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Cumbrain is a slang expression used to describe a person addicted to pornography and/or masturbation, perceived to have decreased mental abilities due to being excessively focused on the sexual aspects of life. Starting in May 2019, the term gained significant popularity across a number of boards on 4chan.
While the earliest documented use of the word "cumbrain" in the sense "person addicted to pornography" can be traced to an August 2012 /co/ post,[1] the word did not have significant popularity until May 2019.
On May 6th, 2019, an anonymous /lit/ posted the earliest known depiction of a cumbrain,[2] with more posts containing the image appearing on the board in the following hours.
![/lit/ Post #13063024 Anonymous Mon May 6 09:19:43 2019 No.13065200 File: 185 KB, 982x717, cumbrain.png [View same] [igdb] [saucenao] [google] [report] The tr r all these cumbrains in this thread who cannot imagine a life free of their carnal shackles e ye ae el](https://i.kym-cdn.com/photos/images/newsfeed/001/525/138/07e.jpg)

In the following days, the image was reposted to multiple boards, including posts in /fit/[3] and /r9k/.[4]
On May 10th, an anonymous /int/ user posted a re-captioned image of the cumbrain to the board,[5] reposting an older post containing links to a number of studies conculding that watching pornography negatively impacts cognitive abilities (shown below).

In the following months, multiple posts containing both the image and the word were posted across 4chan boards.
Various Examples

![/pol/ Thread #216647047 [320/84/124] The Cumbrain -Bumed out dopamine receptors -High Prolactin Hypofrontality -Lost free will to extreme reinforcement of a primal drive. Slave to sexual distractions. Anonymous ID: te6j8H6x Tue 18 Jun 2019 06:56:25 View Reply Original Report No.216647047 P--- hub Quoted By: >216647977 >>216648070 >>216648805 >216648846>>216650468 216650724>>216650992 >216652336 >>216652631 >>216653097 >>216654115 >216654135>>216654963 >216655843 >>216656086 >216662291 >>216662384 216662558 >> 216663331 >216663619 >>216663703 >>216664682 >>216665060 >216665318 >216672975 >>216674623 >>216674757 >216679693 >>216680741 >>216686605 >>216686731 Don't let this be you. Stop before its too late! >216688704 >>216691619 186KIB, 952x717, 1560823605275.png iqdb SauceNAO View Same Google Trace The Cumbrain is the ideal goy. Stop watching p---, anons. It's EXACTLY what the Jews want you to do. Yes, modern women are s---. You can avoid them if you want, but replacing them with p--- is even worse. Grab a hold of yourself and don't let your cummies run your life.](https://i.kym-cdn.com/photos/images/newsfeed/001/525/152/8bb.jpg)
![/r9k/ Thread #53420789 The Cumbrain Buned out dopamine receptors High Prolactin w Hypofirontality Lost free will to extreme reinforcement ofr a primal drive. Slave to sexual distractions. Anonymous Wed 17 Jul 2019 [1/1/?] 03:11:37 No.53420789 P--- hub View Reply Original Report When will you finally accept the fact that the source of the majority of your suffering is your being overstimulated, the degeneration of your sexual well-being, your compulsive at and pavlovian-style submission to your perverse sexual desire, and your ultimate identifying with your sexual urges (i.e. you believe not only that you HAVE [perverse] sexual desires, but that you ARE your sexual desires)? I'm not here to blame Don't let this be you. Stop before its too late! 186KIB, 952x717, cumbrain.png View Same Google ImgOps iqdb SauceNAO anybody - p---------- was given to you for free at a young age to get you hooked and start reprogramming your brain early. But you can't change something you aren't aware of. Stop watching p--- today. You can keep fapping or whatever, you can stop doing that later. But the p--- has f----- you up. You know it's true, and you know you're addicted from the irrational anger you're feeling at having your addiction called out](https://i.kym-cdn.com/photos/images/newsfeed/001/525/143/d80.jpg)


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External References
[1] Desuarchive – /co/ Post #39617528
[2] Warosu – /lit/ Post #13065200
[3] Desuarchive – /fit/ Post #50705257
[4] Desuarcive – /sci/ Post #52303293
[5] Desuarchive – /int/ Post #q105393228
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Aug 02, 2019 at 11:50AM EDT
Ten Shadows
Aug 02, 2019 at 02:12PM EDT