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Kellyanne Conway's "Working Hard" Photo

Added by Don • Updated about a year ago by Z.
Added by Don • Updated about a year ago by Z.

Kellyanne Conway's "Working Hard" Photo
Kellyanne Conway's "Working Hard" Photo

Category: Meme Status: submission Year: 2016 Origin: Twitter Region:
Tags: donald trump politics twitter


Kellyanne Conway's "Working Hard" Photo refers to a picture of United States President-elect Donald Trump and his campaign manager Kellyanne Conway looking at a Macbook. After the photograph was tweeted by Conway in late November 2016, it widely circulated on Twitter accompanied by various humorous captions and photoshopped computer screens.


On November 28th, 2016, Conway tweeted a photograph of her and Donald Trump looking at a computer screen with the caption "@realDonaldTrump & I working hard tonight. Thank you for the privilege of a lifetime, #PEOTUS" (shown below).

Kellyanne Conway @kellyannePolls Follow @realDonaldTrump & I working hard tonight. Thank you for the privilege of a lifetime, #PEOTUS USA USA RETWEETS LIKES s 17,1 83 地 AO.BA 7:37 PM -28 Nov 2016 わ3.8K 5.6K 17K


The same day, Twitter user @ParkerMolloy[3] posted the photo next to a photoshopped picture of a computer screen with instructions on "How To Be President of the United States" (shown below, left). Meanwhile, Twitter user @braddybb[4] posted a blank photoshop template to accompany the photo, asking followers to "please meme responsibly" (shown below, right).

0 How to Be Presldent of the United States Being the prnsicient is a diand demanting job. The peth o he presalency starts wnen you'e young You il have to onk on developing a eveer in poldics os y on. Relone you etonio the presdent. yd to secure the nonaton Follow Parker Molloy @ParkerMolloy 7:54 PM 28 Nov 2016 다 230 413 brad esposito @braddybb FolloW here is the blank template for Trump's macbook, please meme responsibly 7:57 PM 28 Nov 2016 262雙426

That evening, Twitter user The Cuckservative[2] retweeted the photo with the caption "'Now watch. I hate the tweet button and obtain full control of the news cycle'" (shown below). In 48 hours, the tweet received upwards of 5,000 likes and 2,500 retweets. In the coming days, several news sites published articles about the online reaction to Conway's photo, including Bustle,[5] Esquire[6] and The Daily Dot.[7]

The Cuckservative @RISENSHTPOASTER . Follow "Now watch. I hit the Tweet button and obtain full control of the news cycle." USA U USA RETWEETS LIKES 閥@圝赧SEBRO 2,500 5,077 8:52 PM-28 Nov 2016 わ129 2.5K 5.1K

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