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In the event of a Zombie Apocalypse...

Last posted Jul 14, 2010 at 12:33PM EDT. Added Jul 11, 2010 at 04:24AM EDT
17 posts from 14 users

Are you a bad enough dude to survive hoarding Zombies trying to eat your brains, moran?



( I know some of the userbase gets angry when people post something longer than a run-on sentence without a picture. )


I'd live off the snacks in my home. If my parents are still alive, I'd only remain there for a few days. However, if I'm there myself and my parents are dead, I'd remain there for a week.

- BioticZombie

You know what?

Screw the in-depth speeches, we have this:

Last edited Jul 11, 2010 at 04:37AM EDT

Strong hold a 2 story connivence store
Vehicle: a hummer with a turret mounted to the back
Side kick:My 8 friends
Headwear: a beanie
Clothe upper: and lower:jacket and t-shirt and blue jeans
Main weapon: katana
Secondary weapon: twin broadswords
inventory:non perishable foods
Battle anthem: Caramel Dansen
Last Words:go to hell (pulls a grenade pin)

Last edited Jul 11, 2010 at 03:31PM EDT

I already have a hoard of canned and dry food in my attic, as well as a bunch of bottled water.
When the apocalypse arrives, I'll take my guns and ladder upstairs and destroy the staircase.
If I ever run out of supplies, I'll use the ladder to get down and ride my bike around to search for more.

Either that or I hole up at BZ's place.

Location: New York City
Stronghold: Duane Reade Pharmacy
Vehicle: Robot Unicorn
Side-kick: Luxray :3
Headwear: Nekomimis
Clothing upper/lower: School Uniform (comfortable and breezy. derp)
Main weapon: Shotgun
Secondary weapon: Axe
Inventory: Shotgun shells
Battle anthem: MSI – Kill the Rock
Last Words: "You can tell me in hell."

Location: Anywhere where there is scrap metal.
Stronghold:Any place that can be boarded up with sheet metal.
Vehicle: Any thing I can out a gun on/or make myself.
Head wear, armor, weapons,etc, :


Battle anthem: Here and Here

Last words: YeeeeEEEEEEEEeeeeEEEeeeeeee~

Last edited Jul 11, 2010 at 02:42PM EDT

Location: scatman's world
Stronghold: Moargun's pants
Vehicle: lemon
Headwear: shoe
Clothing all:

Sidekick: Ran
Main weapon: wiimote
secondary: wii nunchuk
Inventory: sandvich
Battle anthem:STILL ALIVE
Last words: I DID IT FOR THE LULZ!

Last edited Jul 11, 2010 at 03:05PM EDT

Vehicle:mad maxs car
(walking the wasteland)
(it begins…)

Last edited Jul 11, 2010 at 03:33PM EDT

Battle Cry: "Did somebody order a beatdown? Cuz I'm 'bout to deliver my foot up your ass!"
Last Words: "Those are entrails, not out-trails, put those back!"
Location: under a bridge problly

Accessory: fake mustache
Headgear: Servbot head
Upper Garment: 3 keyboard cat moon shirt
Lower Garment: Pants R 4 teh weak!
Footwear: Fuzzy bunny slippers

Wepons: Lazer guns, rocks, and MY BEAR HANDS!!!
Inventory: Desu, desu, desu, desu, desu, moar desu, and an umbrella. Never know when it'll rain!
Stronghold: in a cardboard box
Sidekick: Cheeto! The greatest non-meme ever!
Soundtrack: Ya know wut be cool? Lamb of God shud play Caramelldansen.
Final Boss: ZOMBITRON!!!

Last edited Jul 11, 2010 at 11:08PM EDT

location-The Alamo

weapons- minigun,mosin-nagant 91/30 with bayonet

sidekick- John Rambo

clothes- military grade boots and fatigues

vehicle-experimental CH-46 "Guns-a-go-go" helicopter

battle cry-For the alamo!!!!

last words-launching ICBM'!

soundtrack- everything on my mp3, which is classified.

final boss- gene simmons


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