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Cuckservative, a portmanteau of cuck (or cuckold) and conservative, is a pejorative political epithet often used by the alt-right when referring to mainstream conservatives that they accuse of being tolerant or open-minded towards some or all aspects of liberal values.
The exact coinage of the term "cuckservative" is unknown, but its first recorded uses were in posts to the /pol/ board of 4chan, where combining the term "cuck" with different words for portmanteaus is common. The earliest known instance of use on /pol/ took place on September 26th, 2014, when a user created this post in response to another anon complaining about attending a conservative conference.[1]
The term continued to stay mostly contained to /pol/ for 10 months, where it was used more than 309 times.[2] On April 3rd, 2015, an anonymous user registered the twitter handle @Cuckservative[3] and has since used the account to tweet jokes targeting mainstream conservatives for not being anti-gay or pro-white enough; its first tweet was a reference to the Memories Pizza incident, writing "I can get behind donating to pizza places so long as the money goes to upgrading the ovens. We're likely going to need them."

On April 11th, 2015, the subreddit /r/cuckservative was created; it currently has 59 readers and 16 total posts.[4] In July 2015, the term came into wide use on Twitter, where use of the hashtag #cuckservative was used to refer to conservative candidates and situations over 14,000 times, mostly between July 21st and July 27th.[5] The term was used to refer to many Republican presidential candidates and their attitude for race. In a post on the Daily Caller, writer Matt K. Lewis explained the use of the term in the following way:
So what does this have to do with conservatism or politics? By supporting immigration reform, criminal justice reform, etc., a white conservative is therefore surrendering his honor and masculinity (and it won’t be long before his women folk are compromised, as well!). A cuckservative is, therefore, a race traitor. The suggestion is that whites should only support policies that help whites. The goal is to stir up fear among whites--and to encourage more tribalism and polarization.[6]
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External References
[1] 4plebs Archives – Anon post #36391780
[2] 4plebs Archives – Search: Cuckservative
[3] Twitter – @Cuckservative
[4] Reddit – /r/cuckservative
[5] Topsy – Search: Cuckservative, #Cuckservative
[6] The Daily Caller – What’s Behind The ‘Cuckservative’ Slur? (NSFW)
Top Comments
Jul 28, 2015 at 01:16PM EDT
Culture Vulture
Jul 28, 2015 at 12:44PM EDT