Not much did they interact, but the man finally got the concern from the cat.
This line got me confused, because I really thought it had to do with a cat-related meme, most notably A Cat Is Fine Too. Searched for a lot of stuff related to cats, no luck.
Much was the obsession, little was the intervention.
So continued to that part, and assumed the other line was just the location details instead of a broad search term.
>"Much was the obsession"
Spam. Which is what I searched for.
>"litte was the intervention"
Found Stop Posting entry.
>"but the man finally got the concern from the cat"
This image
Until the year does end, do these users lend, their selves and voices send, while project pends.
Which I'm assuming is related to this post. The KYM RPG looked for voice actors at certain points too, but the fighting game actually had a guy send in voices.