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Vic Mignogna Sexual Allegations General

Last posted Jul 06, 2020 at 10:54PM EDT. Added Jul 24, 2019 at 01:46AM EDT
105 posts from 25 users

Since that the entry is still locked to this day, I'm making this forum thread here for now until the mods or admins decided to reopen the entry.
-Anything related to Vic Mignogna Allegations will be here.
-Provide source when necessary

Now to start things off by catching up:

BleedingFool: The Good, the Bad, & the Ugly: A Summary of the Vic Mignogna Brief
BoundingsIntoComics: Ron Toye Puts Forth Questionable, Broad Definitions of Assault and Harassment During Deposition For Dragon Ball Super: Broly Voice Actor Vic Mignogna’s Ongoing Lawsuit
r/KIA: Funimation files TCPA (anti-SLAPP) in Mignogna vs Funimation et. al. halting discovery 2 days before it's due
r/KIA: Nick Rekieta Subpoena'd by Rial and Toye, others ordered not to destroy documents
Twitter: IStandWithVic thread, got over 1K retweets and 3K likes

Last edited Jul 24, 2019 at 01:54AM EDT

There’s going to be a Death Battle between Aang (Last Airbender) and Edward Elric (Fullmetal Alchemist), the latter of which was voices by Vic. Vic also voiced for Rooster Teeth, Screwattack’s domain, but was fired after this controversy. /co/ and /a/ both agree that the match is out of spite against Vic

Knightshade wrote:

There’s going to be a Death Battle between Aang (Last Airbender) and Edward Elric (Fullmetal Alchemist), the latter of which was voices by Vic. Vic also voiced for Rooster Teeth, Screwattack’s domain, but was fired after this controversy. /co/ and /a/ both agree that the match is out of spite against Vic

What kind of match is this? One is a flying, boulder throwing, fire spewing, water whipping, martial artist capable of entering a super powered state. The others a scientist with some martial arts skills who mostly makes small items out of rock or metal. They aren't anywhere near the same kind of power. It's like having a death battle between Detective Conan and Broly, like gee i wonder who will win.

Knightshade wrote:

There’s going to be a Death Battle between Aang (Last Airbender) and Edward Elric (Fullmetal Alchemist), the latter of which was voices by Vic. Vic also voiced for Rooster Teeth, Screwattack’s domain, but was fired after this controversy. /co/ and /a/ both agree that the match is out of spite against Vic

Aang won. However, even without this controversy, he would still win and entered the fight as a slight favorite. I'm a big DB fan and I will often believe that DB did nothing wrong.

Anyways, should we considered Monica Rial to be the Zoe Quinn, Jamie Marchi to be the Anita Sarkeesian, and Ron Toye to be the Jonathan McIntosh in this whole scenario?

It's obvious how this is gonna end up. Monica's named witness, Stan Dahlin, basically called her a liar and Kara Edwards' 'proof of sexual harassment' got proven false (she willingly danced with Vic and even initiated the dance) and once caught out basically said "Uh…No! I meant another dance later that night!"

Here's how this will go: Vic might be damaged, but Monica and Marchi, plus the other KickVic fuckers. Their careers are over, they're going to be seen as toxic, backstabbing trouble makers who tried to ruin a man's life over petty jealousy.

KickVic and the careers of those involved with it and supporting it are carrion for the crows.

digital_m3m3 wrote:

No idea why you got downvoted, it was locked to keep Vit from spamming "evidence" he pulled out of his ass.

poochyena is die-hard KickVic. He claims to be neutral, but never acts like it and got humiliated numerous times over on the page.

poochyena wrote:

>that the entry is still locked

The mods did something good for once.

I made this thread solely because there hasn't been a single update for over a month in that entry, and we missed a ton of information over the past month which makes the Vic entry even more outdated.

If the mods wanted the entry to be locked to stop vit from posting BS without source, that's fine. Then this will be the official thread dedicated to Vic Mignogna's Allegations/Lawsuit for now.

Last edited Jul 24, 2019 at 03:15PM EDT
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Chris the Lovable Jerk wrote:

poochyena is die-hard KickVic. He claims to be neutral, but never acts like it and got humiliated numerous times over on the page.

i've never made a strong statement supporting one side over the other. idk why you act like I have.

It feels almost like the entry being locked is being deliberate, what with there now actually being legal factual information being ignored from being added, in favor of someone's twitlonger.

chowzburgerz wrote:

Aang won. However, even without this controversy, he would still win and entered the fight as a slight favorite. I'm a big DB fan and I will often believe that DB did nothing wrong.

Anyways, should we considered Monica Rial to be the Zoe Quinn, Jamie Marchi to be the Anita Sarkeesian, and Ron Toye to be the Jonathan McIntosh in this whole scenario?

I knew that Aang would win; he's much more powerful than Edward. I love DB, too, but I can't see how there wasn't some executive meddling by Rooster Teeth.
I bleached my brain of gamegate and have little idea of the players in Vic's controversy, but I do knew that no one deserves to be compared to Zoe Quinn.

Professionalshill wrote:

The suckiest part about this is that Sabat and Schemmel have been outed as grade A assholes

Schemmel has been known to be an asshole for a while. I remember trying to prevent Ocean Dub Goku from attending a convention last year.

poochyena wrote:

i've never made a strong statement supporting one side over the other. idk why you act like I have.

Maybe its because there are two images in the KickVic gallery that were uploaded by you and the only thing you wrote in the tags are 'creepy'.

If that's not bias then I don't know what is and not only that, but you have also failed to source your images too. So those pics are considered fake news until you go back and start sorting your out bullshit.

Last edited Jul 27, 2019 at 06:01PM EDT

Professionalshill wrote:

The suckiest part about this is that Sabat and Schemmel have been outed as grade A assholes

Shame really, considering Sabat was one of the bigger names who helped out Team Four Star when Toei was fucking them over

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DeFACT0 wrote:

Maybe its because there are two images in the KickVic gallery that were uploaded by you and the only thing you wrote in the tags are 'creepy'.

If that's not bias then I don't know what is and not only that, but you have also failed to source your images too. So those pics are considered fake news until you go back and start sorting your out bullshit.

I don't think you know what bias means. In what way was bias shown here? Its objectively weird and creepy for anyone to hug and kiss a 14 year old in that manner.
Bias would mean I have a different standard for him than others. Thats not true.
The source is what started most of this
when I started the article, I didn't think it would explode. I mostly just repeated what the article said rather than insert my own opinion since, well, that what being unbias is, reporting the news. The news in which called him creepy.
Also, how is it fake? Thats a very elaborate photoshop job if its fake.

poochyena wrote:


Multiple reasons:
They're heavily KickVic people, they even false DMCA'd Hero Hei just because Hei criticized that site of being biased to Vic Mignogna. Which was actually illegal for ANN to do that. It was later retracted since the CEO admitted it was ANN's fault.
And many more that makes ANN biased
And just recently they put Shield Hero,Mob Psycho 100, and even Seven Deadly Sins as the Worst Manga 2019

Last edited Jul 31, 2019 at 04:49PM EDT

None of that implies they are bias towards him, and especially doesn't imply the article is bias since all of that came after the article was written. To prove bias, you'd need evidence of bias before the article was written, to show the article was written with a bias intent.
Also, I asked why they are bias towards why, not how. It seems to me that they don't like him because of the research they did on him. Thats not bias. Bias is prejudice, like fox news being bias towards someone based on their political party affiliation. hating a specific person for a specific thing and pointing that out isn't bias.

Also, I asked why they are bias towards why, not how.

I literally just answered that question, "Why was ANN biased", don't try to spin this shit pooch. I'll admit that I went to the "in general" phase of that question but whatever. They're heavily KicVic people, both forums and editors, only reported one side of Vic's case and ignores the facts
And now just yesterday they're just ignoring the evidence that supports on Vic's side and still hasn't admitted that Monica Rial lied.

The evidence that they ignored:

Last edited Jul 31, 2019 at 05:52PM EDT
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>I literally just answered that question, "Why was ANN biased"

no, you answered how they are bias, not why. Why are they bias towards Vic? I guess I have to explain the difference;
Person A is a bar owner is bias against a proposed law increasing alcohol taxes
why: because it would hurt his business due to less sales
how: he campaigned against it and voted against the law.

The why is the reasoning for them being that way. I am asking you, why would they be bias against Vic? What would make them want to write that article other than to reveal what they believe is a creepy person? What personal gain do they have?

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digital_m3m3 wrote:

You do not need a reason to be biased against someone, poochy.

Of course you do. That doesn't make sense to have a bias for no reason.

poochyena wrote:

Of course you do. That doesn't make sense to have a bias for no reason.

Bias is the inclination for or against something based on prejudice and personal favoritism. People do not need a reason to be bias because bias by definition is illogical and based on emotional response and personal preference.

The outcome of the court case will be important. We are a law-abiding society and it is wrong to condemn someone without due process. It is important to step back from this conflict, as outside observers, and look only at the objective and confirmed facts of the case and push aside hearsay.

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>Bias is the inclination for or against something based on prejudice and personal favoritism.
>People do not need a reason to be bias

you literally just explained they do. Its "based on prejudice and personal favoritism". The article they wrong explicitly explains why they don't like him, so what prejudice was involved there?
What would they have to have done differently to not be bias?

> it is wrong to condemn someone without due process.

You say as you condemn someone for being bias.

Last edited Aug 01, 2019 at 12:07PM EDT

poochyena wrote:

>Bias is the inclination for or against something based on prejudice and personal favoritism.
>People do not need a reason to be bias

you literally just explained they do. Its "based on prejudice and personal favoritism". The article they wrong explicitly explains why they don't like him, so what prejudice was involved there?
What would they have to have done differently to not be bias?

> it is wrong to condemn someone without due process.

You say as you condemn someone for being bias.

Prejudice and personal favoritism aren't reasons for bias, they are the literal definitions and synonyms for the word. As I have mentioned before bias is inherently illogical because bias is based in emotional response.

Everyone has their own personal biases, we are all human after all but it is important that we recognise our own biases and seek to remediate them with factual evidence. That is the beauty in diversity in an argument, you cannot argue immutable facts but we each have our own personal viewpoints to bring to the conversation.

The caveat of my post though is that the argumentator recognizes their personal bias and aknowledges their bias in their argument. Regretably, this is rather rare on the internet, even in supposedly professional institutions. Writers would rather feed you their own opinion than simply present uncolored information and have their audience draw their own conclusion. If a writer is too insecure in their argument to allow it to stand on its own then its not really worth arguing.

This post evolved beyond a criticism of the article to a criticism on journalism in general.

During thie same time and through today, supports of Mignogna, many of whom adopted the hashtag #IStandWithVic, threatened and harassed members of the anime community wand others who supported the women who alleged misconduct by Mignogna, who used the hashtag #KickVic.

OK, let's just say for the sake of arguement that every person who used the #IStandWithVic hashtag was being an absolute bastard and harrasing people on the #KickVic side, what does that ACTUALLY have to do with the case at hand?

I'll throw in some recent updates.

A NY lawyer Akiva Meir Cohen filed a bar complaint against Ty Beard, claiming that Ty personally doxed him (actually, it was Kiwi Farms). For those who don't know, these things are sworn statements just like affidavits or direct witness statements in court, punishable under perjury laws. Ty, of course, files back against him.

TCPA is still going on. The anti-Vic side is trying to append new affidavits to the original TCPA motion, the problem is that it's past the deadline for their TCPA (60 days since being served for the original lawsuit). Ty files a motion to disregard any late additions.

(TCPA = Texas Citizens Participation Act, an anti-SLAPP law. The purpose is to throw out lawsuits that you obviously filed just because you don't like what someone has to say about you and want to drain their lawbux. A TCPA motion is by a defendant, "here is what I said, it's free speech". A response to it by the plaintiff is "but you also said this" and "that's illegal and here is why". It's intended to be quick to minimise waste of time for the court and money for the defendant.)

Piccata Titicaca wrote:

if im not mistaken, the kiwis didn't dox him. he had that info available in social media. what i don't get is how he ties into this

Most of the time, doxing is compiling info that idiots put out in public. The term doesn't describe how the info was obtained, just that someone put it up somewhere for anyone too lazy/dumb. It's also why takedown demands on Kawaii Farms are met with "lol no".

It's relevant because it's an attempt to take down Vic's lawyer. Really inept, but an attempt regardless. One more shitty action from the #KickVic side.

Last edited Aug 13, 2019 at 07:57PM EDT

Sanakan_ht wrote:

Dragon Ball Super: Broly Voice Actor Vic Mignogna’s Attorney Ty Beard Files Motion to 'Disregard Defendants’ Late Filings' And Faces Texas Bar Complaint
I put together a list from BTVA and AnimeCons websites of some of the most popular, profilic, and well know VA's that went against Vic

Edit: Really disappointed on the VA Cristina Vee's position (VA of Edelgard) on Vic tbh

She got replaced by Tara Platt in that role. (Most likely due to NDA breach from what I've gathered.)


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