Jerry is/isn't a meme
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Jerry Smith is a character in Rick and Morty. He is Morty's insecure father, who strongly disapproves of Rick's influence over his son. Along with this is his jeopardized marriage to his wife, Beth, whom he finds himself struggling to keep a hold of due to her close relationship with her father.
In March of 2016, the Rick and Morty 'Shitposting' facebook was created and slowing gained 100 members. On the 14th of March 2016 a facebook user called 'Matthew Leitham' posted a screenshot of Jerry Smith holding a phone to his ear and the caption was "Hello, can I be meme?".
Matthew then went on to post several screenshots of Jerry with various captions about him being a meme, as the group started to pick up more and more members people started to claim that he wasn't a meme, this developed into a trend within the group by saying he was or was not a meme. This was followed by having the group flooded with Jerry pictures with captions about him being or not being a meme. These arguments were similar to what happened with 'Milhouse' from 'The Simpsons' and him being a meme.
As the group hit one thousand members, people seemed to like the fact that they were arguing over Jerry being a meme and the trend carried on until ten thousand members until Lewis Gove, one of the admins in the group announced Jerry as finally being a meme. This trend has since died down and very little people argue about him being a meme.
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