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Is paul the octopus a meme?

Last posted Jul 13, 2010 at 01:15PM EDT. Added Jul 12, 2010 at 03:05PM EDT
8 posts from 5 users


Things to Consider:

Is it a fad? Maybe. It certainly has image/video derivatives, but I think he's more of internet joke (IMO) (Then again, internet jokes are memes too…).
Is it an internet meme? Again, maybe. It's a big joke on the internet, but I hear a lot of people joke and talk about it IRL as well (But were people talking about it IRL first, or did the internet joke spread to the IRL masses? :3).
Is it relevant to "internet communities"? Yes (Dramatica, Facebook, 4Chan, Twitter, etc.)

It's definitely not one of those obvious "OMG THIS IS DEFINITELY A MEME."

It's in submissions right now, but I think its a meme.

Last edited Jul 12, 2010 at 03:27PM EDT

Just moved it to Meme Research for ya, juankmoron.


It doesn't matter whether memes start in other forms of media (using the term "IRL Meme" is getting bothersome now as the term dictates that memes that start from fictional media such as video games, movies, television, etc. are more "real life" than those that start on the internet). What we focus on is if the meme had utter prevalence on the internet more so than it did elsewhere.

You see, most memes often come from these other forms of media (i.e. Do a Barrel Roll! comes from a video game and Shoop Da Whoop comes from an anime show) but nevertheless had much more significant impact on whole internet communities than just with the fans of the series, thus they are internet memes.

Though, I guess I'm just wasting my time typing this comment as I think you would already know this by now. Just thought I'd voice my opinion of your post, is all.

Last edited Jul 12, 2010 at 07:53PM EDT

@Jostin Asuncion

I posted my opinions in this forum earlier.

In which I said about differentiation between IRL catchphrases & internet catchphrases:
"IMO, these are internet memes:
- catchphrases that originate from the internet and produce derivatives/copies on the internet.
- catchphrases outside the mainstream media whose derivatives originate from the internet.
- catchphrases in the mainstream media whose derivatives on the internet: have a different usage/meaning/connotation on the internet, are clearly more popular on the internet than they ever were IRL (I mean, little to no usage IRL), are popular on the internet at a time when its not popular IRL, or is associated with a particular internet image, video, or website.
- misc. catchphrases that become popular only because of the internet."

Which I think basically fits with your definition, if the word "catchphrases" is replaced with "memes". Sorry if I was unclear :/ (actually, looking back at my post, I don't think I was thinking straight XD)

Correct me if I'm wrong though, it'd be helpful for me to know as well.

Last edited Jul 12, 2010 at 10:44PM EDT


Yeah, I read that post before and it is spot on regarding catchphrase memes except for the fact that you're speaking as if the internet isn't mainstream media. At this day and age, the internet has come far from being anything obscure.

Regarding internet memes in general though, the way they're judged is rather simple really. If something memetic has had significant propagation on the internet over a reasonable span of time – or in the case that it is a "Breaking Meme", it gains significant amount of memetic instances – with the memetic traits originating on the internet, it is notable enough to be added to the database.

Hope that previous post is clear enough to be understood.

Oh yeah, before I forget about it, another reason I wanted to address your previous post is because it reminded me that people (not just you) have been using the term "IRL meme" for memes or fads that originate and (sometimes) proliferate outside of the internet and they should stop that. Like I stated in my previous post, it's as if a person is dictating that memes that start from fictional medias such as video games, movies, television, etc. are more “real life” than those that started on the internet. Don't stress about it though, I've been guilty of doing this as well in the past.

I'm just saying that it always pays to have a better understanding before someone says something about a certain subject.


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