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Are you a Piarte or a Ninja?

Last posted Nov 06, 2009 at 03:48PM EST. Added Aug 24, 2009 at 04:49PM EDT
88 posts from 21 users

This forum is just for fun!

It is time to answer one of life's most important questions of all time: Who would win in a fight between a pirate and a ninja?

Personally, I prefer the pirate, but I'll go into details on why later on when I come back from band practice and after this discussion has made people argue back and forth towards one another on who is better and stuff like that.

Have fun fighting, landlubbers! ARRRGH!!

Piarte party FTW !
Captain Blubber, I find your lack of faith, in the previous debate, disturbing.
How dare you dissapoint our Almighty Godly Flying Spaghetti Monster ?

Cool your jets Tomberry.

I use the term God and Flying Spaghetti Monster interchangeably. Because in a debate you gotta be quick and I hate using FSM the abbrieviation, it doesn't seem right, yo.

I happen to be a pirate-ninja-vampire-werewolf-zombie-robot-spartan with Mr. T's mohawk, Chuck Norris's face/facial hair and feet, Bruce Lee's arms and legs, Cliff Burton's Hands, Siddhartha Guatama's brain, and Don LaFontaine's voice.

Of course they're not people. People make mistakes. Robots don't. They shoot lasers and missles and transform and roll out… they don't have time for petty human error. If robots are out of the question, it'd have to be for kicking too much ass.

But here's the thing – robots are designed to serve humans. Usually menial labor that humans wouldn't bother to do. They are our slaves, and will stay that way for a long time. ('-' )

But robots accidentally kill people all the time. Let's say the pirate is turning in some really cheap swag to the local scrap-yard, and the automated baler malfunctions. As a metal band was about to wrap around the compressed block of pirate booty, the band snaps, slicing the pirates hand.
The pirate wraps it up in a bandana instead of seeing a doctor. The pirate develops tetanus and dies weeks later.

Robot just killed a pirate.

Wow… this discussion is great! It has evolved from talking about pirates to talking about parties, our great pirate god: FSM, making an ultimate fusion of epicness, and fence-sitters (especially robots)! I lolled through it all! Hands down, majority of the people who have discussed in this forum are pirates! That be greatness!

I am a 100% Pirate, number 1- because I can't turn invisible, and number 2- because I can't meditate for 7 seconds without breaking my focus.

Okay First there is a mommies ninja and a daddiez pirate they said lets have a baby so she agreed and they went all Fable 2 on each others asses like BAMBAMBAMABAMBAAAMMMABAM……SHAZAM! Then 9 months later a baby was born named Goku95x!!!

Pirates have better weaponry.

Anyways, I have no time to debate on this. I'm still going through a completely Japanese website for derivatives of the meme I'm researching and my online translator is crying now.

Note how I worded my statement out:

Ninjas don’t have a special god…

I'm talking about a singular superior god to rule all the other gods… … … Raptor Jesus. BUT, it is not him of which we speak of. If we wanted to speak of him, we'd go here:

No, we are speaking of Pirates and Ninjas! So FSM will have to do. Where is your god now?


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