquez has done that he hasn't just been banned. I've always considered him to be a user that does more bad things for the site and community than good after being here for so many years.

I do hold grudges, because it's silly to me to act as if something hasn't happened (and it's likely to happen again.) Why wouldn't I hold the grudge? Why wouldn't I remember who someone has repeatedly shown themselves to be?

I wouldn't miss him. If I may be more direct, then Daniel, I won't miss you. I don't miss some other users who have left, and I won't miss you. I won't miss your "Verbsy's", I won't miss your images, and I won't miss your more serious posts when you did post them. I'm not your bro.

I'm a jerk on the whole, even to people I know. It's not one of my better tendencies, and I've (in several cases with you,) held back on saying something like this. But that's because I'm a cynic. If I don't have a reason to believe someone is going to change, then my actions will follow that belief.

You won't cross my mind unless you're brought up. Personally, I just enjoy KYM and Pony General more when I don't see you.

Consider how many users I've dealt with and tolerated.

…Why would I say all of this, for the first time, about you? After I've been so patient with everyone from new users to older ones, why would I actually come out and say it against you?
I don't want other users to chime in on that sentiment, because I think you are all very nice and kind people. I'm not really sure if you all want to hear this from me. But I needed to get it off my chest.

And I'll come right out and say it for Daniel's sake: I accidentally hit the upvote button on your post. I didn't want to leave the impression that I thought your post was appropriate or that the implications of it were appreciated.
Obligatore (perhaps appropriate) Ponu:

Last edited Sep 15, 2013 at 10:40AM EDT

Derpyvaz wrote:

Sorry you where hit with friendly fire but since I don’t know who it was the only fair thing to do is hit everyone. Now that everyone knows how it feels to get negged, maybe everyone will think twice before hitting that downvote button. So there is some method to my madness.

What friendly fire? Do you think because you're a brony that I will call heresy on downvoting you? Wake up.

No, that truly makes sense. So because people had good reason to downvote you (you know, posting gore without proper tagging, which is actually against the site rules, and therefore a fucking good reason to downvote), you decided to just "do the fair" thing by downvoting for no other reason than venting your rage.

According to what you say, you hate downvotes for bad reasons, but your solution to this is countering downvotes with good reason by just going all-out asshole and downvoting even those who are completely innocent with no good reason. The irony is going into orbit.

By the time I made my third response, time to play, I had over 15 downvotes and a MOD edit of “don’t push my luck” (Wat the crap is that supposed to mean?)

It meant that the tone in your post implied you were in no way planning to change your posting behavior. You even stated that you would go all out during Halloween, intentionally planning to forget all spoilers.

That was what it was for, and I'll see if it's perhaps better to follow a "rather save than sorry" for Halloween. Because from what I see here you plan to post gore then, unspoilered, which is against site rules.

The second pic I posted should have never gotten a nsfw tag but I can see why the first should but I was asking for a response from the one who downvoted the first and got downvoted again probably the same “BROnies”

Your second post got more downvotes than the first, the reason should be obvious and was already explained by DP.

Yes had to. I don’t come here and choose to argue, go on downvote sprees, and get everyone in the thread to hate me. I come here for the lulz.

Oh the "lulz" we're having right now. You chose to, you didn't have to. Drop the ego, you're not the site's karma police.

Verbose wrote:

And yes, I’m OK with bringing this up, because Daniel’s just going to do it again, and this is going to get everyone all a-flutter all again.

Second. You can't set your clock to it yet, but it's a timebomb in the making.

I do hold grudges, because it’s silly to me to act as if something hasn’t happened (and it’s likely to happen again.) Why wouldn’t I hold the grudge? Why wouldn’t I remember who someone has repeatedly shown themselves to be?

Daniel is one of the sole reasons that makes me question how I haven't followed Verbose's path yet and stopped moderating here.

If there's one user on that site that wants to make certain you get called an asshole and feel like an asshole for doing your job, it's him. No user on this site will use "bullshit mods" more often than him. He is one of the core reasons you will question actions that are actually fucking written down in the site rules while he's using arguments that make no fucking sense.

Want moderating feel like a rewardless waste of life regardless of how much effort you put into it? Hang out with Vazquez. You don't even have to power abuse, just hang out with him while doing your job, it'll happen.

Wish I could say "I ain't even mad" or "Don't give a fuck" here, but when you have to deal with his shit on a regular basis, you get mad and done with his shit.


Last edited Sep 15, 2013 at 11:13AM EDT

@Karma Bomber
Seriously tell me du- Oh wait i should say "boy" because you cannot be older than 12 years old..
Seriously tell me boy.. Did you relax with karmabombing? Cannot stand some guys enjoying "MLP"? I feel incredibly sorry for you.. Nobody is mad believe me. Don't have better things to do than karma-bombing something you don't like? Maybe you don't have friends.. No hobby.. No life.. I feel incredibly sad for you, believe me.
Shhh no tears..

@Other users who gives a fuck about krama.


@Rule 85

How about ED-tan?

Last edited Sep 15, 2013 at 12:02PM EDT

Alright you guys, this arguing has gone on way too long and isn't getting anyone anything. I say we let the matter drop, declare a truce, and talk about the new pony plushies that have been popping up in various toy stores.

They look very not-terrible, eh?

Platus wrote:

Alright you guys, this arguing has gone on way too long and isn't getting anyone anything. I say we let the matter drop, declare a truce, and talk about the new pony plushies that have been popping up in various toy stores.

They look very not-terrible, eh?

Hey, those actually look kinda decent. Good on ya, Hasbro.

@Rule 85:


Vazquez isn't a boy. He's over 40. He didn't karma bomb the thread because he can't stand us enjoying MLP. He did it because he was karma raped himself over an issue on the last page.


And yes, I’m OK with bringing this up, because Daniel’s just going to do it again, and this is going to get everyone all a-flutter all again.

I'm not. It is NOT appropriate discussion for this thread, it is already causing everyone to get a-flutter and I've asked people to cool it several times now.

Look. I can tell this isn't really about gore or karma and is more about personal grievances. Any serious concerns about Vaz and his conduct belong in PM or a separate thread, Not here.


Thank you. Frankly I think it's stupid that this all began over a plain zombie that's about as explicit and gory as your supermarket deli.

Now about those Plushies. Looks like the manes are slightly more show accurate. Much improved over the last iteration. Though they could stand to look a little less like all the mane 6 got a haircut

Last edited Sep 15, 2013 at 01:08PM EDT

BSoD wrote:

I’m not. It is NOT appropriate discussion for this thread, it is already causing everyone to get a-flutter and I’ve asked people to cool it several times now.

Then you're basically going back to what Verbose said. You know it will be brought up in this thread again in the future.

Sure, you can say "stahp it Rahn" this time, and it might have effect, but do you think that saying it will have a permanent effect? Ignoring the issue now only brings us back to square one the next time it happens. And that next time will happen. I know that, and you know that as well.

Look. I can tell this isn’t really about gore or karma and is more about personal grievances.

No, this is about behavior in this thread.

I don't care if people post gore, I don't care if people post zombies, I don't even care if people post plot or anthro or a combination of those two. What I however do care about is that it follows the site rules in both what is or isn't allowed and what should be hidden below spoilers. Most of the posters here are perfectly capable of following those rules and maintaining that dignity, that there then is. One. Specific. User. Who fails to do so each time simply directs the discussion on this stuff in his direction.

Frankly I think it’s stupid that this all began over a plain zombie that’s about as explicit and gory as your supermarket deli. (Yes, I saw the small text)

Just because you or I aren't bothered by the specific content that was posted, doesn't mean others can't be disturbed by it either, nor does it mean we shouldn't act like we should as moderators. He failed to spoiler it, so we should act upon it, end of story.

That he then got negged for failing in properly spoilering content that can upset users (even when it doesn't upset you or I) is nothing less than normal. I shouldn't have to hold his hand each time he gets negged "Look little Vazquez, this is why you got negged, desu~", he should be able to see some logic and reason behind it himself as well. If he did, and just accepted the legit negs, we wouldn't have this discussion now.

Platus wrote:

Talk about the new pony plushies that have been popping up in various toy stores.

The mane is still kinda meh quality. It isn't that small bush of pubic hair it was in the past anymore, but it still lacks decent quality. Rainbow Dash just has the colors, and Pinkie Pie has a bit of curl in it (and I believe Twi has the same curl, which doesn't make sense), but after that they quickly return to the meh-tier manes from before.

Once they can deliver the fan-quality type manes, call me.

Last edited Sep 15, 2013 at 01:43PM EDT

Rainbow Dash gets a Mohawk? Umm, I'll wait for them to build a build a bear around here…..We have a shitty ripoff at the local mall…..that of course wouldn't be able to afford the rights to sell My Little Pony dolls here. Firstworldproblems. Granted, after spending 8 Dollars on a pack of three very small Pony figures I really question buying any Pony merch. I mean, it was a Rainbow Dash figure and I don't even know where it is now. Yeah that's right: The resident Dashfag can't find the Rainbow Dash figure he bought, that's how much I really care about Pony Merch.


Yay, it's over, now let's go back to the Pone.

See, look at the Pone, it makes you smile, smiles are good…..It's not working anymore is it? Well I'm out of here until shit gets back to normal in here……Well as normal as the KYM Poni Board goes……Just call me back when everyone tortures BSoD with Photoshop again.

@The Doctor.

If it exists there's a pony of it. No Exceptions.

Last edited Sep 15, 2013 at 01:57PM EDT

well, in terms of episodes that Rarity has been a central character in, it has tended towards work… the problem is that most of the possible plots have already been done, or are unrealistic for Rarity. I'm guessing it will have something to do with the CMC.

20% Cooler than Ice Rinsankajugin wrote:

Anyone wanna take guess on what the next Rarity episode might be about, because it seems everyone's been wanting one before it was confirmed.

It could go either 50% family or work related, maybe with a pinch of Spike added in.

Rarity fights Giant Enemy Crab. Episode ends with her learning that teamwork is the only real weapon against evil, that way you can have 6 different ponies attacking the weakpoint for massive damage. Definitely the only way to do a Rarity episode man. Come on Meghan, don't let us down!


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