Geppetto / Ge-pedo
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Geppetto, or Ge-pedo, was a good idea for being a meme because when I saw the Family Guy episode recently with Geppetto and Pinnochio it inspired me to make a submission for this to get it known. The short bit went like this.
Gepetto: Oh no, I dropped my glasses. (Bends down, butt facing Pinochio.) Oh, by the way Pinochio, there were some cookies missing from the jar. Uh, did you take them by any chance?
Pinochio: Yes papa, I did. I'm sorry.
Gepetto: Are you sure you did?
Pinochio: Yes, papa. I would never lie to you.
Gepetto: Are you sure? I mean, you could lie to me. And who knows? You may even get away with it.
That's why I think it is going to be a funny meme.
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