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Part of a series on Snapchat. [View Related Entries]


MrTLexify "Babygirl" Snapchat Messages refers to a screen recording of a Snapchat conversation between Call of Duty YouTuber and Twitter / X user MrTLexify and his unnamed ex-girlfriend nicknamed "babygirl 🍭" on his phone. He said that the conversation was from Coachella 2022 and it allegedly showed how his ex was lying about the age of Lawrence, the guy she cheated on him with, who was a 17-year-old minor. The viral video was posted by MrTLexify in July 2024 to defend himself and prove the allegations against his ex. The video garnered reactions and memes on Twitter / X in replies and quotes. Many users screenshotted different moments in the conversation, labeling MrTLexify cringe and his self-exposure embarrassing. A notable example showed babygirl 🍭 texting, "you cant even make me cum / you cant fuck right" and MrTLexify responding, "I'm sorry."


On July 24th, 2024, YouTuber MrTLexify posted a screen recording to X[1] showing Snapchat messages between himself and his unnamed ex-girlfriend nicknamed "babygirl 🍭" on his phone. MrTLexify captioned the video, "This is extremely embarrassing to post but this proves my ex was lying about the age of the guy she cheated on me with. This conversation was in 2022 for Coachella and it speaks for itself. I have retained legal counsel and need to let the legal investigation complete itself first." Over five days, the video received roughly 142.2 million views and 31,000 likes (shown below).

MrTLexify posted the video to prove that his ex-girlfriend cheated on him with a 17-year-old minor (Lawrence) when she was 21 years old. Two days prior, on July 22nd, he posted a long-form post to X[9] about the allegations.


On July 24th, 2024, viral quotes were posted with the tweet in which users highlighted different sections of MrTLexify's conversation. For instance, on July 24th, X[2] user @nickiswashed quoted it with three screenshots, writing, "I’d literally rather kill myself than let this get out, being this down bad over a female is insane man😭😭😭," gaining over 1,100 likes in five days (shown below, left).

On July 25th, X[3] user @TazH5_ tweeted a screenshot in which babygirl 🍭 wrote, "you cant even make me cum / you cant fuck right" and MrTLexify responded, "I'm sorry." @TazH5_ captioned the screenshot, "The villain arc would’ve started right here god damn bro not even Batman could get this info outta me," receiving over 135,000 likes in four days (shown below, right).

Nick @nickiswashed Jul 24 I'd literally rather kill myself than let this get out, being this down bad over a female is insane man ME Please can you come back and let me give you everything that I owe you baby, you don't owe me. I owe you. Please I don't want your f------ p----, I just want you to be happy. You can date other guys Idc, I just don't want you to be sad and upset and I want you to have a good life. I do care about you baby. People can give you a place to live but they can't give you a career. I can show you how to do that babe. You only need to be with me for a year and then that's it and hopefully I can change things. Even if you don't want me to be with me earlier, you can go. I just want you to know that I always care and love you. I'm sorry about what I said. I just am sad that this is happening so close to the trip but now idk how you feel. Please I love you and only want to make up for my mistakes. This is the only way I thought of and now I'm not going to be able to :( Lex you're way below them Can we at least be together we had such a good trip last time What happenedx:(?? BABYGIRL i dont wanna be with you i wanna meet people at coachella BABYGIRL go together but your friends will be 6:41 you opened your mouth I want to go with you holding your hand : BABYGIRL @MrTLexify. Jul 24 ME 2:49 PM Im sorry for calling you names, im sorry for being disgusting please come back I will just be your paypig I am so desperate for you Please just let me be in your life I miss you so much You don't have to love me I just want to help you baby im so sorry I feel miserable with you male anu white ME . 3:14 PM Yes I'm sorry I'm privileged and I'm here to help that's all I cN do with my privilege BABYGIRL || already privileged enough ME Please I'm sorry I'm make and white I'm sorry 3:14 PM 3:14 PM I'd literally cut my d--- off for you that's how This is extremely embarrassing to post but this proves my ex was lying about the age of the guy she cheated on me with. This conversation was in 2022 for Coachella and it ...
Ziah @TazH5_ • Jul 25 The villain arc would've started right here god damn bro not even Batman could get this info outta me BABYGIRL you cant even make me c-- 3:33 PM you cant f--- right ME I'm sorry BABYGIRL you cant eat p---- right you cant kiss right what am i here for at this point? ME I thought you told me I ate p---- good :( I thought you liked my kisses Lex you're way below them Can we at least be together we had such a good trip last time What haopenedx:(?? BABYGIRL i dont wanna be with you i wanna meet people at coachella 6:41 but your friends will be ou opened your mouth I want to go with you holding your hand :[ @MrTLexify ⚫ Jul 24 3:33 PM 3:33 PM 3:33 PM This is extremely embarrassing to post but this proves my ex was lying about the age of the guy she cheated on me with. This conversation was in 2022 for Coachella and it ... ...

On July 26th, 2024, X[4] user @Maximocikin posted a Red Circle Perpetrators meme that showed the Overwatch Reaper in the words "die die die," gaining over 86,000 likes in three days (shown below, left).

On July 27th, X[5] user @funnysmartguy12 quoted the original tweet, writing, "Genuinely might be the greatest video of all time man. You don’t even need to watch it. You can go to any time in the video and it’s fucking hysterical. Generational content," amassing over 62,000 likes in two days (shown below, right).

3:52 ME babygirl | No baby please BABYGIRL | i miss him so bad ME I want to be there with you Nooo This is a nightmar How is this happe I feel like I'm su RL B die die die 3:39 PM 3:39 PM 3:39 PM PM 3:39 PM Baby you love me Nooooooo :(((((( BABYGIRL you ruined me ME Nooooooooooo0 BABYGIRL 3:39 PM 3:39 PM 3:40 PM you say awful s--- to me once every 3 months ME Noooo baby no stop Stain ata. O Send a chat 3:40 PM
chase @funnysmartguy12 Genuinely might be the greatest video of all time man. You don't even need to watch it. You can go to any time in the video and it's f------ hysterical. Generational content Lex t @MrTLexify. Jul 24 This is extremely embarrassing to post but this proves my ex was lying about the age of the guy she cheated on me with. This conversation was in 2022 for Coachella and it speaks for itself. Show more 6:36 ME 3:52 babygirl nola everything over my head? ..? - > I don't want to do that I'll never do that baby I don't do that Please baby I want you to be with me So bad BABYGIRL you did it to me today on twitter lol ME Things will be better No baby :( 4:43 PM 3:45 PM J:45 PM BABYGIRL yes you did shut the f--- up h-------- just say you're wrong holy f--- you're so fucling stupid and dense ME 3:45 PM 3:46 PM I am wrong baby I've been admitting that I just want to be with you please BABYGIRL you're not gonna f------ be with me i have standards you're way below them 3:46 PM ME O Send a chat ↓ 7:09 PM Jul 27, 2024 4.4M Views

Users began referencing the Snapchat conversation in viral posts outside of quotes in the following days. For instance, on July 27th, X[6] user @dmndeyes tweeted a screenshot showing babygirl 🍭 saying, "kill yourself" and MrTLexify responding, ":(" amassing over 11,000 likes in two days (shown below).

body pillow enthusiast @dmndeyes BABYGIRL kill yourself ME :( • 2:11 PM Jul 27, 2024 328.7K Views

On July 28th, 2024, X[7] user @Absolunar tweeted a screenshot of a passage in which babygirl 🍭 said that Lawrence, " told me straight up that he masturbated 5 times in a row to my instagram pictures and I fell in love with that attention." MrTLexify responded, "Babe I do that too I just thought you think it's gross when I say that," to which she responded, "he knew what I wanted without me saying it" (shown below).

BABYGIRL 2:55 PM he told me straight up that he masturbated 5. times in a row to my instagram pictures and i fell in love with that attention because no one has ever given me that attention ME 2:55 PM Babe I do that too I just thought you think it's gross when I say that BABYGIRL 2:55 PM | he knew what i wanted without me saying it ME That's why I don't You don't know that I masturbage every photo you send me BABYGIRL | yeah yeah ME Every one multiple times Religiously BABYGIRL it's not the same 2:55 PM 2:55 PM 2:55 PM 2:55 PM

In his quote, X[7] user @Absolunar joked about gooning by writing, "tfw a Real Jacker pulls off w ur girl #TrueGoon #OutGooned #PumpMachine," amassing over 44,000 likes in a day (shown below).

mr online @Absolunar. 22h tfw a Real Jacker pulls off w ur girl #TrueGoon #OutGooned #PumpMachine BABYGIRL 2:55 PM he told me straight up that he masturbated 5 times in a row to my instagram pictures and i fell in love with that attention because no one has ever given me that attention ME 2:55 PM Babe I do that too I just thought you think it's gross when I say that BABYGIRL 2:55 PM he knew what i wanted without me saying it ME That's why I don't You don't know that I masturbage every 2:55 PM photo you send me BABYGIRL yeah yeah ME Every one multiple times Religiously BABYGIRL 2:55 PM 2:55 PM 2:55 PM it's not the same Lex you're way below them Can we at least be together we had such a good trip last time What happenedx:(?? BABYGIRL i dont wanna be with you i wanna meet people at coachella BABYGIRL 6:41 er but your friends will be you opened your mouth I want to go with you holding your hand : • @MrTLexify ⚫ Jul 24 This is extremely embarrassing to post but this proves my ex was lying about the age of the guy she cheated on me with. This conversation was in 2022 for Coachella and it ... ...

Other X[8] users highlighted the passage in viral posts in the following days.

Various Examples

W @ToasterWeed ⚫ Jul 27 "where tf did it go" LMFAOO000 dawg iss tears in my eyes son this is the greatest app ever BABYGIRL 3:22 PM i asked you if your p--- addiction is gone lex it's a simple yes or no answer ME 3:22 PM I'm sorry for being fat and disgusting. Yes it's gone. BABYGIRL where the f--- did it go 3:23 PM because you obviously need to nut to even get through the day ME Lex you're way below them Can we at least be together we had such a good trip last time What happenedx :(?? BABYGIRL i dont wanna be with you i wanna meet people at coachella BABYGIRL 6:41 but your friends will be ou opened your mouth I want to go with you holding your hand:[ BABYGIRL @MrTLexify. Jul 24 This is extremely embarrassing to post but this proves my ex was lying about the age of the guy she cheated on me with. This conversation was in 2022 for Coachella and it ... ...
@natevkei Jul 27 the worst part is that you could have just posted this and proven your point but for some reason felt the need to post some s--- that homelander couldn't make me post BABYGIRL lawrence was 17 and i posted him i posted me kissing him i didnt give a single f--- 3:00 PM because it's only wrong if you have sex and no one was having sed or posting sex you're just making excuses for being a s---. boyfriend lawrence posted me too even tho i was 20 ME Lex you're way below them Can we at least be together we had such a good trip last time What haopenedx :(?? BABYGIRL ME i dont wanna be with you i wanna meet people at coachella BABYCR go together but your friends will be 6:41 ou opened your mouth I want to go with you holding your hand:[ BABYGIRL @MrTLexify. Jul 24 This is extremely embarrassing to post but this proves my ex was lying about the age of the guy she cheated on me with. This conversation was in 2022 for Coachella and it ...
pun @punpunpunpun does anyone know how to log this on letterboxd Lex t @MrTLexify ⚫ Jul 24 This is extremely embarrassing to post but this proves my ex was lying about the age of the guy she cheated on me with. This conversation was in 2022 for Coachella and it speaks for itself. Show more 6:37 3:52 babygirl Please baby I want you to be with me So bad BABYGIRL you did it to me today on twitter lol ME Things will be better > 3:45 PM 3:45 PM No baby :( BABYGIRL yes you did shut the f--- up h-------- just say you're wrong holy f--- you're so fucling stupid and dense ME 3:45 PM I am wrong baby I've been admitting that I just want to be with you please BABYGIRL you're not gonna f------ be with me i have standards you're way below them ME 3:46 PM 3:46 PM Can we at least be together we had such a good trip last time What haopenedx ;(?? BABYGIRL " i dont wanna be with you Send a chat 3:46 PM 4:44 PM Jul 28, 2024 113.2K Views
ME Can I do something to make my body appealing? BABYGIRL skin yourself alive 3:25 PM 3:25 PM
BABYGIRL i asked you if your p--- addiction is gone it's a simple yes or no answer ME 3:22 PM lex 3:22 PM I'm sorry for being fat and disgusting. Yes it's gone. BABYGIRL where the f--- did it go 3:23 PM because you obviously need to nut to even get through the day

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Twitter / X MrTLexify Babygirl Snapchat Messages.

MrTLexify "Babygirl" Snapchat Messages

Part of a series on Snapchat. [View Related Entries]

Updated Jan 27, 2025 at 08:44PM EST by LiterallyAustin.

Added Jul 29, 2024 at 08:44AM EDT by Owen.

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MrTLexify "Babygirl" Snapchat Messages refers to a screen recording of a Snapchat conversation between Call of Duty YouTuber and Twitter / X user MrTLexify and his unnamed ex-girlfriend nicknamed "babygirl 🍭" on his phone. He said that the conversation was from Coachella 2022 and it allegedly showed how his ex was lying about the age of Lawrence, the guy she cheated on him with, who was a 17-year-old minor. The viral video was posted by MrTLexify in July 2024 to defend himself and prove the allegations against his ex. The video garnered reactions and memes on Twitter / X in replies and quotes. Many users screenshotted different moments in the conversation, labeling MrTLexify cringe and his self-exposure embarrassing. A notable example showed babygirl 🍭 texting, "you cant even make me cum / you cant fuck right" and MrTLexify responding, "I'm sorry."


On July 24th, 2024, YouTuber MrTLexify posted a screen recording to X[1] showing Snapchat messages between himself and his unnamed ex-girlfriend nicknamed "babygirl 🍭" on his phone. MrTLexify captioned the video, "This is extremely embarrassing to post but this proves my ex was lying about the age of the guy she cheated on me with. This conversation was in 2022 for Coachella and it speaks for itself. I have retained legal counsel and need to let the legal investigation complete itself first." Over five days, the video received roughly 142.2 million views and 31,000 likes (shown below).

MrTLexify posted the video to prove that his ex-girlfriend cheated on him with a 17-year-old minor (Lawrence) when she was 21 years old. Two days prior, on July 22nd, he posted a long-form post to X[9] about the allegations.


On July 24th, 2024, viral quotes were posted with the tweet in which users highlighted different sections of MrTLexify's conversation. For instance, on July 24th, X[2] user @nickiswashed quoted it with three screenshots, writing, "I’d literally rather kill myself than let this get out, being this down bad over a female is insane man😭😭😭," gaining over 1,100 likes in five days (shown below, left).

On July 25th, X[3] user @TazH5_ tweeted a screenshot in which babygirl 🍭 wrote, "you cant even make me cum / you cant fuck right" and MrTLexify responded, "I'm sorry." @TazH5_ captioned the screenshot, "The villain arc would’ve started right here god damn bro not even Batman could get this info outta me," receiving over 135,000 likes in four days (shown below, right).

Nick @nickiswashed Jul 24 I'd literally rather kill myself than let this get out, being this down bad over a female is insane man ME Please can you come back and let me give you everything that I owe you baby, you don't owe me. I owe you. Please I don't want your f------ p----, I just want you to be happy. You can date other guys Idc, I just don't want you to be sad and upset and I want you to have a good life. I do care about you baby. People can give you a place to live but they can't give you a career. I can show you how to do that babe. You only need to be with me for a year and then that's it and hopefully I can change things. Even if you don't want me to be with me earlier, you can go. I just want you to know that I always care and love you. I'm sorry about what I said. I just am sad that this is happening so close to the trip but now idk how you feel. Please I love you and only want to make up for my mistakes. This is the only way I thought of and now I'm not going to be able to :( Lex you're way below them Can we at least be together we had such a good trip last time What happenedx:(?? BABYGIRL i dont wanna be with you i wanna meet people at coachella BABYGIRL go together but your friends will be 6:41 you opened your mouth I want to go with you holding your hand : BABYGIRL @MrTLexify. Jul 24 ME 2:49 PM Im sorry for calling you names, im sorry for being disgusting please come back I will just be your paypig I am so desperate for you Please just let me be in your life I miss you so much You don't have to love me I just want to help you baby im so sorry I feel miserable with you male anu white ME . 3:14 PM Yes I'm sorry I'm privileged and I'm here to help that's all I cN do with my privilege BABYGIRL || already privileged enough ME Please I'm sorry I'm make and white I'm sorry 3:14 PM 3:14 PM I'd literally cut my d--- off for you that's how This is extremely embarrassing to post but this proves my ex was lying about the age of the guy she cheated on me with. This conversation was in 2022 for Coachella and it ... Ziah @TazH5_ • Jul 25 The villain arc would've started right here god damn bro not even Batman could get this info outta me BABYGIRL you cant even make me c-- 3:33 PM you cant f--- right ME I'm sorry BABYGIRL you cant eat p---- right you cant kiss right what am i here for at this point? ME I thought you told me I ate p---- good :( I thought you liked my kisses Lex you're way below them Can we at least be together we had such a good trip last time What haopenedx:(?? BABYGIRL i dont wanna be with you i wanna meet people at coachella 6:41 but your friends will be ou opened your mouth I want to go with you holding your hand :[ @MrTLexify ⚫ Jul 24 3:33 PM 3:33 PM 3:33 PM This is extremely embarrassing to post but this proves my ex was lying about the age of the guy she cheated on me with. This conversation was in 2022 for Coachella and it ... ...

On July 26th, 2024, X[4] user @Maximocikin posted a Red Circle Perpetrators meme that showed the Overwatch Reaper in the words "die die die," gaining over 86,000 likes in three days (shown below, left).

On July 27th, X[5] user @funnysmartguy12 quoted the original tweet, writing, "Genuinely might be the greatest video of all time man. You don’t even need to watch it. You can go to any time in the video and it’s fucking hysterical. Generational content," amassing over 62,000 likes in two days (shown below, right).

3:52 ME babygirl | No baby please BABYGIRL | i miss him so bad ME I want to be there with you Nooo This is a nightmar How is this happe I feel like I'm su RL B die die die 3:39 PM 3:39 PM 3:39 PM PM 3:39 PM Baby you love me Nooooooo :(((((( BABYGIRL you ruined me ME Nooooooooooo0 BABYGIRL 3:39 PM 3:39 PM 3:40 PM you say awful s--- to me once every 3 months ME Noooo baby no stop Stain ata. O Send a chat 3:40 PM chase @funnysmartguy12 Genuinely might be the greatest video of all time man. You don't even need to watch it. You can go to any time in the video and it's f------ hysterical. Generational content Lex t @MrTLexify. Jul 24 This is extremely embarrassing to post but this proves my ex was lying about the age of the guy she cheated on me with. This conversation was in 2022 for Coachella and it speaks for itself. Show more 6:36 ME 3:52 babygirl nola everything over my head? ..? - > I don't want to do that I'll never do that baby I don't do that Please baby I want you to be with me So bad BABYGIRL you did it to me today on twitter lol ME Things will be better No baby :( 4:43 PM 3:45 PM J:45 PM BABYGIRL yes you did shut the f--- up h-------- just say you're wrong holy f--- you're so fucling stupid and dense ME 3:45 PM 3:46 PM I am wrong baby I've been admitting that I just want to be with you please BABYGIRL you're not gonna f------ be with me i have standards you're way below them 3:46 PM ME O Send a chat ↓ 7:09 PM Jul 27, 2024 4.4M Views

Users began referencing the Snapchat conversation in viral posts outside of quotes in the following days. For instance, on July 27th, X[6] user @dmndeyes tweeted a screenshot showing babygirl 🍭 saying, "kill yourself" and MrTLexify responding, ":(" amassing over 11,000 likes in two days (shown below).

body pillow enthusiast @dmndeyes BABYGIRL kill yourself ME :( • 2:11 PM Jul 27, 2024 328.7K Views

On July 28th, 2024, X[7] user @Absolunar tweeted a screenshot of a passage in which babygirl 🍭 said that Lawrence, " told me straight up that he masturbated 5 times in a row to my instagram pictures and I fell in love with that attention." MrTLexify responded, "Babe I do that too I just thought you think it's gross when I say that," to which she responded, "he knew what I wanted without me saying it" (shown below).

BABYGIRL 2:55 PM he told me straight up that he masturbated 5. times in a row to my instagram pictures and i fell in love with that attention because no one has ever given me that attention ME 2:55 PM Babe I do that too I just thought you think it's gross when I say that BABYGIRL 2:55 PM | he knew what i wanted without me saying it ME That's why I don't You don't know that I masturbage every photo you send me BABYGIRL | yeah yeah ME Every one multiple times Religiously BABYGIRL it's not the same 2:55 PM 2:55 PM 2:55 PM 2:55 PM

In his quote, X[7] user @Absolunar joked about gooning by writing, "tfw a Real Jacker pulls off w ur girl #TrueGoon #OutGooned #PumpMachine," amassing over 44,000 likes in a day (shown below).

mr online @Absolunar. 22h tfw a Real Jacker pulls off w ur girl #TrueGoon #OutGooned #PumpMachine BABYGIRL 2:55 PM he told me straight up that he masturbated 5 times in a row to my instagram pictures and i fell in love with that attention because no one has ever given me that attention ME 2:55 PM Babe I do that too I just thought you think it's gross when I say that BABYGIRL 2:55 PM he knew what i wanted without me saying it ME That's why I don't You don't know that I masturbage every 2:55 PM photo you send me BABYGIRL yeah yeah ME Every one multiple times Religiously BABYGIRL 2:55 PM 2:55 PM 2:55 PM it's not the same Lex you're way below them Can we at least be together we had such a good trip last time What happenedx:(?? BABYGIRL i dont wanna be with you i wanna meet people at coachella BABYGIRL 6:41 er but your friends will be you opened your mouth I want to go with you holding your hand : • @MrTLexify ⚫ Jul 24 This is extremely embarrassing to post but this proves my ex was lying about the age of the guy she cheated on me with. This conversation was in 2022 for Coachella and it ... ...

Other X[8] users highlighted the passage in viral posts in the following days.

Various Examples

W @ToasterWeed ⚫ Jul 27 "where tf did it go" LMFAOO000 dawg iss tears in my eyes son this is the greatest app ever BABYGIRL 3:22 PM i asked you if your p--- addiction is gone lex it's a simple yes or no answer ME 3:22 PM I'm sorry for being fat and disgusting. Yes it's gone. BABYGIRL where the f--- did it go 3:23 PM because you obviously need to nut to even get through the day ME Lex you're way below them Can we at least be together we had such a good trip last time What happenedx :(?? BABYGIRL i dont wanna be with you i wanna meet people at coachella BABYGIRL 6:41 but your friends will be ou opened your mouth I want to go with you holding your hand:[ BABYGIRL @MrTLexify. Jul 24 This is extremely embarrassing to post but this proves my ex was lying about the age of the guy she cheated on me with. This conversation was in 2022 for Coachella and it ... ... @natevkei Jul 27 the worst part is that you could have just posted this and proven your point but for some reason felt the need to post some s--- that homelander couldn't make me post BABYGIRL lawrence was 17 and i posted him i posted me kissing him i didnt give a single f--- 3:00 PM because it's only wrong if you have sex and no one was having sed or posting sex you're just making excuses for being a s---. boyfriend lawrence posted me too even tho i was 20 ME Lex you're way below them Can we at least be together we had such a good trip last time What haopenedx :(?? BABYGIRL ME i dont wanna be with you i wanna meet people at coachella BABYCR go together but your friends will be 6:41 ou opened your mouth I want to go with you holding your hand:[ BABYGIRL @MrTLexify. Jul 24 This is extremely embarrassing to post but this proves my ex was lying about the age of the guy she cheated on me with. This conversation was in 2022 for Coachella and it ... pun @punpunpunpun does anyone know how to log this on letterboxd Lex t @MrTLexify ⚫ Jul 24 This is extremely embarrassing to post but this proves my ex was lying about the age of the guy she cheated on me with. This conversation was in 2022 for Coachella and it speaks for itself. Show more 6:37 3:52 babygirl Please baby I want you to be with me So bad BABYGIRL you did it to me today on twitter lol ME Things will be better > 3:45 PM 3:45 PM No baby :( BABYGIRL yes you did shut the f--- up h-------- just say you're wrong holy f--- you're so fucling stupid and dense ME 3:45 PM I am wrong baby I've been admitting that I just want to be with you please BABYGIRL you're not gonna f------ be with me i have standards you're way below them ME 3:46 PM 3:46 PM Can we at least be together we had such a good trip last time What haopenedx ;(?? BABYGIRL " i dont wanna be with you Send a chat 3:46 PM 4:44 PM Jul 28, 2024 113.2K Views ME Can I do something to make my body appealing? BABYGIRL skin yourself alive 3:25 PM 3:25 PM BABYGIRL i asked you if your p--- addiction is gone it's a simple yes or no answer ME 3:22 PM lex 3:22 PM I'm sorry for being fat and disgusting. Yes it's gone. BABYGIRL where the f--- did it go 3:23 PM because you obviously need to nut to even get through the day

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I hope I never hear anything about empathy from anyone involved in this.

"Fell in love with the attention" of somebody beating it to Instagram pictures while screeching about porn addiction, "skin yourself alive," straight up telling him to kill himself… And these people do nothing but laugh. And pretend he only needed to post the one image about Lawrence being 17, as if all the others don't show you what he's dealing with from "babygirl."


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