All Entries - Entries
King Theoden's "So It Begins"

King Theoden's "So It Begins"
Saruman the Stinky

Saruman the Stinky
The Hunt For Gollum (Film)

The Hunt For Gollum (Film)
It's Some Form Of Elvish, I Can't Read It

It's Some Form Of Elvish, I Can't Read It
Low Opacity Elrond Healing Frodo

Low Opacity Elrond Healing Frodo
Elrond Putting Together the Fellowship Roster / Moneyball x LOTR

Elrond Putting Together the Fellowship Roster / Moneyball x LOTR
The Time Of The Orc Has Come

The Time Of The Orc Has Come
Saruman Magically Summoning

Saruman Magically Summoning
The Lord of the Rings: The Rings of Power

The Lord of the Rings: The Rings of Power
Sam Va Lentin

Sam Va Lentin
Pondering My Orb

Pondering My Orb
Viggo Mortensen Broke His Toe In 'The Two Towers'

Viggo Mortensen Broke His Toe In 'The Two Towers'
Second Breakfast

Second Breakfast
What About Very Old Friends?

What About Very Old Friends?
I Summon You To Fulfill Your Oath

I Summon You To Fulfill Your Oath
Where Was Gondor When the Westfold Fell?