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The 2022 West Java Earthquake refers to a damaging earthquake that happened in Cianjur, West Java, Indonesia on November 21st, 2022. It had a 5.6 magnitude and a depth of 10 kilometers from the surface. The earthquake caused landslides and collapsed buildings. 252 people died and hundreds were injured as of November 22nd, 2022.


On November 21st, 2022, on 01:21 PM local time, the Indonesia Badan Meteorologi, Klimatologi, dan Geofisika or BMKG (Eng. Meteorology, Climatology, and Geophysical Agency) recorded data of an earthquake in Cianjur, West Java, Indonesia with a 5.6 magnitude and a depth of 10 kilometers from the surface. The quake was felt throughout much of Indonesia and caused substantial damage.

A few minutes later, the data from BMKG was published on their official Twitter[1] and Facebook[2], which received more than 58,100 likes and 36,700 retweets in less than 24 hours (shown below).

BMKG #Gempa Mag:5.6, 21-Nov-22 13:21:10 WIB, Lok:6.84 LS,107.05 BT (10 km BaratDaya KAB-CIANJUR- JABAR), Kedlmn:10 Km, tdk berpotensi tsunami #BMKG Translated from Indonesian by Google BMKG @infoBMKG #Gempa Mag:5.6, 21-Nov-22 13:21:10 WIB, Lok :6.84 South Latitude, 107.05 East Longitude (10 km Southwest of KAB-CIANJUR-JABAR), Depth: 10 Km, no potential for a tsunami #BMKG -10 GIF 104 Palembang Kedalaman Magnitudo 1:27 PM Nov 21, 2022. InaTEWS BMKG Janjung Karang <100km <6.0 00 5.6 Bening 6.0-8.0 ODO 27.2K Retweets 9,498 Quote Tweets 58.1K Likes Orfogyakart 100-300km >8.0 20 Sema >300km BMKG


The BMKG used their official Twitter[5] to share an update of the earthquake and resulting aftershocks. As of November 22nd, 2022, they had recorded a total of 145 earthquakes related to the event, with largest magnitude being a 4.2 and the smallest a 1.2. The tweet received more than 3,700 likes and 1,400 retweets (data shown below, left and right).

BMKG Jumlah Genpa 70 60 50 40 30 20 10 0 Gempa Susulan dari Gempa Utama M5.6 Cianjur Jawa Barat (21 November 2022, 13:21:10 WIB dirasakan di Cianjur V - VI MMI) hingga 22 November 2022 pukul 17.00 WIB 61 Jumlah Gempa Susulan : 145 42 2 18 3 Periode 6 Jam 12 4 12 Jumlah Gempa Dirasakan : 6
S,009 6°30'S 7°0'S Banten Kota Depok Sukabum PETA EPISENTER GEMPABUMI CIANJUR JAWA BARAT TANGGAL 22 NOVEMBER 2022 DKI Jakarta Bogor Kota Bogor Kota Bekasi Kota Sukabum 107°0'E Bekasi Jawa Barat Cianjur Karawang Purwakarta Waduk Cirata Pop Kota Cimahi Bandung Barat Kota Bandung Bandung Subang 107°30'E *) UPDATE JAM 17:00 WIB TERJADI 145 KALI GEMPABUMI SUSULAN Indramayu N 10 BMKG STASIUN GEOFISIKA 20 km BANDUNG Gempa Utama Magnitudo Gempa Susulan • M< 2.0 2.0 ≤ M<3.0 M≥ 3.0 ▼ Seismograf BMKG Sesar

The Indonesian site Detik[6] reported that at least 252 people had died and 377 people were injured as a result of the earthquake as of November 22nd, 2022.

Online Reactions

Since the earthquake happened inland, it caused more severe damage than if it had happened beneath the sea, causing the damage to be more substantial closer to the epicenter. Many buildings collapsed, which was the leading cause of injury. On November 21st, 2022, Twitter[3] user @daimalfad uploaded a video after the earthquake happened, showing many people injured and houses collapsed. The tweet received more than 5,600 retweets and 1,500 retweets (shown below).

On the next day, Twitter[4] user @akhsnnrkhls uploaded footage seconds before the earthquake shook his classroom. The tweet received more than 2,300 likes and 570 retweets (shown below).

Some governments and foreign politicians shared their condolences. For example, on November 21st, 2022, the governor of West Java, Ridwan Kamil, used his official Twitter[8] to upload the latest data of the earthquake. The tweet received more than 8,600 likes and 2,800 retweets (shown below, left). The following day, Malaysian politician Anwar Ibrahim uploaded his condolences for the victims of the earthquake in West Java, Indonesia. The tweet received more than 21,400 likes and 6,100 retweets (shown below, right).

Ridwan Kamil @ridwankamil Data terakhir per jam 21.00, dari call center BPBD Cianjur, korban bertambah di mana yang meninggal dunia 162 jiwa. 326 luka berat/ringan. 2,345 rumah rusak berat. 13,400an pengungsi. 88x getaran/gempa susulan terjadi di skala 1,5 s.d 4,8 skala richter, suasananya masih rawan. Translated from Indonesian by Google The latest data per hour 21.00, from the Cianjur BPBD call center, the number of victims has increased, where 162 people died. 326 serious/minor injuries. 2,345 houses were heavily damaged. 13,400 refugees. 88 x vibrations / aftershocks occurred on a scale of 1.5 to 4.8 on the Richter scale, the atmosphere is still vulnerable. LOOK NG Watch again
Anwar Ibrahim @anwaribrahim Saya mengutuskan salam takziah buat negara tetangga Indonesia yang baru berdepan bencana gempa di wilayah Cianjur berkekuatan magnitud 5.6 yang kini telah meragut lebih 50 nyawa. Foto: Daily Sabah Translated from Malay by Google I send my condolences to the neighboring country of Indonesia who recently faced an earthquake disaster in the Cianjur region with a magnitude of 5.6 which has now claimed more than 50 lives. Photo: Daily Sabah $ PUA 10:43 AM - Nov 22, 2022. Twitter for iPhone 6,139 Retweets 144 Quote Tweets 21.4K Likes

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An image of the earthquake's epicenter and some destruction it caused.

2022 West Java Earthquake

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The 2022 West Java Earthquake refers to a damaging earthquake that happened in Cianjur, West Java, Indonesia on November 21st, 2022. It had a 5.6 magnitude and a depth of 10 kilometers from the surface. The earthquake caused landslides and collapsed buildings. 252 people died and hundreds were injured as of November 22nd, 2022.


On November 21st, 2022, on 01:21 PM local time, the Indonesia Badan Meteorologi, Klimatologi, dan Geofisika or BMKG (Eng. Meteorology, Climatology, and Geophysical Agency) recorded data of an earthquake in Cianjur, West Java, Indonesia with a 5.6 magnitude and a depth of 10 kilometers from the surface. The quake was felt throughout much of Indonesia and caused substantial damage.

A few minutes later, the data from BMKG was published on their official Twitter[1] and Facebook[2], which received more than 58,100 likes and 36,700 retweets in less than 24 hours (shown below).

BMKG #Gempa Mag:5.6, 21-Nov-22 13:21:10 WIB, Lok:6.84 LS,107.05 BT (10 km BaratDaya KAB-CIANJUR- JABAR), Kedlmn:10 Km, tdk berpotensi tsunami #BMKG Translated from Indonesian by Google BMKG @infoBMKG #Gempa Mag:5.6, 21-Nov-22 13:21:10 WIB, Lok :6.84 South Latitude, 107.05 East Longitude (10 km Southwest of KAB-CIANJUR-JABAR), Depth: 10 Km, no potential for a tsunami #BMKG -10 GIF 104 Palembang Kedalaman Magnitudo 1:27 PM Nov 21, 2022. InaTEWS BMKG Janjung Karang <100km <6.0 00 5.6 Bening 6.0-8.0 ODO 27.2K Retweets 9,498 Quote Tweets 58.1K Likes Orfogyakart 100-300km >8.0 20 Sema >300km BMKG


The BMKG used their official Twitter[5] to share an update of the earthquake and resulting aftershocks. As of November 22nd, 2022, they had recorded a total of 145 earthquakes related to the event, with largest magnitude being a 4.2 and the smallest a 1.2. The tweet received more than 3,700 likes and 1,400 retweets (data shown below, left and right).

BMKG Jumlah Genpa 70 60 50 40 30 20 10 0 Gempa Susulan dari Gempa Utama M5.6 Cianjur Jawa Barat (21 November 2022, 13:21:10 WIB dirasakan di Cianjur V - VI MMI) hingga 22 November 2022 pukul 17.00 WIB 61 Jumlah Gempa Susulan : 145 42 2 18 3 Periode 6 Jam 12 4 12 Jumlah Gempa Dirasakan : 6 S,009 6°30'S 7°0'S Banten Kota Depok Sukabum PETA EPISENTER GEMPABUMI CIANJUR JAWA BARAT TANGGAL 22 NOVEMBER 2022 DKI Jakarta Bogor Kota Bogor Kota Bekasi Kota Sukabum 107°0'E Bekasi Jawa Barat Cianjur Karawang Purwakarta Waduk Cirata Pop Kota Cimahi Bandung Barat Kota Bandung Bandung Subang 107°30'E *) UPDATE JAM 17:00 WIB TERJADI 145 KALI GEMPABUMI SUSULAN Indramayu N 10 BMKG STASIUN GEOFISIKA 20 km BANDUNG Gempa Utama Magnitudo Gempa Susulan • M< 2.0 2.0 ≤ M<3.0 M≥ 3.0 ▼ Seismograf BMKG Sesar

The Indonesian site Detik[6] reported that at least 252 people had died and 377 people were injured as a result of the earthquake as of November 22nd, 2022.

Online Reactions

Since the earthquake happened inland, it caused more severe damage than if it had happened beneath the sea, causing the damage to be more substantial closer to the epicenter. Many buildings collapsed, which was the leading cause of injury. On November 21st, 2022, Twitter[3] user @daimalfad uploaded a video after the earthquake happened, showing many people injured and houses collapsed. The tweet received more than 5,600 retweets and 1,500 retweets (shown below).

On the next day, Twitter[4] user @akhsnnrkhls uploaded footage seconds before the earthquake shook his classroom. The tweet received more than 2,300 likes and 570 retweets (shown below).

Some governments and foreign politicians shared their condolences. For example, on November 21st, 2022, the governor of West Java, Ridwan Kamil, used his official Twitter[8] to upload the latest data of the earthquake. The tweet received more than 8,600 likes and 2,800 retweets (shown below, left). The following day, Malaysian politician Anwar Ibrahim uploaded his condolences for the victims of the earthquake in West Java, Indonesia. The tweet received more than 21,400 likes and 6,100 retweets (shown below, right).

Ridwan Kamil @ridwankamil Data terakhir per jam 21.00, dari call center BPBD Cianjur, korban bertambah di mana yang meninggal dunia 162 jiwa. 326 luka berat/ringan. 2,345 rumah rusak berat. 13,400an pengungsi. 88x getaran/gempa susulan terjadi di skala 1,5 s.d 4,8 skala richter, suasananya masih rawan. Translated from Indonesian by Google The latest data per hour 21.00, from the Cianjur BPBD call center, the number of victims has increased, where 162 people died. 326 serious/minor injuries. 2,345 houses were heavily damaged. 13,400 refugees. 88 x vibrations / aftershocks occurred on a scale of 1.5 to 4.8 on the Richter scale, the atmosphere is still vulnerable. LOOK NG Watch again Anwar Ibrahim @anwaribrahim Saya mengutuskan salam takziah buat negara tetangga Indonesia yang baru berdepan bencana gempa di wilayah Cianjur berkekuatan magnitud 5.6 yang kini telah meragut lebih 50 nyawa. Foto: Daily Sabah Translated from Malay by Google I send my condolences to the neighboring country of Indonesia who recently faced an earthquake disaster in the Cianjur region with a magnitude of 5.6 which has now claimed more than 50 lives. Photo: Daily Sabah $ PUA 10:43 AM - Nov 22, 2022. Twitter for iPhone 6,139 Retweets 144 Quote Tweets 21.4K Likes

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