Macaroni With the Chicken Strips
Part of a series on TikTok. [View Related Entries]
Macaroni With the Chicken Strips refers to an original sound on TikTok in which a child says, "macaroni with the chicken strips," and then blissfully moans. The sound and hashtag #macaroniwiththechickenstrips gained significant attention on TikTok in February 2021, inspiring lip dubs, skits and various remixes.
On an unknown date prior to February 6th, 2021, TikToker @synxiny uploaded a video in which he looks at a plateful of macaroni and cheese and chicken strips and says, "macaroni with the chicken strips," then emits a soft moan. The video and account were removed soon after, losing the original sound and removing it from any videos that used it. On February 8th, YouTuber[6] @pewpewdew reuploaded the video, garnering over 66,000 views in 10 days (shown below).
Although the original sound and video no longer exist on TikTok, users were quick to reupload it. For example, on February 8th, TikToker[7] @vg_n00b uploaded the sound over Call of Duty footage, perfectly synchronizing the moan with footage of a player being killed by a grenade, garnering over 290,000 views in 10 days (shown below, left). In the same span of time, the original sound was used in over 3,300 videos, many similarly structured to synchronize the moan with a specific event (most popular example shown below, right, garnering over 6.6 million views in four days).[8]
On February 9th, 2021, TikToker[9] @all4asjon uploaded a lip dub video using an original upload of the audio clip, garnering over 209,000 views in nine days (shown below, left). In the video, he presents one desirable trait on one hand via on-screen-text during the words "macaroni," then another during "with the chicken strips" and puts his hands together on the moan, implying the two things are a perfect match. The sound was used in over 1,400 videos in the same span of time, many of them participating in the trend. The most popular video following the trend was uploaded by TikToker[12] @qtrosaa on February 15th (shown below, right). The video gained over 289,000 views in three days.
The original sound has been uploaded by a number of other TikTokers, the videos to which are largely collected under the hashtag[13] #macaroniwiththechicken strips.
Ice Cream Sandwich Shorts Kirby Animation
On February 16th, 2021, YouTuber,[1] TikToker[2] and webcomic creator Ice Cream Sandwich Guy uploaded an animated video in which a hand-drawn version of the video game character Kirby, sitting in front of a plate of chicken strips and a bowl of macaroni lip dubs, "macaroni with the chicken strips," softly moans, lifts from his seat and vanishes into thin air (shown below). The video gained over 482,000 views on YouTube and 2.3 million on TikTok in two days. He also posted the video to Twitter[3] that day, garnering over 44,000 likes and 10,000 retweets in the same span of time.
As the video spread it inspired TikTokers to use the sound over various video clips similar to previous uploads of the sound (often gameplay from Minecraft) where the moan in Ice Cream Sandwich Guy's video is timed to play as a character flies away or vanishes.
For example, on February 16th, TikToker[4] @npc_man1 uploaded Minecraft footage set to the sound where the character is launched into the sky in time with the moan, garnering over 5.8 million views in two days (shown below).
On that day, Redditor /u/maxiscoolerthanyou shared the video to /r/YouTubeHaiku,[5] garnering over 1,200 upvotes in two days. On February 17th, TikToker[10] @silvos7 uploaded Minecraft footage set to the sound, garnering over 560,000 views in a day (shown below, left). On February 18th, TikToker[11] @thisisandrewtiktok posted synchronized Pirates of the Caribbean footage using the sound, garnering over 700,000 views in under a day (shown below, right).
Various Examples
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External References
[1] YouTube – kirby enjoys macaroni with the chicken strips
[2] TikTok (via Wayback Machine) – macaroni with the chicken strips ✨uh✨
[3] Twitter – @ICSandwichGuy
[4] TikTok (via Wayback Machine) – I can say this will absolutely destroy you in survival
[5] Reddit – macaroni with the chicken strips [Haiku]
[6] YouTube – macaroni and the chicken strips
[7] TikTok – ANOTHER repost since the sound got removed
[8] TikTok – Bruh, how did I lose a 3v1 to a beanbag smh
[9] TikTok – the sound got taken down
[10] TikTok – #fy (page unavailable)
[11] TikTok – #piratesofthecarribean (page unavailable)
[13] TikTok – #macaroniwiththechickenstrips
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