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Part of a series on Image Macros. [View Related Entries]


Holy Shit Go Outside is a catchphrase used in posts making fun of overly intricate image macros, often by overlaying the text over the original meme in impact font.


On September 14th, 2020, Twitter user @GeorgeWBussh[1] posted a highly detailed Political Compass meme sorting dozens of Wojak variations overlaid with the words "HOLY SHIT GO OUTSIDE," gaining over 4,700 retweets and 44,000 likes (shown below).

Authoritarian H-------- TheCommunt ce GO OUTSIDE Libertarian Right Left


Over the following two months, the format grew popular on Reddit, particularly with political or sexual content. For example, on October 8th, 2020, Redditor ThinkingEmojiTime used the phrase on the Left-Wing vs. Right-Wing Games image, gaining over 29,000 points[2] (shown below, left). On September 29th, user PotatoMain posted a picture with the phrase to /r/osucirclejerk,[3] gaining over 1,200 points (shown below, right).

Left Wing Games KNOW THE DIFFERENCE Right Wing games OH MY GOD These are dicated by the views the pelic ves the gamen may have or the creaters ef d gane Sexualeatien et characters, whether theve inons andr hew tastetu tamor Whetter the tabaes sfacgee ring in ene Libersis or censervativesita fachr whener the gemes have LGET bats te them How they hande sestve sutjects uc es Dysphonaenaoetc is a tactor. Not all gem ante aedr easons The voteg amacon for 201 ane 2020 ot eth ne creaton and the tans pay a tactr in their pasition Unannounce Ham Peter ANG Game GO OUTSIDE made withmematic
HOLY. S---. r/osugame Posted by u/markypho 3 27 Skin for my tablet finally how it came out Fun Settings Thank ya Mal GO OUTSIDE

The prevalence of the phrase in subreddits like /r/okbuddyretard and /r/politicalcompass led to it being used in anti-memes. For example, user drdxc posted it over the periodic table of elements in /r/okbuddyretard[4] on October 31st, 2020, gaining over 7,000 points (shown below, left). User ThegreatfanBR[5] posted a Coaxed Into A Snafu edit to /r/coaxedintoasnafu, gaining over 100 points (shown below, right).

H-------- Group ts 18 la Period 17 He Vla Vila 1 H 2 15 16 lla Li Be BCNOF Ne 2 Ohe Met Na Mg 3 4 5 6 7 Vib 12 Al Si P S CI Ar 10 11 IVb Vb VIlb Vilb- Ib llb 4. K Ca Sc Ti V Cr Mn Fe Co Ni Cu Zn Ga Ge As SeBr Kr 5 Rb Sr Y Zr Nb Mo Te Ru Rh Pd Ag Cd In Sn Sb Te I Xe 6. Cs Ba Hf Ta W Re Os Ir Pt Au H TI Pb Bi Po At Rn 112 Fr Ra D Sg Bh Hs Mt De Rg Cn N Me Lv Ts Og Aa-Sold Aa-Gas An-Ligat Bus-yicaly •La Ce Dr Nd Pml Sm Eu Gd Th ny Ho Er Tm Lu GO OUTSIDE Prepared Rased Coporation "cutting edge science for the classroom
oh dear lordie thing OP doesnt likes absent your residence

Various Examples

H-------- Authoritarian Left ARIES TAURUS AQUARI Economic- Economic Left Right LEO Libertarian Libertarian SCORPIO 09IA LIBRA Left Right ISTJ ISFJ INFJ INTJ BI Responsible, sincere, analytical reserved, realistic, systematic. Hardworking and trustworthy with sound practical judgment. Werm, considerate, gentle, resporaitle, pragmatic, thorough Idealistic, organiaed insightfu compassionate, gentle Seek harmony and cooperation, enjoy intellectual stimulation Innovative, independent, strategic, logie reserved, insightful. Driven by their own ariginal ideas to achieve improvements dable, Devoted caretakers who enjay being helphul to others THE FOOL THE MAGICIAN rHE HIGH PKIESTEN THE EMPRESS.THE EMPEROR.THE HIEROPHANT ISTP ISFP INFP INTP Action-ariented, logical, analytical, spontaneous, reserved, independent. Enjoy adventure, skilled at understanding how mechanical things work. Gentle, sensitive nurturing helphl, flesible, realistic. Seek to create a personal environment that is both beautihd and practical. Sensitive, creative, idealistic, perceptive caring loyal. Valae inner harmony and personal growth, focus on dreams and possibilities Intellectual, logical precise, reserved, fecble, imaginative. Original thinkers who enjoy speculation and creative problem solving THE LOVERS THE HERMIIT. WHEEL FORTUNE JLSTICE THE CHARIOT. STRENGTH ESTP ESFP ENFP ENTP Playhl, enthusiastic, friendly, spontaneous, tactful, flexble. Have Enthusiastik, creative, Outgoing, realistic, action-oriented, curious versatile, spontaneous. Pragmatic problem solvers and skilful negotiators. Inventive, enthusiasti. spontaneous, optimisti, supportive, playful. Value inspiration, enjoy tarti strategic, enterprising. inquisitive, versatile. Enjoy new ideas and strong common sense, GO OUTSIDE enjoy helping people tangible ways. T DEVIL THE TOWER. THE STAR. ESTJ ESFJ Eficient, outgoing analytical, systematic, dependable, realstic. Like to run the show and get things done in an arderly fashion. Friendly. outgoin rekable, conscienti organized, practical to be helpful and ple others, enjoy being active and productive. with people. planners GEMINI CANCER MTTARIUS CAPRICORN
H-------- THE UNIVERSAL DECLARATION oF Human Rights GO OUTSIDE mgflip com
Biden 279 163 Trump H-------- 183 You are viewing: 2020 Consensus WA 12 ND MN 10 OR SD NY 29 OH 11 MA UT 20 RI MO 10 CT 14 NJ DE TN 11 10 MD GO OUTSIDE NM DC 270 EWIN Map Updated Nov. 3, 2020 ot 13:29 UTC (829 AM EST) NO THERE IS A A PANDEMIC RETARD 12- 80
H-------- ICANT WAIT TO MAKE AVERY HIGH-EFFORT POST Authoritarian Authoritarian Left Right Economic- Economic- Left Right Libertarian Libertarian Left Right SURELY NOBODY WILL LAZILY WRITE "H-------- GO OUTSIDE/GET AGF'OVER ITAND GET 3KUPVOTES LIbertarian GO OUTSIDE GET A GF
ARCTIC OCEAN H-------- ARCTIC OCEAN United States Iceland Russia FEstonia Latvia Lithuania Canada U.K. Ireland Belg Get many Belar Ukraine Mol Geor. Kazakhstan Mongolia United States Fran Bul Armenia Turkey ATLANTIC Portugal Japan Kyrgyzstan Tajikistan Litaly China NKarea S Kora OCEAN oroccun Algeria Libya Iran Alghan -Kunait Qatar Pakistan Greece Lebanon- isra SNepal Bhutan Irac Mexico rdan Saudi Arabia PACIFIC Westem Sahara Egypt India Laos Vietnam OCEAN Caribbean Taiwan Senegal The Gambia Maurt Mali Niger/Chad Eritrea Sudan Yemen Ojbouti Bang Tha Cambodia Philippines PACIFIC Guinea-Bissau Central America Guyana Venez Suriname French Guiana France) CAR ou Ethiopia Dem. Rep of Congo Oeone Malaysia Siera Liberia Chana Benin Cote d'ivoire Sri Lanka OCEAN ANigeria Togo Equatorial Guinea Gabon Ken Uganda Rwanda Раpua New Guinea Ecuador Indonesia Solomon Islands Peru Brazil Tanz Burundi ngola INDIAN Timor-Leste Bolivi Madagascar OCEAN GO OUTSIDE Fiji New Caledonia Australia Chile New Zealand SOUTHERN OCEAN O 2020 Geology.com
HÖLY S--- 1.9K 27 5.1K 35K @JimCarrey · Oct 20 Let's make it happen. Let's send him home. Jim Carrey 000 #BidenHarris 904 2] 1.9K 15.7K Jim Carrey @JimCarrey · Oct 19 000 Susan Collins, Hellbound Class of 2020 GET A LIFE

Search Interest

External References

[1] Twitter – GeorgeWBussh

[2] Reddit – /r/gamingcirclejerk

[3] Reddit – osucirclejerk

[4] Reddit – /r/okbuddyretard

[5] Reddit – /r/coaxedintoasnafu

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text mocking overly intricate memes

Holy Shit Go Outside

Part of a series on Image Macros. [View Related Entries]

Updated Jan 29, 2025 at 10:58PM EST by LiterallyAustin.

Added Nov 12, 2020 at 03:29PM EST by Adam.

PROTIP: Press 'i' to view the image gallery, 'v' to view the video gallery, or 'r' to view a random entry.

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Holy Shit Go Outside is a catchphrase used in posts making fun of overly intricate image macros, often by overlaying the text over the original meme in impact font.


On September 14th, 2020, Twitter user @GeorgeWBussh[1] posted a highly detailed Political Compass meme sorting dozens of Wojak variations overlaid with the words "HOLY SHIT GO OUTSIDE," gaining over 4,700 retweets and 44,000 likes (shown below).

Authoritarian H-------- TheCommunt ce GO OUTSIDE Libertarian Right Left


Over the following two months, the format grew popular on Reddit, particularly with political or sexual content. For example, on October 8th, 2020, Redditor ThinkingEmojiTime used the phrase on the Left-Wing vs. Right-Wing Games image, gaining over 29,000 points[2] (shown below, left). On September 29th, user PotatoMain posted a picture with the phrase to /r/osucirclejerk,[3] gaining over 1,200 points (shown below, right).

Left Wing Games KNOW THE DIFFERENCE Right Wing games OH MY GOD These are dicated by the views the pelic ves the gamen may have or the creaters ef d gane Sexualeatien et characters, whether theve inons andr hew tastetu tamor Whetter the tabaes sfacgee ring in ene Libersis or censervativesita fachr whener the gemes have LGET bats te them How they hande sestve sutjects uc es Dysphonaenaoetc is a tactor. Not all gem ante aedr easons The voteg amacon for 201 ane 2020 ot eth ne creaton and the tans pay a tactr in their pasition Unannounce Ham Peter ANG Game GO OUTSIDE made withmematic HOLY. S---. r/osugame Posted by u/markypho 3 27 Skin for my tablet finally how it came out Fun Settings Thank ya Mal GO OUTSIDE

The prevalence of the phrase in subreddits like /r/okbuddyretard and /r/politicalcompass led to it being used in anti-memes. For example, user drdxc posted it over the periodic table of elements in /r/okbuddyretard[4] on October 31st, 2020, gaining over 7,000 points (shown below, left). User ThegreatfanBR[5] posted a Coaxed Into A Snafu edit to /r/coaxedintoasnafu, gaining over 100 points (shown below, right).

H-------- Group ts 18 la Period 17 He Vla Vila 1 H 2 15 16 lla Li Be BCNOF Ne 2 Ohe Met Na Mg 3 4 5 6 7 Vib 12 Al Si P S CI Ar 10 11 IVb Vb VIlb Vilb- Ib llb 4. K Ca Sc Ti V Cr Mn Fe Co Ni Cu Zn Ga Ge As SeBr Kr 5 Rb Sr Y Zr Nb Mo Te Ru Rh Pd Ag Cd In Sn Sb Te I Xe 6. Cs Ba Hf Ta W Re Os Ir Pt Au H TI Pb Bi Po At Rn 112 Fr Ra D Sg Bh Hs Mt De Rg Cn N Me Lv Ts Og Aa-Sold Aa-Gas An-Ligat Bus-yicaly •La Ce Dr Nd Pml Sm Eu Gd Th ny Ho Er Tm Lu GO OUTSIDE Prepared Rased Coporation "cutting edge science for the classroom oh dear lordie thing OP doesnt likes absent your residence

Various Examples

H-------- Authoritarian Left ARIES TAURUS AQUARI Economic- Economic Left Right LEO Libertarian Libertarian SCORPIO 09IA LIBRA Left Right ISTJ ISFJ INFJ INTJ BI Responsible, sincere, analytical reserved, realistic, systematic. Hardworking and trustworthy with sound practical judgment. Werm, considerate, gentle, resporaitle, pragmatic, thorough Idealistic, organiaed insightfu compassionate, gentle Seek harmony and cooperation, enjoy intellectual stimulation Innovative, independent, strategic, logie reserved, insightful. Driven by their own ariginal ideas to achieve improvements dable, Devoted caretakers who enjay being helphul to others THE FOOL THE MAGICIAN rHE HIGH PKIESTEN THE EMPRESS.THE EMPEROR.THE HIEROPHANT ISTP ISFP INFP INTP Action-ariented, logical, analytical, spontaneous, reserved, independent. Enjoy adventure, skilled at understanding how mechanical things work. Gentle, sensitive nurturing helphl, flesible, realistic. Seek to create a personal environment that is both beautihd and practical. Sensitive, creative, idealistic, perceptive caring loyal. Valae inner harmony and personal growth, focus on dreams and possibilities Intellectual, logical precise, reserved, fecble, imaginative. Original thinkers who enjoy speculation and creative problem solving THE LOVERS THE HERMIIT. WHEEL FORTUNE JLSTICE THE CHARIOT. STRENGTH ESTP ESFP ENFP ENTP Playhl, enthusiastic, friendly, spontaneous, tactful, flexble. Have Enthusiastik, creative, Outgoing, realistic, action-oriented, curious versatile, spontaneous. Pragmatic problem solvers and skilful negotiators. Inventive, enthusiasti. spontaneous, optimisti, supportive, playful. Value inspiration, enjoy tarti strategic, enterprising. inquisitive, versatile. Enjoy new ideas and strong common sense, GO OUTSIDE enjoy helping people tangible ways. T DEVIL THE TOWER. THE STAR. ESTJ ESFJ Eficient, outgoing analytical, systematic, dependable, realstic. Like to run the show and get things done in an arderly fashion. Friendly. outgoin rekable, conscienti organized, practical to be helpful and ple others, enjoy being active and productive. with people. planners GEMINI CANCER MTTARIUS CAPRICORN H-------- THE UNIVERSAL DECLARATION oF Human Rights GO OUTSIDE mgflip com Biden 279 163 Trump H-------- 183 You are viewing: 2020 Consensus WA 12 ND MN 10 OR SD NY 29 OH 11 MA UT 20 RI MO 10 CT 14 NJ DE TN 11 10 MD GO OUTSIDE NM DC 270 EWIN Map Updated Nov. 3, 2020 ot 13:29 UTC (829 AM EST) NO THERE IS A A PANDEMIC RETARD 12- 80 H-------- ICANT WAIT TO MAKE AVERY HIGH-EFFORT POST Authoritarian Authoritarian Left Right Economic- Economic- Left Right Libertarian Libertarian Left Right SURELY NOBODY WILL LAZILY WRITE "H-------- GO OUTSIDE/GET AGF'OVER ITAND GET 3KUPVOTES LIbertarian GO OUTSIDE GET A GF ARCTIC OCEAN H-------- ARCTIC OCEAN United States Iceland Russia FEstonia Latvia Lithuania Canada U.K. Ireland Belg Get many Belar Ukraine Mol Geor. Kazakhstan Mongolia United States Fran Bul Armenia Turkey ATLANTIC Portugal Japan Kyrgyzstan Tajikistan Litaly China NKarea S Kora OCEAN oroccun Algeria Libya Iran Alghan -Kunait Qatar Pakistan Greece Lebanon- isra SNepal Bhutan Irac Mexico rdan Saudi Arabia PACIFIC Westem Sahara Egypt India Laos Vietnam OCEAN Caribbean Taiwan Senegal The Gambia Maurt Mali Niger/Chad Eritrea Sudan Yemen Ojbouti Bang Tha Cambodia Philippines PACIFIC Guinea-Bissau Central America Guyana Venez Suriname French Guiana France) CAR ou Ethiopia Dem. Rep of Congo Oeone Malaysia Siera Liberia Chana Benin Cote d'ivoire Sri Lanka OCEAN ANigeria Togo Equatorial Guinea Gabon Ken Uganda Rwanda Раpua New Guinea Ecuador Indonesia Solomon Islands Peru Brazil Tanz Burundi ngola INDIAN Timor-Leste Bolivi Madagascar OCEAN GO OUTSIDE Fiji New Caledonia Australia Chile New Zealand SOUTHERN OCEAN O 2020 Geology.com HÖLY S--- 1.9K 27 5.1K 35K @JimCarrey · Oct 20 Let's make it happen. Let's send him home. Jim Carrey 000 #BidenHarris 904 2] 1.9K 15.7K Jim Carrey @JimCarrey · Oct 19 000 Susan Collins, Hellbound Class of 2020 GET A LIFE

Search Interest

External References

[1] Twitter – GeorgeWBussh

[2] Reddit – /r/gamingcirclejerk

[3] Reddit – osucirclejerk

[4] Reddit – /r/okbuddyretard

[5] Reddit – /r/coaxedintoasnafu

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