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Undertale Gallery: Do you wanna have a bad time? 'Cause if you upload any more unsourced images, you are REALLY not going to like what happens next.

Last posted Oct 30, 2015 at 07:47PM EDT. Added Oct 19, 2015 at 12:18AM EDT
19 posts from 15 users

As you guys know, Know your Meme is an internet documentation site. We have had issues with people calling the the site out for not sourcing in the past, and It would be nice to avoid that in the future.

Undertale is a recent subculture with the game only being released a little more than a month ago. Sometimes the image is so new on the web, it doesn't show up in reverse images search, likely meaning the people uploading it are likely (though not always) getting these images directly from the artists themselves, and are just ignoring the sourcing part

It's really easy to source if you are on the artist's page. Not as easy to do after the fact (and near impossible for Black and white pics). While the gallery notification has been changed to remind people to source, people keep ignoring it. Likewise, while I have temporariyly locked the galleries to help move images/ source images without having to worry about new upload throwing it off, this has also had little effect.

Therefore, lets do something that would be in the spirit of Undertale. The gallery will be left unlocked. People should try to source their uploads and other people's uploads (protip: generally places like Imgur and FunnyJunk are not places people upload their work first).

I'll also be scanning the gallery a bit, but since I'm still on IRL vacation, I won't be there all the time. Anyways, If I reach 1,000 images I have to source in Undertale, I do a Genocide, No Mercy Run on the gallery removing all the images.

I trust you guys will read the gallery notification, be true to the spirit of the site, and give credit to the people who worked hard on creating all this content so such action is completely unnecessary.

Ryumaru Borike wrote:

Is there any particular reason this is in Riff-Raff?

Just in case people react to it badly, Jacob can backstep and say it was ironic.

This comes to another problem

Lots of tumblrs posts and do requests on /utg/ where I submit most of the stuff
they won't give you their address unless a bunch of anons asks.

I will avoid tumblr-based posts but don't count on it.

Samekichi Kiseki wrote:

Jacob be like

You better tag your images with correct spelling or else you're gonna have a bad time.

Last edited Oct 19, 2015 at 08:19PM EDT

Dunno if this was already discussed but how about an extra input for source when you upload a file?
This have some benefits:
You can search the database for pictures without source, making a good tool for admins.
This will remember the uploader to provide source wen he upload a image.
You don't need to spend time formating the source in the notes box
Admins can use to find multiple images with the same source to try to remove duplications

jajaja wrote:

Dunno if this was already discussed but how about an extra input for source when you upload a file?
This have some benefits:
You can search the database for pictures without source, making a good tool for admins.
This will remember the uploader to provide source wen he upload a image.
You don't need to spend time formating the source in the notes box
Admins can use to find multiple images with the same source to try to remove duplications

That has been discussed before.

Jacob plz add.

Last edited Oct 30, 2015 at 04:24PM EDT

PatrickBateman96 wrote:

>implying you can upload images now without tagging them

You can with videos as tags are not required.
(dumbest shit ever and the reason behind it is bullshit)

:) wrote:

Do people actually do that?

Yeah, some people do that. It's even worse when they upload 100 images in one hour.

I remember a case when I had to suspend someone for purposely adding misleading tags and gibberish. It was an user from the old KYM and they gave a fuck about tagging, to the point it they did it just to fuck up with us.

I think that user stopped uploading images after that, or uploaded a few and with only one tag. It's infuriating.


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