Globglogabgalab is the name of an anthropomorphic worm character who sings about his love of books in the children's film Strawinsky and the Mysterious House. After a clip of the scene was discovered on YouTube in mid-February 2018, others began creating remixed variations of the video.
In January 2013, the computer-animated children's film Strawinsky and the Mysterious House[4] was released, which features a singing character who identifies himself as the "Globglogabgalab." On March 4th, 2015, YouTuber sean lockwood[7] uploaded a clip of the scene (shown below).
On February 18th, the video was submitted to /r/YouTubeHaiku[8] by Redditor CaptainNazz, where it received upwards of 1,500 points (92% upvoted) and 140 comments within three weeks. On February 20th, 2018, YouTuber durbeyfield reuploaded the scene. The following day, the video was reuploaded by YouTuber Sir Swig.[2] On February 21st, 2018, the video was posted on the Facepunch Forums.[6] On February 24th, YouTuber Daniel Hahn uploaded a clip of Eminem's "Rap God" music video followed by a clip of the Globglogabgalab (shown below, left). On March 2nd, YouTuber Skehmatics uploaded an electronic remix of the song (shown below, right).
Meanwhile, YouTuber Tretus uploaded a mashup combined with the track "You Reposted in the Wrong Neighborhood" (shown below, left). The following day, the original video was submitted to /r/NotTimAndEric.[3] On March 6th, YouTuber Sinful Creature uploaded a remix of the scene (shown below, right). That day, Redditor SansDunkateer submitted the video to the /r/jerma985[1] subreddit in a post urging viewers to help get the video game streamer Jerma to "notice this video."
On March 7th, a thread asking for an explanation of the lyric "I am the yeast of thoughts and mind" was submitted to 4chan's /co/ (comics & cartoons) board (shown below).[5]

Search Interest
External References
[1] Reddit – /r/jerma985
[3] Reddit – /r/nottimanderic
[4] YouTube – HopeAnimation
[5] Fireden – /co/ – Comics & Cartoons
[6] Facepunch – Globglogabgalab
[7] YouTube – original reupload
[8] Reddit – Globgogabgalab
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Mar 09, 2018 at 09:32PM EST
Mar 08, 2018 at 04:22PM EST