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Part of a series on BodyBuilding.com. [View Related Entries]


"Do You Even Lift?" (DYEL) is a condescending expression used on body building and fitness forums to question the legitimacy of someone's fitness expertise or weight lifting routine. Similar to other interrogatives like "U Mad?" or "U Jelly?", the phrase is mainly used to aggravate another user during arguments about physical fitness.


On February 16th, 2002, Body Building[10] forums member squirrel submitted a post asking how to work a specific arm muscle. In the thread, forum user bubbaT responded with, "yo'all better shut ya fukin mouth yo bee-yotch," to which user Chris C replied "do you even lift?"

02-16-2002, 06:45 PM #20 Chris C Senior Member bubba t do you have a freind in real life? do you even lift? 2 NO Join Date: Jan 2002 Location: ohio Age: 23 Posts: 192 Rep Power: 11 Reply


On March 20th, 2004, user danh of the weight lifting enthusiast Testosterone Nation[11] forums submitted a post titled "do you even lift?", which asked the members of the off topic section several questions about their lifestyle. On February 24th, 2006, Body Building[12] forums member HmongKing asked "do you even lift?" while criticizing another member's abdominal fitness expertise. On March 28th, 2007, Body Building[13] forums member NINEZeRO used the expression in an argument about the weight lifting ability of mixed martial artist Fedor Emelianenko.

Do you even lift? it sure and hell doesnt look like it, are u like 20% BF? 27 yrs 195lbs 10% bf 6 years training

On April 8th, 2009, user countryboyWVU of the anabloic steroids discussion forum AlinBoard[14] asked "do you even lift?" while criticizing another user's physique (shown above). On September 3rd, 2010, a poll titled "Do you even lift?" was submitted to the Body Building[15] forums, which received several replies mocking the original poster's avatar photograph. On November 8th, 2010, 4chan's /fit/ (fitness) board member Zyzz started a thread titled "u mad?", which included a photo of himself flexing his arm next to a woman. In the thread, an anonymous user asked "do you even lift?" in response to a photo of a man flexing his bicep.

>> □ Anonymous No.5100100 File :1289233372777 ipg-(17 KB, 485x379, modflex.jpg) 510005 Tiny comes and actually talks about his routine, just in a trolly kind of way People who post zyzz stuff post one pic and spam the entire thread with 'u mad?" u jelly?" responses to every post. Thus, they are worthless threads. 5100059 No >> □ Anonymous 11/08/10(Mon)11:56 No.5100416 5100100 do you even lift? f------ ginger

On July 25th, 2011, a Facebook[4] page for "Do you even lift" was created, receiving over 2,400 likes within nine months. On December 21st, a thread featuring photos of animals with fitness related descriptions was submitted to 4chan's /fit/ board, which included a photo of a gorilla with the text "lol do any of you fags even lift?"

my slow crawl !VFNoQiZzT. 12/21/11(Wed)14:59 No.10414804 File1324497577.ipg-(79 KB, 280x357, medium.jpg) lol do any of you f--- even lift?

Steve Pulcinella Image Macro

On January 17th, 2011, a promotional video for the Iron Sport Gym in Glenolden, Pennsylvania was uploaded to YouTube. In the video, an unenthusiastic customer is given a tour of the facility, causing co-founder Steve Pulcinella to become increasingly agitated. At :26, Pulcinella gives the customer a look of disapproval immediately after a female weight lifter performs a clean and jerk lift.

Shortly after, an image macro of Pulcinella's look of disapproval with the caption "Do you even lift?" (shown left) began appearing on sites like the Body Building[16] forums and 4chan's /fit/ board.[17] On December 13th, Pulcinella was asked about his reaction to the macro in an "ask me anything" post on the /r/weightroom subreddit[8], where he revealed that he thought his head looked "funny." Shortly after, the online retailer Zazzle[6] began selling t-shirts with Pulcinella's likeness and the abbreviation "DYEL?" (shown right).


Bodybuilding.com Live Chat Raid

In mid-November 2012, an unknown number of Anonymous members coordinated and carried out a raid against the live chat section of the customer support department at Bodybuilding.com, trolling the site's staff members with the phrase "do you even lift?" On November 13th, Redditor MisSigsFan submitted a post titled ''/b/ enjoys body building (a lot of screencaps but it's worth it)''[19] to the /r/4chan subreddit, which featured a screenshot compilation of 100 live chat logs[20] revealing humorous exchanges between the staff members and trolls.

Powered by Bodybuilding.com 15 回 https://c-rnr-cs15.instantservice.com/npclient/179022771/ADICE977F71F157C4A0EABCF049F9C37D09..☆ Please wait while we find an agent to assist you. You have been connected to Leucine Lucy Leucine Lucy: Thank you for choosing Bodybuilding.com! My name is Leucine Lucy, how can I help you out today? David Heraldson: Hello David Heraldson: Well I have some problems at the Gym David Heraldson: There is this guy named Gustaf who keep asking me if I lift. Leucine Lucy: Hello David Heraldson: He keep saying "Do you even lift?" every god damn morning Thank you for using Bodybuilding.com You may now close this window Your session has ended. You may now close this window. Print Exit Survey End Session POWERED BY ORACLE Send
Powered by Bodybuilding.com - Google Chrome https://c-mr-cs15.instantservice.com/client/179022899/F61930CE8A0E149ACECE2C438E1414DEC21C5.民 You have been connected to Aerobic Andrea Aerobic Andrea: Thank you for contacting Bodybuilding.com! My name is Aerobic Andrea, how can I help you today? John Bowles: Hi? John Bowles: Do you guys sell legal steroids? Aerobic Andrea: We do not John Bowles: Ah ok John Bowles: What's the quickest way to build muscle Aerobic Andrea: To build muscle you will need to increase your caloric intake and lift heavier John Bowles: So I need to lift? Aerobic Andrea: Ye John Bowles: Do vou even lift? Thank you for using Bodybuilding.com You may now close this window Print Exit Survey Your session has ended. You may now close this window End Session POWERED BY ORACLE Send
Powered by Bodybuilding.com - Google Chrome https://c-rnr-cs15 nstantservice.com client 179022939/435C33FA7FB9E396A660 x.poo-uo blocked Please wait while we find an agent to assist you You have been connected to Clutch Caleb. Clutch Caleb: Thank you for choosing bodybuilding.com. This is Clutch Caleb. How can I help you today? Supervisor Sam: Hello, Caleb. I have been getting phone calls that Aerobotic Andrea keeps ignoring customer chats. Please tell her that if she wants to remain employed here, She will treat our customers properly Thank you for using Bodybuilding.com You may now close this window Your session has ended. You may now close this window Print Exit Survey End Session POWERED BY ORACLE Send

Powered by Bodybuilding.com 15 回 https://c-rnr-cs15.instantservice.com/npclient/179022771/ADICE977F71F157C4A0EABCF049F9C37D09..☆ Please wait while we find an agent to assist you. You have been connected to Leucine Lucy Leucine Lucy: Thank you for choosing Bodybuilding.com! My name is Leucine Lucy, how can I help you out today? David Heraldson: Hello David Heraldson: Well I have some problems at the Gym David Heraldson: There is this guy named Gustaf who keep asking me if I lift. Leucine Lucy: Hello David Heraldson: He keep saying "Do you even lift?" every god damn morning Thank you for using Bodybuilding.com You may now close this window Your session has ended. You may now close this window. Print Exit Survey End Session POWERED BY ORACLE Send
Please wait while we find an agent to assist you... You have been connected to Aerobic Andrea. tyrone shanquie: hello tyrone shanquie: i have a question Aerobic Andrea: Thank you for contacting Bodybuilding.com! My name is Aerobic Andrea, how can I help you today? tyrone shanquie: I have been having some problems at the gym Aerobic Andrea: 'm ony îiar fai tyrone shanquie: people are asking me if I "even lift" Thank you for using Bodybuilding.com You may now close this window Your session has ended. You may now close this window. Print Exit Survey End Session POWERED BY ORACLE Send
Powered by Bodybuilding.com- Google Chrome https://c-rnr-cs15.instantservice.com/client/179035627/AF687A95C5C9EE8917D495BA35D306BFBCFD2民 Please wait while we find an agent to assist you.. You have been connected to Titan Tony Dooya Evanlift: Well? Thank you for using Bodybuilding.com You may now close this window Your session has ended. You may now close this window Print Exit Survey End Session POWERED BY ORACLE Send

Notable Examples

Image macros captioned with the phrase have appeared on various sites including Troll.me[1], Quickmeme[2] and Picslap.[3]

do you even lift?
Do l even lift?

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Do You Even Lift?

Do You Even Lift?

Part of a series on BodyBuilding.com. [View Related Entries]

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"Do You Even Lift?" (DYEL) is a condescending expression used on body building and fitness forums to question the legitimacy of someone's fitness expertise or weight lifting routine. Similar to other interrogatives like "U Mad?" or "U Jelly?", the phrase is mainly used to aggravate another user during arguments about physical fitness.


On February 16th, 2002, Body Building[10] forums member squirrel submitted a post asking how to work a specific arm muscle. In the thread, forum user bubbaT responded with, "yo'all better shut ya fukin mouth yo bee-yotch," to which user Chris C replied "do you even lift?"

02-16-2002, 06:45 PM #20 Chris C Senior Member bubba t do you have a freind in real life? do you even lift? 2 NO Join Date: Jan 2002 Location: ohio Age: 23 Posts: 192 Rep Power: 11 Reply


On March 20th, 2004, user danh of the weight lifting enthusiast Testosterone Nation[11] forums submitted a post titled "do you even lift?", which asked the members of the off topic section several questions about their lifestyle. On February 24th, 2006, Body Building[12] forums member HmongKing asked "do you even lift?" while criticizing another member's abdominal fitness expertise. On March 28th, 2007, Body Building[13] forums member NINEZeRO used the expression in an argument about the weight lifting ability of mixed martial artist Fedor Emelianenko.

Do you even lift? it sure and hell doesnt look like it, are u like 20% BF? 27 yrs 195lbs 10% bf 6 years training

On April 8th, 2009, user countryboyWVU of the anabloic steroids discussion forum AlinBoard[14] asked "do you even lift?" while criticizing another user's physique (shown above). On September 3rd, 2010, a poll titled "Do you even lift?" was submitted to the Body Building[15] forums, which received several replies mocking the original poster's avatar photograph. On November 8th, 2010, 4chan's /fit/ (fitness) board member Zyzz started a thread titled "u mad?", which included a photo of himself flexing his arm next to a woman. In the thread, an anonymous user asked "do you even lift?" in response to a photo of a man flexing his bicep.

>> □ Anonymous No.5100100 File :1289233372777 ipg-(17 KB, 485x379, modflex.jpg) 510005 Tiny comes and actually talks about his routine, just in a trolly kind of way People who post zyzz stuff post one pic and spam the entire thread with 'u mad?" u jelly?" responses to every post. Thus, they are worthless threads. 5100059 No >> □ Anonymous 11/08/10(Mon)11:56 No.5100416 5100100 do you even lift? f------ ginger

On July 25th, 2011, a Facebook[4] page for "Do you even lift" was created, receiving over 2,400 likes within nine months. On December 21st, a thread featuring photos of animals with fitness related descriptions was submitted to 4chan's /fit/ board, which included a photo of a gorilla with the text "lol do any of you fags even lift?"

my slow crawl !VFNoQiZzT. 12/21/11(Wed)14:59 No.10414804 File1324497577.ipg-(79 KB, 280x357, medium.jpg) lol do any of you f--- even lift?

Steve Pulcinella Image Macro

On January 17th, 2011, a promotional video for the Iron Sport Gym in Glenolden, Pennsylvania was uploaded to YouTube. In the video, an unenthusiastic customer is given a tour of the facility, causing co-founder Steve Pulcinella to become increasingly agitated. At :26, Pulcinella gives the customer a look of disapproval immediately after a female weight lifter performs a clean and jerk lift.

Shortly after, an image macro of Pulcinella's look of disapproval with the caption "Do you even lift?" (shown left) began appearing on sites like the Body Building[16] forums and 4chan's /fit/ board.[17] On December 13th, Pulcinella was asked about his reaction to the macro in an "ask me anything" post on the /r/weightroom subreddit[8], where he revealed that he thought his head looked "funny." Shortly after, the online retailer Zazzle[6] began selling t-shirts with Pulcinella's likeness and the abbreviation "DYEL?" (shown right).


Bodybuilding.com Live Chat Raid

In mid-November 2012, an unknown number of Anonymous members coordinated and carried out a raid against the live chat section of the customer support department at Bodybuilding.com, trolling the site's staff members with the phrase "do you even lift?" On November 13th, Redditor MisSigsFan submitted a post titled ''/b/ enjoys body building (a lot of screencaps but it's worth it)''[19] to the /r/4chan subreddit, which featured a screenshot compilation of 100 live chat logs[20] revealing humorous exchanges between the staff members and trolls.

Powered by Bodybuilding.com 15 回 https://c-rnr-cs15.instantservice.com/npclient/179022771/ADICE977F71F157C4A0EABCF049F9C37D09..☆ Please wait while we find an agent to assist you. You have been connected to Leucine Lucy Leucine Lucy: Thank you for choosing Bodybuilding.com! My name is Leucine Lucy, how can I help you out today? David Heraldson: Hello David Heraldson: Well I have some problems at the Gym David Heraldson: There is this guy named Gustaf who keep asking me if I lift. Leucine Lucy: Hello David Heraldson: He keep saying "Do you even lift?" every god damn morning Thank you for using Bodybuilding.com You may now close this window Your session has ended. You may now close this window. Print Exit Survey End Session POWERED BY ORACLE Send Powered by Bodybuilding.com - Google Chrome https://c-mr-cs15.instantservice.com/client/179022899/F61930CE8A0E149ACECE2C438E1414DEC21C5.民 You have been connected to Aerobic Andrea Aerobic Andrea: Thank you for contacting Bodybuilding.com! My name is Aerobic Andrea, how can I help you today? John Bowles: Hi? John Bowles: Do you guys sell legal steroids? Aerobic Andrea: We do not John Bowles: Ah ok John Bowles: What's the quickest way to build muscle Aerobic Andrea: To build muscle you will need to increase your caloric intake and lift heavier John Bowles: So I need to lift? Aerobic Andrea: Ye John Bowles: Do vou even lift? Thank you for using Bodybuilding.com You may now close this window Print Exit Survey Your session has ended. You may now close this window End Session POWERED BY ORACLE Send Powered by Bodybuilding.com - Google Chrome https://c-rnr-cs15 nstantservice.com client 179022939/435C33FA7FB9E396A660 x.poo-uo blocked Please wait while we find an agent to assist you You have been connected to Clutch Caleb. Clutch Caleb: Thank you for choosing bodybuilding.com. This is Clutch Caleb. How can I help you today? Supervisor Sam: Hello, Caleb. I have been getting phone calls that Aerobotic Andrea keeps ignoring customer chats. Please tell her that if she wants to remain employed here, She will treat our customers properly Thank you for using Bodybuilding.com You may now close this window Your session has ended. You may now close this window Print Exit Survey End Session POWERED BY ORACLE Send
Powered by Bodybuilding.com 15 回 https://c-rnr-cs15.instantservice.com/npclient/179022771/ADICE977F71F157C4A0EABCF049F9C37D09..☆ Please wait while we find an agent to assist you. You have been connected to Leucine Lucy Leucine Lucy: Thank you for choosing Bodybuilding.com! My name is Leucine Lucy, how can I help you out today? David Heraldson: Hello David Heraldson: Well I have some problems at the Gym David Heraldson: There is this guy named Gustaf who keep asking me if I lift. Leucine Lucy: Hello David Heraldson: He keep saying "Do you even lift?" every god damn morning Thank you for using Bodybuilding.com You may now close this window Your session has ended. You may now close this window. Print Exit Survey End Session POWERED BY ORACLE Send Please wait while we find an agent to assist you... You have been connected to Aerobic Andrea. tyrone shanquie: hello tyrone shanquie: i have a question Aerobic Andrea: Thank you for contacting Bodybuilding.com! My name is Aerobic Andrea, how can I help you today? tyrone shanquie: I have been having some problems at the gym Aerobic Andrea: 'm ony îiar fai tyrone shanquie: people are asking me if I "even lift" Thank you for using Bodybuilding.com You may now close this window Your session has ended. You may now close this window. Print Exit Survey End Session POWERED BY ORACLE Send Powered by Bodybuilding.com- Google Chrome https://c-rnr-cs15.instantservice.com/client/179035627/AF687A95C5C9EE8917D495BA35D306BFBCFD2民 Please wait while we find an agent to assist you.. You have been connected to Titan Tony Dooya Evanlift: Well? Thank you for using Bodybuilding.com You may now close this window Your session has ended. You may now close this window Print Exit Survey End Session POWERED BY ORACLE Send

Notable Examples

Image macros captioned with the phrase have appeared on various sites including Troll.me[1], Quickmeme[2] and Picslap.[3]


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