90s PC Guy
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90's PC Guy is an image depicting a teenage boy eagerly leaning alongside a computer from the 1990s. The earliest instances of this image were found on 8chan.co's /b/ and /tech/ board, often associating with slow internet, dial up, viruses, and other computer mishaps. The image has also been shitposted in 8chan's /b/ flamewars and spam wars, and it commonly appears in "WTF Image" threads. Although, it has also been known to have been the first image ever posted to 8chan's /b/ board, but this is vaguely a rumor. When saved, the properties show that the image was taken in 2001. It is also known to be 8chan's first original meme, gaining popularity after the gamergate migration to 8chan were in affect. Countless image edits of the image have been created to boost the image's popularity, and it is often associated with amateur photo editing, cheesy 1990's video editing, etc..
• Bonzi Boy
• 8chan's Prince
• Computer King
• 56k Joy
The image is also often associated with Bonzi Buddy, a piece of adware distributed by Bonzi Software.
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