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The Myers-Briggs Type Indicator (MBTI) is a questionnaire designed to assess one's psychological preferences and in accordance to a group of 16 distinct classifications of personalities an individual may exhibit. On the web, the MBTI is often used as a template for personality questionnaires in the realm of fandoms, in a similar vein to "which character are you?" tests.


The Myers–Briggs Type Indicator (MBTI) assessment is a psychometric questionnaire designed to measure psychological preferences in how people perceive the world and make decisions. The framework was developed by American psychologists Katherine Cook Briggs and Isabel Briggs Myers, based on theories proposed by renowned psychologist Carl Jung, during the World War II in the 1940s[1], with the belief a knowledge of personality preferences would help women who were entering the industrial workforce, and it was published in 1962.

What's Your Personality Type? Use the questions on the outside of the chart to determine the four letters of your Myers-Briggs type. For each pair of letters, choose the side that seems most natural to you, even if you don't agree with every description. 1. Are you outwardly or inwardly focüsed! Ifyou: 3. How do you prefer to make decisions? If you: Warm, considerate Idealistic, organized Innovative, independent reserved, insightful original ideas to achieve Responsible, sincere Base your decisions on alytical, rese pragmatic, thorough. Devoted caretakers who compassionate, gentle Seek harmony and cooperation, enjoy intellectual stimulation. realistic, systematic. Like to be in a fast-paced environment Tend to work out ideas withTend to think things others, think out loud . Enjoy being the center of logical reasoning .Value justice, fairness . Enjoy finding the flaws in your actions affect others Value harmony, forgiveness Like to please others and point out the best in people Prefer a slower pace with ardworking an time for contemplation trustworthy with sound actical j dgment. improvements. through inside your head . Would rather observe than be the center of attention an argument . Could be described as . Could be described as warm INFPINTP attention reasonable, level-headed empathetic then you prefer then you prefer then you prefer Action-oriented, logical analytical, spontaneous, reserved, independent. Enjoy adventure, skilled Intellectual, logical, precise, reserved flexible, imaginative Gentle, sensitive Sensitive, creative idealistic, perceptive caring, loyal. Value inner flexible, realistic. Seek to create a personal environment that is both beautiful and practical and personal harmony growth, focus on Feeling ginal thinkers who Extraversion Introversion enjoy speculation and creative problem solving dreams mechanical things wor and possibilities. 2. How do you prefer to take in information? If you: ESTPESFPENFPENTP 4. How do you prefer to live your outer life? If you: Focus on the reality of how. Imagine the possibilities of Outgoing, realistic, action-oriented, curious, versatile, spontaneous. Pragmatic problem Playful, enthusiastic, friendly, spontaneous, tactful, flexible. Have rong common sense Enthusiastic, creative spontaneous, optimistic, Inventive, enthusiastic, strategic, enterprising inquisitive, versatile new ideas . Prefer to have matters Prefer to leave your options open how things could be Notice the big picture, see settled Pay attention to concrete . Think rules and deadlines ide on see poten Like to d re then yo Caring, enthusiastic, Strategic, analytical, systematic, reliable, conscientious Sensing ease being roductive ue connectio

The earliest known resource website for the MBTI was created in 1998 under the domain personalitypage.com,[7] which remains active as of January 2015. One of the first notable online commentaries on the Myers-Briggs Type Indicator can be found in a blog post by Canadian journalist and author Malcolm Gladwell on September, 2004, in which he criticized the M.B.T.I. for having "a large problem with consistency" and that its founders "did not actually understand Jung at all"[2].


On June 14th, 2006, a blogger named Peter shared a career-oriented version of the MBTI chart in a post titled 'Myers-Briggs typology: I’m an ENFP' on his personal website.[3] In the post, the blogger described the MBTI as more or less a more credible form of astrology and presented an image of the MBTI chart that showed female actresses that befit their assumpted personality type.

<a href="http://blog.forret.com/2006/06/myers-briggs-typology-im-an-enfp/">*Source*</a>

On April 6th, 2013, the blog A Little Bit of Personality was created. The blog is currently active and is dedicated to the Myers-Briggs Personality Type Indicator, often posting summaries and explanations to how fictional characters are apt to belong to one personality type or another[4].

<a href="http://www.alittlebitofpersonality.com/search?updated-max=2013-07-01T13:02:00-04:00&max-results=5&reverse-paginate=true">*Source - A Little Bit of Personality*</a>

On Tumblr[6], the tag #mbti chart yields a wide variety of custom MBTI charts repurposed as fandom questionnaires.


Albeit popular, the Myers-Briggs Type Indicator has been proven by professional statisticians and psychologists to be highly unreliable. The negative criticism against the MBTI has been sustained by evidence for over three decades[5]. Some researchers have interpreted the reliability of the test to be low. Studies have found that between 39% and 76% of those tested fall into different types upon retesting some weeks or years later[1]. A second criticism is that the MBTI mistakenly assumes that personality falls into mutually exclusive categories. You are either an extrovert or an introvert, but never a mix of the two. Yet most people fall somewhere in the middle. According to psychologist David Pittenger, caution is advised when using the MBTI for professional purposes. Furthermore, Pittenger believe that its success is due to “the beguiling nature of the horoscope-like summaries of personality and steady marketing.”[5]

Notable Examples

<a href="http://fuckyeahgravityfalls.com/post/91994997840">*Set 1*</a> and <a href="http://fuckyeahgravityfalls.com/post/91993053466">*Set 2*</a> - fuckyeahgravityfalls.com

Retrieved from Set 2

_INFP: Gets distracted easily as well, sometimes doesn’t study as much as they should and decide to wing it. Or studies as much as they can and tries to know everything about the review though they can never compete with the ISTJ._
<a href="http://fanpup.tumblr.com/post/80523541941/full-chart">*Hershel Personality Type*</a> by Fanpup - Tumblr

<a href="http://www.fanpup.me/blog/profile-of-a-survivor-the-walking-dead-mbti1">*FULL CHART FOUND HERE*</a>
<a href="https://www.pinterest.com/pin/400327854349267363/">*Source*</a>
<a href="http://adeyaah421.tumblr.com/post/85811397435/sokkla-myers-briggs">*Source - adeyaah421 - Tumblr*</a>
<a href="https://www.pinterest.com/pin/429179039461383019/">*Source*</a> - Pinterest
<a href="http://coryphefuss.tumblr.com/post/116397892735/steven-universe-mbti">*Source*</a> - tumblr

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External References

[1] Wikipedia – Myers-Briggs Type Indicator

[2] Gladwell – Personality Plus

[3] Forret – Myers-Briggs typology: I’m an ENFP

[4] A Little Bit of Personality – ALBoP

[5] Fortune – Have we all been duped by the Myers-Briggs test?

[6] Tumblr – mbti chart

[7] PersonalityPage.com – The Personality Page

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Myers-Briggs Type Indicator (MBTI)

Myers-Briggs Type Indicator (MBTI)

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The Myers-Briggs Type Indicator (MBTI) is a questionnaire designed to assess one's psychological preferences and in accordance to a group of 16 distinct classifications of personalities an individual may exhibit. On the web, the MBTI is often used as a template for personality questionnaires in the realm of fandoms, in a similar vein to "which character are you?" tests.


The Myers–Briggs Type Indicator (MBTI) assessment is a psychometric questionnaire designed to measure psychological preferences in how people perceive the world and make decisions. The framework was developed by American psychologists Katherine Cook Briggs and Isabel Briggs Myers, based on theories proposed by renowned psychologist Carl Jung, during the World War II in the 1940s[1], with the belief a knowledge of personality preferences would help women who were entering the industrial workforce, and it was published in 1962.

What's Your Personality Type? Use the questions on the outside of the chart to determine the four letters of your Myers-Briggs type. For each pair of letters, choose the side that seems most natural to you, even if you don't agree with every description. 1. Are you outwardly or inwardly focüsed! Ifyou: 3. How do you prefer to make decisions? If you: Warm, considerate Idealistic, organized Innovative, independent reserved, insightful original ideas to achieve Responsible, sincere Base your decisions on alytical, rese pragmatic, thorough. Devoted caretakers who compassionate, gentle Seek harmony and cooperation, enjoy intellectual stimulation. realistic, systematic. Like to be in a fast-paced environment Tend to work out ideas withTend to think things others, think out loud . Enjoy being the center of logical reasoning .Value justice, fairness . Enjoy finding the flaws in your actions affect others Value harmony, forgiveness Like to please others and point out the best in people Prefer a slower pace with ardworking an time for contemplation trustworthy with sound actical j dgment. improvements. through inside your head . Would rather observe than be the center of attention an argument . Could be described as . Could be described as warm INFPINTP attention reasonable, level-headed empathetic then you prefer then you prefer then you prefer Action-oriented, logical analytical, spontaneous, reserved, independent. Enjoy adventure, skilled Intellectual, logical, precise, reserved flexible, imaginative Gentle, sensitive Sensitive, creative idealistic, perceptive caring, loyal. Value inner flexible, realistic. Seek to create a personal environment that is both beautiful and practical and personal harmony growth, focus on Feeling ginal thinkers who Extraversion Introversion enjoy speculation and creative problem solving dreams mechanical things wor and possibilities. 2. How do you prefer to take in information? If you: ESTPESFPENFPENTP 4. How do you prefer to live your outer life? If you: Focus on the reality of how. Imagine the possibilities of Outgoing, realistic, action-oriented, curious, versatile, spontaneous. Pragmatic problem Playful, enthusiastic, friendly, spontaneous, tactful, flexible. Have rong common sense Enthusiastic, creative spontaneous, optimistic, Inventive, enthusiastic, strategic, enterprising inquisitive, versatile new ideas . Prefer to have matters Prefer to leave your options open how things could be Notice the big picture, see settled Pay attention to concrete . Think rules and deadlines ide on see poten Like to d re then yo Caring, enthusiastic, Strategic, analytical, systematic, reliable, conscientious Sensing ease being roductive ue connectio

The earliest known resource website for the MBTI was created in 1998 under the domain personalitypage.com,[7] which remains active as of January 2015. One of the first notable online commentaries on the Myers-Briggs Type Indicator can be found in a blog post by Canadian journalist and author Malcolm Gladwell on September, 2004, in which he criticized the M.B.T.I. for having "a large problem with consistency" and that its founders "did not actually understand Jung at all"[2].


On June 14th, 2006, a blogger named Peter shared a career-oriented version of the MBTI chart in a post titled 'Myers-Briggs typology: I’m an ENFP' on his personal website.[3] In the post, the blogger described the MBTI as more or less a more credible form of astrology and presented an image of the MBTI chart that showed female actresses that befit their assumpted personality type.

<a href="http://blog.forret.com/2006/06/myers-briggs-typology-im-an-enfp/">*Source*</a>

On April 6th, 2013, the blog A Little Bit of Personality was created. The blog is currently active and is dedicated to the Myers-Briggs Personality Type Indicator, often posting summaries and explanations to how fictional characters are apt to belong to one personality type or another[4].

<a href="http://www.alittlebitofpersonality.com/search?updated-max=2013-07-01T13:02:00-04:00&max-results=5&reverse-paginate=true">*Source - A Little Bit of Personality*</a>

On Tumblr[6], the tag #mbti chart yields a wide variety of custom MBTI charts repurposed as fandom questionnaires.


Albeit popular, the Myers-Briggs Type Indicator has been proven by professional statisticians and psychologists to be highly unreliable. The negative criticism against the MBTI has been sustained by evidence for over three decades[5]. Some researchers have interpreted the reliability of the test to be low. Studies have found that between 39% and 76% of those tested fall into different types upon retesting some weeks or years later[1]. A second criticism is that the MBTI mistakenly assumes that personality falls into mutually exclusive categories. You are either an extrovert or an introvert, but never a mix of the two. Yet most people fall somewhere in the middle. According to psychologist David Pittenger, caution is advised when using the MBTI for professional purposes. Furthermore, Pittenger believe that its success is due to “the beguiling nature of the horoscope-like summaries of personality and steady marketing.”[5]

Notable Examples

<a href="http://fuckyeahgravityfalls.com/post/91994997840">*Set 1*</a> and <a href="http://fuckyeahgravityfalls.com/post/91993053466">*Set 2*</a> - fuckyeahgravityfalls.com

Retrieved from Set 2

_INFP: Gets distracted easily as well, sometimes doesn’t study as much as they should and decide to wing it. Or studies as much as they can and tries to know everything about the review though they can never compete with the ISTJ._ <a href="http://fanpup.tumblr.com/post/80523541941/full-chart">*Hershel Personality Type*</a> by Fanpup - Tumblr

<a href="http://www.fanpup.me/blog/profile-of-a-survivor-the-walking-dead-mbti1">*FULL CHART FOUND HERE*</a> <a href="https://www.pinterest.com/pin/400327854349267363/">*Source*</a> <a href="http://adeyaah421.tumblr.com/post/85811397435/sokkla-myers-briggs">*Source - adeyaah421 - Tumblr*</a> <a href="https://www.pinterest.com/pin/429179039461383019/">*Source*</a> - Pinterest <a href="http://coryphefuss.tumblr.com/post/116397892735/steven-universe-mbti">*Source*</a> - tumblr

Search Interest

External References

[1] Wikipedia – Myers-Briggs Type Indicator

[2] Gladwell – Personality Plus

[3] Forret – Myers-Briggs typology: I’m an ENFP

[4] A Little Bit of Personality – ALBoP

[5] Fortune – Have we all been duped by the Myers-Briggs test?

[6] Tumblr – mbti chart

[7] PersonalityPage.com – The Personality Page

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Okay, guys, I don't want to sound arrogant, (seriously. I am not trying to be a know-it-all) but I guarantee that 99% of everyone doesn't know jack shit about Myers-Briggs. Or, should I say, what Myers-Briggs actually is. (My heart dropped a little bit when I saw the entry for this because I knew that I would have to write a wall of text about this)

First of all, the "tests" that tell you what type you are are class-A bullshit, but I'll get to that later.

Second, a person's personality is determined from his/her Jungian cognitive functions (Se, Si, Te, Ti, Ne, Ni, Fe, and Fi) NOT his/her preferences (Thinking, Feeling, Perceiving, Judging, Sensing, Intuition, Extraversion, and Introversion. People with a basic understanding of MBTI will tell you that the difference between a Thinker and a Feeler is that Thinkers are logical, meticulous, cold, etc and that Feelers are compassionate, caring, submissive, and peace-loving. The bullshit is strong here, because if you've ever met an ESFP or an ENFP, you'd know that to be a lie.


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