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Kid Sipping Fire From Lighter refers to an image of a boy sipping fire from a lit lighter, while another boy excitedly watches in the background. The image is used as an exploitable image labeling format.


On June 29th, 2018, Toma Cheroso uploaded a video titled "É você satanas?" which translates roughly to, "Is that you Satan?" to YouTube,[1] in which a kid holds a lit lighter in front of his lips then inhales the fire over a slow motion effect as a second kid watches in excitement (shown below). It's unknown if this video is produced by the channel owner, or a reupload.

[This video has been removed]


On December 13th, 2019, @akiravstheworld uploaded a still frame from the video of the boy inhaling the fire and the other boy reacting in shock to Twitter[2] (shown below). This is one of the earliest known instances of the screenshot isolated from the video uploaded to the web.

On April 22nd, 2020, /u/Hugoskd posted a labeled version of the image to /r/PewdiepieSubmissions[3] referencing the large amount of RAM Google Chrome takes up, garnering over 9,300 upvotes in 9 months (shown below, left). It was reuploaded to /r/pcmasterrace[4] where it garnered an additional 2,600 upvotes.

On May 9th, a 9GAG user posted a version of the meme to the site, garnering over 3,400 points and 160 comments in 8 months (shown below, right).[5]

Task Manager One Chrome Tab. 8gb of RAM
Whatever the f--- USA is doing Rest of the world COVID-19

On July 30th, u/thissaccount uploaded the blank image to /r/blursed[6] images under the title "Blursed Firebender" garnering over 2,100 upvotes in 5 months. On January 28th, 2021, /u/sreenath95 posted a version of the meme referencing Nestle stealing water to /r/dankmemes,[7] garnering over 10,000 upvotes in 8 hours (shown below).

Nestlé Native people Water

Various Examples

Word Mentality and Nihongo A#RE ALIT Y @NihongoReality ... Because D is the possession particle! *bu dum tsk* @NihongoReality Exorcists
Doctors Trump Medical Advice
Me, who ate 3 instead of 2 God Flinstone vitamins made with mematic
My opponent Thousand Eyes Restrict His monster ChaosGiant Memes
Justice Star Enyaba Platinum
Rapturous Flagellant Masochistic vestal on 1hp Self bonk

Search Interest


External References

[1] YouTube – É você satanas?

[2] Twitter – akiravstheworld

[3] Reddit – Thirsty boi

[4] Reddit – Thirsty one…

[5] 9gag – Da fuk they doing over there

[6] Reddit – Blursed Firebender

[7] Reddit – My precious

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Person sucking a flame from a lighter while another person watches in amazement

Kid Sipping Fire From Lighter

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Kid Sipping Fire From Lighter refers to an image of a boy sipping fire from a lit lighter, while another boy excitedly watches in the background. The image is used as an exploitable image labeling format.


On June 29th, 2018, Toma Cheroso uploaded a video titled "É você satanas?" which translates roughly to, "Is that you Satan?" to YouTube,[1] in which a kid holds a lit lighter in front of his lips then inhales the fire over a slow motion effect as a second kid watches in excitement (shown below). It's unknown if this video is produced by the channel owner, or a reupload.

[This video has been removed]


On December 13th, 2019, @akiravstheworld uploaded a still frame from the video of the boy inhaling the fire and the other boy reacting in shock to Twitter[2] (shown below). This is one of the earliest known instances of the screenshot isolated from the video uploaded to the web.

On April 22nd, 2020, /u/Hugoskd posted a labeled version of the image to /r/PewdiepieSubmissions[3] referencing the large amount of RAM Google Chrome takes up, garnering over 9,300 upvotes in 9 months (shown below, left). It was reuploaded to /r/pcmasterrace[4] where it garnered an additional 2,600 upvotes.

On May 9th, a 9GAG user posted a version of the meme to the site, garnering over 3,400 points and 160 comments in 8 months (shown below, right).[5]

Task Manager One Chrome Tab. 8gb of RAM Whatever the f--- USA is doing Rest of the world COVID-19

On July 30th, u/thissaccount uploaded the blank image to /r/blursed[6] images under the title "Blursed Firebender" garnering over 2,100 upvotes in 5 months. On January 28th, 2021, /u/sreenath95 posted a version of the meme referencing Nestle stealing water to /r/dankmemes,[7] garnering over 10,000 upvotes in 8 hours (shown below).

Nestlé Native people Water

Various Examples

Word Mentality and Nihongo A#RE ALIT Y @NihongoReality ... Because D is the possession particle! *bu dum tsk* @NihongoReality Exorcists Doctors Trump Medical Advice Me, who ate 3 instead of 2 God Flinstone vitamins made with mematic My opponent Thousand Eyes Restrict His monster ChaosGiant Memes Justice Star Enyaba Platinum Rapturous Flagellant Masochistic vestal on 1hp Self bonk

Search Interest


External References

[1] YouTube – É você satanas?

[2] Twitter – akiravstheworld

[3] Reddit – Thirsty boi

[4] Reddit – Thirsty one…

[5] 9gag – Da fuk they doing over there

[6] Reddit – Blursed Firebender

[7] Reddit – My precious

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