A more subdued ending to this Stevenbomb compared to others, as yesterday's episode of Peridot telling off YD and becoming part of the Crystal Gems was by far the "biggest boom" of this Bomb. This one focused more on the gap in events between Too Far, which aired in October, to this week's Stevenbomb. Since we saw Peridot get closer to Pearl and Amethyst in other episodes, this one focused more on how she's bonded with Garnet, whom at first she was uncomfortable around due to her being a constant fusion that, in her eyes, seemed to serve no real purpose.
Biggest highlights to me were: Peridot's freak out over what happened in the last episode, her wondering where she's gonna put a star on her outfit like the other Gems, her fangirling over a cheesy soap opera (by the way notice that the Canadian flag was green and white instead of red and white, I wonder if Gems somehow affected that in the past) and being as big of a shipper as parts of the fanbase, asking Amethyst to turn into a chicken so she'd get the "why'd the chicken cross the road?" joke, and her reaction to Garnet offering the chance to fuse. Also Garnet explaining why she's always fused by using the soap opera was cool.