Julid Fi Sabilillah
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Julid Fi Sabilillah (sometimes written as #JulidFiSabilillah) refers to a southeast Asia-based online movement to troll and raid social media accounts of Israeli military, police, influencers, supporters and politicians amidst the the 2023 Hamas vs. Israel conflict, similar to how NAFO treated Russians online during the Russian invasion of Ukraine.
On November 21st, 2023, X[1] user @AzzamIzzulhaq uploaded a post declaring that Erlangga Greschinov would become the Indonesian commander of operation "Julid Fi Sabilillah," a movement to raid the social media accounts of Israeli military, police, and Israel-supporting influencers in the 2023 Hamas vs. Israel conflict. The post received more than 4,300 reposts and 13,000 likes in two weeks (shown below).

Starting that day, Erlangga started collecting accounts of Israeli military and police. For example, on November 21st and 22nd, 2023, Erlangga uploaded screenshots of Israeli military social media accounts to be raided on his X[2][3] account. The post received more than 6,200 reposts and 18,500 likes, and 6,200 reposts and 20,000 likes in two weeks, respectively (shown below, left and right).

On November 23rd, 2023, X[4] user @Azzamlzzulhaq uploaded a post about user @Marchforward as the Malaysia representative joining the raid. The post received more than 4,800 reposts and 17,500 likes in two weeks (shown below, left). On December 4th, 2023, X[5] user @digermesele uploaded a post about receiving an invitation to the raid as the Türkiye representative and joining. The post received more than 4,100 reposts and 12,400 likes in three days (shown below, right).

On November 27th, 2023, Erlangga, via his X[6] account, uploaded a post updating conditions to do the raid, emphasizing point 4, written as "do not use any antisemitic tropes when raiding such as mentioning the Holocaust and Hitler." The post also reminded people to not raid haphazardly because he believed that not all Jewish people are supporting Israel. It received more than 6,300 reposts and 17,000 likes in two weeks (shown below).
![Greschinov warned his troops to not using antisemite narrations in the raid O ومكروا ومكر الله والله خير الفكرين PENGUMUMAN TEKNIS OPERASI #JULIDFISABILILLAH Brigade Hassan bin Tsabit Demi tercapainya kesuksesan operasi #Julid FiSabilillah, berikut disampaikan 7 teknis penting yang perlu diingat setiap pejuang #Julid Fisabilillah. 1. Operasi Julid fi Sabilillah ditujukan untuk melemahkan moril Israel, memerangi propaganda Zionis, dan memperkuat narasi pro-Palestina di jagat maya (Twitter, Instagram, TikTok, FB, dan kanal maya lainnya). 4. 2. Target utama kita adalah para tentara dan aparat kepolisian Israel, warga atau badan yang membuat narasi anti-Palestina, dan menyebarluaskan gerakan ini seluas-luasnya kepada masyarakat Indonesia agar turut serta. 3. Tindakan yang dilakukan yaitu memberikan counter-narratives dengan 2 cara: persuasif (komentar pro-Palestina, informasi fakta tentang Palestina) dan juga secara trolling (perisakan, hujatan, retasan, report massal pada akun-akun Zionis). Tidak membawa narasi antisemit (Holocaust, NAZI, Hitler, dan semacamnya) dalam perjuangan ini. Sebab yang kita lakukan adalah melawan Zionisme dan kekejaman Israel, bukan bangsa atau ras Yahudi. 5. Mendorong dan merangkul seluruh elemen masyarakat, terlepas apa pun agama, suku, dan pandangan politiknya, untuk memperjuangkan kemerdekaan Palestina sebagai amanat pendiri bangsa. 6. Saling mengingatkan dan memberikan informasi terkini mengenai perkembangan perang dan kabar saudara-saudara kita di Palestina. 7. Mendukung pemberdayaan masyarakat Palestina pada aspek-aspek lainnya seperti penyaluran donasi dan lobi-lobi diplomatik demi tercapainya kemerdekaan Palestina. Tertanda, Komandan Satuan Operasi Khusus Netizen julid Anti-Israel Erlangga Greschinov 508 People on 6.3K first to kn♡ 17K ₁743K kan orang a-apa lo serang aikan 7 teknis memerangi maya (Twitter, warga atau gerakan ini gan 2 cara: a) dan juga un-akun Zionis). ←] New to X >>> G Sign up Sign u prom Create Translate post Relevant peop Erlangga Gr Passionate world history and @faktab @EGreschin Erlangga Greschinov @Greschinov greschinov@ Sekali lagi ingat ya, kita memerangi Zionis dan Israel, bukan orang Yahudi, ingat teknis poin nomor 4. Kalau ada orang Yahudi pro-Palestina yang gak salah apa-apa lo serang juga, lo bukan bagian dari #JulidFiSabililah. 9:29 AM Nov 27, 2023 743.4K Views 6,230 Reposts 113 Quotes 17K Likes 296 Bookmarks ... 27 296 ,↑.](https://i.kym-cdn.com/photos/images/newsfeed/002/717/080/3f5.jpg)
On December 11th, 2023, Erlangga, via his X,[10] uploaded an updated post about a new raid target as of that date, adding Israeli politicians to the list. The post received more than 4,000 reposts and 12,200 likes in one day (shown below).

Online Reactions
On November 20th, 2023, Instagram user @edensissonn uploaded an Instagram Story about she threatened Indonesians who raided her account by reporting them to the Israeli police. On the same day, Erlangga, from his X account,[7] uploaded a screenshot of @edensissonn's story and received more than 5,200 reposts and 32,000 likes in three weeks (shown below, left). On December 2nd, 2023, X[8] user @OliLondonTV uploaded a post about Erlangga's now-deleted post about planning to raid several pro-Israel social media accounts. The post received 823 reposts and 2,800 likes in two weeks (shown below, right).

On December 5th, 2023, Erlangga, through his X account,[9] uploaded a video of a pro-Israel influencer saying his WhatsApp has been raided by mostly Indonesians due to the +62 phone numbers (the international code for Indonesian phones) who raided his WhatsApp. The post received more than 2,700 reposts and 9,100 likes in one week (shown below).
The power of +62 🇮🇩
— Erlangga Greschinov (@Greschinov) December 5, 2023
We never stay idle seeing someone making a genocidal song and proudly sing on it! 👍 pic.twitter.com/gO1EmQGcsd
Search Interest
External References
[1] X – @AzzamIzzulhaq
[2] X – @Greschinov
[3] X – @Greschinov
[4] X – @AzzamIzzulhaq
[5] X – @digermesele
[6] X – @Greschinov
[7] X – @Greschinov
[8] X – @OliLondonTV
[9] X – @Greschinov
[10] X – Greschinov
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