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The oldfag thread

Last posted Nov 12, 2014 at 03:28AM EST. Added Nov 11, 2014 at 02:03AM EST
18 posts from 16 users

Behold, the one thread where oldfags can rejoice and rub in newfags faces about how long they have been in this meme site (without killing yourself)

Only 2 year old accounts allowed, dont let the summerfags in.

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Last edited Nov 11, 2014 at 02:09AM EST

Sunhammer wrote:

Every time one of these oldfag threads pops up. Or any thread for that matter. Looking at all the other ones we've had only makes me realize that

Then stop posting. Don't ever post on this site again. Don't even visit it.

Sunhammer wrote:

Every time one of these oldfag threads pops up. Or any thread for that matter. Looking at all the other ones we've had only makes me realize that

Jesus Christ, go outside or something.

>Troll King will never raise the troll army again
>you will never BTFO Thomas Nair again
>tfw most of the current mods were commentators when you joined
>tfw you remember when overdone JFF games were fresh

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