Myers-Briggs Type Indicator (MBTI) - Images
Still a better love story than Twilight
Myers-Briggs Type Indicator (MBTI)
As an INTJ
Myers-Briggs Type Indicator (MBTI)
ESTP ca. 1968
Myers-Briggs Type Indicator (MBTI)
The 16 personality types of Westeros
Myers-Briggs Type Indicator (MBTI)
Myers-Briggs according to 4chan
![So You're Dvina Alone "EMOTIONLESS ANIME GIRL WHO IS ACTUALLY A P----" INTJ (-A/-T) Talks s---, gets hit. Acts like Sherlock Holmes but cries at every movie where ">TFW TOO INTELLIGENT "KING F--- OF S--- MOUNTAIN" "SOCIOPATH FULL RAID GEAR" INTP (-A/-T) ENTJ (-A/-T) ENTP (-A/-T) Once went one week without showering or "All work and no play gives him an erection. Thinks that if he keeps talking no one oing outside. Wants to clone himself so Earliest memory is managing stock portfolio. will realise he isn't saying anything. Killed Had fun once, made a PPT about it." a rodent when he was nine, pleasantly surprised when he felt nothing a dog dies neither of them will be virgins The Reel Feel Crew "GENKI ANIME GIRL WHO IS "HITLER DID NOTHING WRONG" "LITERAL BABY" "ORIGINAL THE CHARACTER" ACTUALLY DEAD INSIDE" INFJ (-A/-T) INFP (-A/-T) ENFJ (-A/-T) ENFP (-A/-T) "Endangered species due to underbreeding "Will turn to dust if you stop believing Decided to volunteer at a soup kitchen for a while. People died. Good soup." Unironically gives speeches about friendship. Favourite game is Parappa the Rapper. Died of too many Google Chrome tabs "Fictional. Keeps trying to sacrifice self for magic exists. Cried for four days when the greater good. Doesn't know what that is." a celebrity they like died of old age They Told Me l Could Be Anything I Wanted So l Became What They Wanted "THE UGLY ONE" "SO-AND-SO" "CHEERLEADER "WHAT'S HER FACE ISTJ (-A/-T) ISFJ (-A/-T) ESTJ (-A/-T) ESFJ (-A/-T) "Thoroughly enjoys water sandwiches. Favourite emotion is peer pressure. Can go several hours without being noticed." "Ran into a doorknob, honest. Cooks a mean scrambled hopes and dreams. Bequeaths belongings to vacuum cleaner upon death Relentlessly organises social events Spends the entire party asking if everyone's okay. Thinks you're weird avourite character in the Office is Dwight. Makes you sign a pre-nup Makes you sign anything, really." Oh S--- N---- What Are You Doing ORT MAGIC MIKE ESTP (-A/-T) Literally can't even right now. Watches "Blocks your path. All creativity goes towards "Likes everyone but you. Flashes t--- for "SOCIOPATH LV 1" LIBERAL ARTS MAJOR' "SUCKY SUCKY FIVE DOLLAR" ISTP (-A/-T) ISFP (-A/-T) ESFP (-A-T) "Wishes there were a war to kill people who have more feelings than him. Good reflexes help him dodge responsibility videos with pets for eternity. Kind of okay inventing new insults and one-liners. Takes cheap plastic beads that are still worth more than her self-esteem. You only like at drawing from the right angle off shirt whenever possible her because she's nice to you](
![So You're Dvina Alone "EMOTIONLESS ANIME GIRL WHO IS ACTUALLY A P----" INTJ (-A/-T) Talks s---, gets hit. Acts like Sherlock Holmes but cries at every movie where ">TFW TOO INTELLIGENT "KING F--- OF S--- MOUNTAIN" "SOCIOPATH FULL RAID GEAR" INTP (-A/-T) ENTJ (-A/-T) ENTP (-A/-T) Once went one week without showering or "All work and no play gives him an erection. Thinks that if he keeps talking no one oing outside. Wants to clone himself so Earliest memory is managing stock portfolio. will realise he isn't saying anything. Killed Had fun once, made a PPT about it." a rodent when he was nine, pleasantly surprised when he felt nothing a dog dies neither of them will be virgins The Reel Feel Crew "GENKI ANIME GIRL WHO IS "HITLER DID NOTHING WRONG" "LITERAL BABY" "ORIGINAL THE CHARACTER" ACTUALLY DEAD INSIDE" INFJ (-A/-T) INFP (-A/-T) ENFJ (-A/-T) ENFP (-A/-T) "Endangered species due to underbreeding "Will turn to dust if you stop believing Decided to volunteer at a soup kitchen for a while. People died. Good soup." Unironically gives speeches about friendship. Favourite game is Parappa the Rapper. Died of too many Google Chrome tabs "Fictional. Keeps trying to sacrifice self for magic exists. Cried for four days when the greater good. Doesn't know what that is." a celebrity they like died of old age They Told Me l Could Be Anything I Wanted So l Became What They Wanted "THE UGLY ONE" "SO-AND-SO" "CHEERLEADER "WHAT'S HER FACE ISTJ (-A/-T) ISFJ (-A/-T) ESTJ (-A/-T) ESFJ (-A/-T) "Thoroughly enjoys water sandwiches. Favourite emotion is peer pressure. Can go several hours without being noticed." "Ran into a doorknob, honest. Cooks a mean scrambled hopes and dreams. Bequeaths belongings to vacuum cleaner upon death Relentlessly organises social events Spends the entire party asking if everyone's okay. Thinks you're weird avourite character in the Office is Dwight. Makes you sign a pre-nup Makes you sign anything, really." Oh S--- N---- What Are You Doing ORT MAGIC MIKE ESTP (-A/-T) Literally can't even right now. Watches "Blocks your path. All creativity goes towards "Likes everyone but you. Flashes t--- for "SOCIOPATH LV 1" LIBERAL ARTS MAJOR' "SUCKY SUCKY FIVE DOLLAR" ISTP (-A/-T) ISFP (-A/-T) ESFP (-A-T) "Wishes there were a war to kill people who have more feelings than him. Good reflexes help him dodge responsibility videos with pets for eternity. Kind of okay inventing new insults and one-liners. Takes cheap plastic beads that are still worth more than her self-esteem. You only like at drawing from the right angle off shirt whenever possible her because she's nice to you](
Myers-Briggs Type Indicator (MBTI)
MBTI Gnosticism
![In Olympus sits the puppet master, INTJ. His strings wind down the slopes toward Norminium below. Those in the bacchanal are oblivious to the tension above. The INTJ's patrician grip on Ulympus is weakening. Though indeed, INTJ is truly the master of man, he is a man and, bows to another master. Mad fits have lead others in Olympus to question him. Let us leave the astral plane and have a gander:*] "But, INTJ, my dear fellow, can you not see that you yourself are also a pawn? Those who are evil are being transmuted, for they have no place in a peaceful Divine creation. You die as king and are reborn as pawn, we are all pawns and knights alike. The archon who is weak has three names. The first name is Yaltabaoth, the second is Saklas, and the third is Samael. And he is impious in his arrogance which is in him. For he said, 'I am God anid there is no other God beside me,' for he is ignorant of his strength, the place from which he had come. This universe is only one of a large number of universes and it is only one of a few which have been affected by the evil essence." INTP INFJ "I'll stomp out this roach. INTJ" "NO, bullies OUT. l'm sick of xNTJ and their bully zone." These chains are my 0wn design T am the master of the game" ENTJ INTJ ENFP I HATE you, INTJ" INFP "KILL THEM ALL, ENTJ. KILL THEM ALL GET OUT GET OUT I'M IN CHARGE HERE" The game is all too cruel" INFP Do yo l in charge?" "Cry me a river, the "game" doesn't even exist. Just try and debate me." ENTP "Cool your autism, INTJ" INTJ "It's... Him!" "ahahaha roaches, the lot of you. None can escape my game, the only escape iS death, my sweet pawns ENFJ INTJ INTP Meanwhile, in Norminium: "I wish ESTP would hit on "me, why does the world hate me so? oh woe, oh woe" "ayo bby, u want some fucc?" ISFP "Hey, erm sorry dood. It looks like ESTP is hitting on your gf ''tee hee, ESTP, you're soo bad! can change you" what the f--- is ISTP even doing here? He's such3 a weirdo ESFJ ESTP ISTJ 'what the f--- are you looking at, ESFJ you c--- l'll knock you out. l'm not drinkinig because I have work tomorrow morning, my boss is really getting on my case about those reports' "Hey, ISTP. What's up man?" What's up PHa s up ITm an What the f--- is ISTP even doing here? ISTP](
![In Olympus sits the puppet master, INTJ. His strings wind down the slopes toward Norminium below. Those in the bacchanal are oblivious to the tension above. The INTJ's patrician grip on Ulympus is weakening. Though indeed, INTJ is truly the master of man, he is a man and, bows to another master. Mad fits have lead others in Olympus to question him. Let us leave the astral plane and have a gander:*] "But, INTJ, my dear fellow, can you not see that you yourself are also a pawn? Those who are evil are being transmuted, for they have no place in a peaceful Divine creation. You die as king and are reborn as pawn, we are all pawns and knights alike. The archon who is weak has three names. The first name is Yaltabaoth, the second is Saklas, and the third is Samael. And he is impious in his arrogance which is in him. For he said, 'I am God anid there is no other God beside me,' for he is ignorant of his strength, the place from which he had come. This universe is only one of a large number of universes and it is only one of a few which have been affected by the evil essence." INTP INFJ "I'll stomp out this roach. INTJ" "NO, bullies OUT. l'm sick of xNTJ and their bully zone." These chains are my 0wn design T am the master of the game" ENTJ INTJ ENFP I HATE you, INTJ" INFP "KILL THEM ALL, ENTJ. KILL THEM ALL GET OUT GET OUT I'M IN CHARGE HERE" The game is all too cruel" INFP Do yo l in charge?" "Cry me a river, the "game" doesn't even exist. Just try and debate me." ENTP "Cool your autism, INTJ" INTJ "It's... Him!" "ahahaha roaches, the lot of you. None can escape my game, the only escape iS death, my sweet pawns ENFJ INTJ INTP Meanwhile, in Norminium: "I wish ESTP would hit on "me, why does the world hate me so? oh woe, oh woe" "ayo bby, u want some fucc?" ISFP "Hey, erm sorry dood. It looks like ESTP is hitting on your gf ''tee hee, ESTP, you're soo bad! can change you" what the f--- is ISTP even doing here? He's such3 a weirdo ESFJ ESTP ISTJ 'what the f--- are you looking at, ESFJ you c--- l'll knock you out. l'm not drinkinig because I have work tomorrow morning, my boss is really getting on my case about those reports' "Hey, ISTP. What's up man?" What's up PHa s up ITm an What the f--- is ISTP even doing here? ISTP](
Myers-Briggs Type Indicator (MBTI)
Anon's take on MBTI part 2
![ISTJ The judge INTP ENTJ The soulless corporate CEO ESTP The god emperor The nerd Quotes Quotes Quotes "Just do it" "I am not afraid of an army of lions led by a sheep; I am afraid of an army of sheep led by a lion." "Lets go get drunk with the frat" "And the haters gonna hate, hate, hate, hate, hate Baby, I'm just gonna shake, shake, shake" "Do you play dungeons and dragons?" "I am smart but lazy "Come see my collection" "Do you like my cool dragon tshirt?" "l am a programmer" Quotes "That boy ain't right" "Highly illogical" "Criminal scum "Let me plot these data points" "I like it when things are clean" "I am merely a cog in the system" "Pay attention to the details" "Doing taxes is fun" "Quarterly profit projections" "Make it more efficient" "We are the borg resistance is futile" "I bought a yacht" "Must climb the corporate ladder" "Your technology and intelligence will be used to serve me" ESTJ INTJ ENTP ISTP The Vigilante The control freak The autistic insecure elitist neckbeard The Weasel Quotes Quotes Quotes "Don't tread on me" "I can fix that" "I have a very particular set of skills" Listen to the authority figures "Do what I say" "You are not a good person" "Debate me" "I see both sides of the issue" "Listen to my wacky ideas" "Listen to my funny quip" "I want to be a lawyer" "l enjoy banter "Change we can believe in" Quotes "In this moment I am euphoric "What is your lQ?" "Get a STEM degree" "I like plato and nietzsche" "Just as planned" "I am the apex predator" "I am good at everything and have no faults" "All the smart celebrities and inventors are INTJs" "That is not quantifiable" "I play civilization games" "I don't care" "I mastered all the things" "1v1 me in CS go "Meet my standards" "Nobody likes me" "l am your boss" "MBTI is b------- horrorscopes and can't be proven"](
![ISTJ The judge INTP ENTJ The soulless corporate CEO ESTP The god emperor The nerd Quotes Quotes Quotes "Just do it" "I am not afraid of an army of lions led by a sheep; I am afraid of an army of sheep led by a lion." "Lets go get drunk with the frat" "And the haters gonna hate, hate, hate, hate, hate Baby, I'm just gonna shake, shake, shake" "Do you play dungeons and dragons?" "I am smart but lazy "Come see my collection" "Do you like my cool dragon tshirt?" "l am a programmer" Quotes "That boy ain't right" "Highly illogical" "Criminal scum "Let me plot these data points" "I like it when things are clean" "I am merely a cog in the system" "Pay attention to the details" "Doing taxes is fun" "Quarterly profit projections" "Make it more efficient" "We are the borg resistance is futile" "I bought a yacht" "Must climb the corporate ladder" "Your technology and intelligence will be used to serve me" ESTJ INTJ ENTP ISTP The Vigilante The control freak The autistic insecure elitist neckbeard The Weasel Quotes Quotes Quotes "Don't tread on me" "I can fix that" "I have a very particular set of skills" Listen to the authority figures "Do what I say" "You are not a good person" "Debate me" "I see both sides of the issue" "Listen to my wacky ideas" "Listen to my funny quip" "I want to be a lawyer" "l enjoy banter "Change we can believe in" Quotes "In this moment I am euphoric "What is your lQ?" "Get a STEM degree" "I like plato and nietzsche" "Just as planned" "I am the apex predator" "I am good at everything and have no faults" "All the smart celebrities and inventors are INTJs" "That is not quantifiable" "I play civilization games" "I don't care" "I mastered all the things" "1v1 me in CS go "Meet my standards" "Nobody likes me" "l am your boss" "MBTI is b------- horrorscopes and can't be proven"](
Myers-Briggs Type Indicator (MBTI)
Anon's take on MBTI part 1
![INFP ISFP ESFJ ENFJ * The people lover The soft p---- The Artist The ex wife Quotes Quotes "I'm going to kill myself" "I f----- ted" "Listen to this gossip" "I got custody of the kids and took all his money" "Why can't you be more like joe? "People see me as fake" Resist capitalism" "I wish I could save a stray cat" "That hurt my feelings" "I was traumatized" "My safe space" "I have new depression medication" "My faith in humanity "I want to be a kindergarten teacher" "Follow me on tumblr" "l care about fictional people more than real people" Quotes Quotes "I am a foodie and I like to travel" "I like photography and art" "Game of thrones is my favorite show" "Look at my tattoos" "My hobbies are listening to music" "Invest in my startup" Everybody likes me "I care about other people more than myself" "Pay attention to these social issues" ISFJ ESFP INFJ ENFP* The Pixie The Civil Rights Activist The Housewife The Performer Quotes Quotes Quotes "It's my secret recipe "Family is most important" "There is safety in the herd" "I was always meant to be a mom "I was like a wrecking ball" "Let me take a selfie" "And I was like baby baby baby oh" "Follow me on instagram" "Lets go clubbing "We must help the downtrodden" "Invade poland and kill the jews "Dumbledore was gay" "The illuminati might be real" "I am very spiritual" "I am a domestic abuse victim "l enjoy being abused" "Choke me while you f--- me" "I am a pacifist" "I like 2deep4u anime" Quotes "That is offensive" "Theoretical r--- is worse than real r---" "How Can Mirrors Be Real If Our Eyes Aren't Real" "I want to live on a commune" "Want to come to a costume party?" "I am on ritalin" "Are you a friend to woman?" "Peace and love" Members of the SJW defence force *](
![INFP ISFP ESFJ ENFJ * The people lover The soft p---- The Artist The ex wife Quotes Quotes "I'm going to kill myself" "I f----- ted" "Listen to this gossip" "I got custody of the kids and took all his money" "Why can't you be more like joe? "People see me as fake" Resist capitalism" "I wish I could save a stray cat" "That hurt my feelings" "I was traumatized" "My safe space" "I have new depression medication" "My faith in humanity "I want to be a kindergarten teacher" "Follow me on tumblr" "l care about fictional people more than real people" Quotes Quotes "I am a foodie and I like to travel" "I like photography and art" "Game of thrones is my favorite show" "Look at my tattoos" "My hobbies are listening to music" "Invest in my startup" Everybody likes me "I care about other people more than myself" "Pay attention to these social issues" ISFJ ESFP INFJ ENFP* The Pixie The Civil Rights Activist The Housewife The Performer Quotes Quotes Quotes "It's my secret recipe "Family is most important" "There is safety in the herd" "I was always meant to be a mom "I was like a wrecking ball" "Let me take a selfie" "And I was like baby baby baby oh" "Follow me on instagram" "Lets go clubbing "We must help the downtrodden" "Invade poland and kill the jews "Dumbledore was gay" "The illuminati might be real" "I am very spiritual" "I am a domestic abuse victim "l enjoy being abused" "Choke me while you f--- me" "I am a pacifist" "I like 2deep4u anime" Quotes "That is offensive" "Theoretical r--- is worse than real r---" "How Can Mirrors Be Real If Our Eyes Aren't Real" "I want to live on a commune" "Want to come to a costume party?" "I am on ritalin" "Are you a friend to woman?" "Peace and love" Members of the SJW defence force *](
Myers-Briggs Type Indicator (MBTI)
ISTJ ISTP The Inspector The Crafter Lion and Peridot Saddie by coryphefuss
![<a href="">*Source*</a>](
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Myers-Briggs Type Indicator (MBTI)
ISFJ ISFP The Protector The Artist Garnet and Opal Greg by coryphefuss
![<a href="">*Source*</a> - tumblr](
![<a href="">*Source*</a> - tumblr](
Myers-Briggs Type Indicator (MBTI)
INTJ INTP The Strategist The Thinker Sapphire Connie by coryphefuss
![<a href="">*Source*</a> - Tumblr](
![<a href="">*Source*</a> - Tumblr](
Myers-Briggs Type Indicator (MBTI)
INFJ INFP The Counselor The Dreamer Petey Lapis Lazuli and Stevonnie by coryphefuss
![<a href="">*Source*</a> - Tumblr](
![<a href="">*Source*</a> - Tumblr](
Myers-Briggs Type Indicator (MBTI)
ESTJ ESTP The Overseer The Dynamo Lars Jasper and Malachite by coryphefuss
![<a href="">*Source*</a> - Tumblr](
![<a href="">*Source*</a> - Tumblr](
Myers-Briggs Type Indicator (MBTI)
ESFJ ESFP The Caregiver The Performer Ruby Sugilite and Amethyst by coryphefuss
![<img src="">*Source*</a> - tumblr](
![<img src="">*Source*</a> - tumblr](
Myers-Briggs Type Indicator (MBTI)
ENTJ ENTP The Ruler The Visionary Mayor Dewey Ronaldo by coryphefuss
![<a href="">*Source*</a> - Tumblr](
![<a href="">*Source*</a> - Tumblr](
Myers-Briggs Type Indicator (MBTI)
ENFJ ENFP The Teacher The Inspirer Pearl Steven and Rose by coryphefuss
![<a href="">*Source*</a> - tumblr](
![<a href="">*Source*</a> - tumblr](
Myers-Briggs Type Indicator (MBTI)