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Does anyone still think it's 2012??

Last posted Jan 07, 2013 at 06:05PM EST. Added Jan 07, 2013 at 03:17AM EST
19 posts from 15 users

That's the thing, you will be saying "2012… no wait! I mean 2013!" till October. Then by the time you get used to saying "2013" it's suddenly 2014 and the process starts all over again!

Get used to it.

Not really. But that may be because I'm already trying to convince people it's "Twenty-Thirteen", not "Two-Thousand-and-Thirteen". Seriously people, did we call 1913 "One-thousand-nine-hundred-and-thirteen"? No we didn't. Get with the program.

If we get to 2015 and people still call it "Two-Thousand-and-Fifteen" instead of the way Doc Brown pronounced it in Back To The Future then I am going to…well…finick and pout about it every time I hear it said incorrectly

Rukario wrote:

Hell, I still think we're in the 2000's…

What can I say? You reminded me it is no longer December.
As long as I am out of school I don't care what date it is.

Last edited Jan 07, 2013 at 10:44AM EST

Verbose wrote:

I know I do. People still think certain threads are good ideas. Some things never change.


Hey Verbose, at least it's not one of my threads.


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