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NyQuil Chicken, also known as Sleepy Chicken or Bedtime Chicken, refers to a recipe where chicken is marinated in the cold and flu medication NyQuil, giving it a greenish or blueish color, to help treat cold or flu symptoms. An image of NyQuil chicken was first posted online in April 2017 and went viral online that year. In 2020 TikTokers began making the chicken, mostly in ironic videos, sparking health concerns from professionals. TikTok has since banned the trend following negative media attention warning about the health risks of making the chicken.


On April 1st, 2017 an anonymous user of 4chan's[8] /ck/ (cooking) board made a post showing an image of some chicken breasts, writing, "You guys wanna see my Sleepytime Chicken?" The anon then proceeded to photograph the entire process of making "Sleepytime chicken," a mixture of Nyquil and chicken (shown below, click to expand). An screenshot collecting the entirety of the thread was posted to /r/4chan[9] the next day.

ring, B Anever, Sore Throat, laisophen, Dornlanine seccinate, Dextreethonder File: IMG 20170401_194715_01.jpg (2.04 MB, 3422x2719) O Anonymous 04/01/17(Sat)18:23:27 No.44613 >>44831 >>45138 2 Lyson You guys wanna see my Sleepytime Chicken? > O Anonymous 04/01/17(Sat)18:25:46 No.44702 >>44771 if this is a f------ ramen sundae thread * O Anonymous 04/01/17(Sat)18:26:21 No.44725 ► >>48079 File: IMG 20170401_194730 01.jpg (2.84 MB, 2735x3871) First two ingredients Noull O Anonymous 04/01/17(Sat)18:27:47 No.44771 File: IMG 20170401_194935_01.jpg (2.59 MB, 2611x3723) >>44702 You are horribly mistaken O Anonymous 04/01/17(Sat)18:31:15 No.44903 >>45454 >>45559 >>45801 File: IMG 20170401_194938_01.jpg (2.37 MB, 3121x4114) >>44831 Cooking time was shorter, and more flavorful *O Anonymous 04/01/17(Sat)18:36:26 No.45138 ► >>45173 >>44613 (OP) >Sell by April 6, 17 Dear god, this is OC. OC. >> O Anonymous 04/01/17(Sat)18:37:13 No.45173 >>45212 File: IMG 20170401_195028_01.jpg (1.42 MB, 2302x3305) >>45138 You're goddamned right it is O Anonymous 04/01/17(Sat)18:43:05 No.45436 >>45590 >>45599 >>45616 >>45662 >>45666 >>45679 >>45694 >>45755 >>48442 File: IMG 20170401_202327_01.jpg (1.66 MB, 3185x3624) >>45212 >>45218 Bout halfway done O Anonymous 04/01/17(Sat)18:48:41 No.45687 >>45708 I swear to god I dreamed this thread last night. 4/01/17(Sat)18:58:36 No.46186 >>46259 >>46279 >>46315 >>46333 >>46429 >>46529 >>46784 >>48519 1 213234.jpg (2.42 MB, 3480x4640) >>46008 Yeah I was surprised, I was afraid we were gonna be dealing with Nyquil caramel at the end. It surprisingly stayed liquid the whole time and actually boiled. O Anonymous 04/01/17(Sat)19:00:00 No. 46279 ► >>46186 These are the last hours of /c---/. Are you going to put a spin on this? O Anonymous 04/01/17(Sat)19:02:37 No.46481 > >>48066 >>46315 The menthol was boiling off and cleared my sinuses. Like sticking your head in a steaming pot, but with Vick's. O Anonymous 04/01/17(Sat)19:03:10 No.46529 >>46685 >>49833 >>46186 You better not throw out the broth when you're done. Make part 2 where you make a soup out of it. O Anonymous 04/01/17(Sat)19:05:06 No.46685 > >>47499 >>49833 File: IMG 20170401 230414.jpg (2.84 MB, 3480x4640) >>46529 F--- man, I'm sorry. Too much whiskey for a round two. O Anonymous 04/01/17(Sat)19:06:14 No.46784 ► File: 1486667464841.jpg (170 KB, 487x745) O Anonymous 04/01/17(Sat)19:17:24 No.47538 >>47588 >>47708 OP needed to go to the hospital because food poisoning. prank cancelled >>46186 There are things to live for, anon. Have your lifealert bracelet ready. O Anonymous 04/01/17(Sat)19:18:07 No.47577 I'm just glad that we here in /col get to experience life on the other side today. God bless you all. O Anonymous 04/01/17(Sat)19:18:15 No.47588 >47669 >>47708 >>47538 is this food poisoning or overdose. food and medicine have been crossed! O Anonymous 04/01/17(Sat)19:54:17 No.49746 ► File: DekuWorried png (92 KB, 325x382) >>49583 YAMETE >>47499 >>47538 >>47588 Still alive. All plated up.. KUDAPLEASE MULTI-SYMPTOM RELIEF FAST AST APTOM O Anonymous 04/01/17(Sat)19:22:34 No.47839 POWERFUL LIEP >>47708 I don't know why you feel the urge to put on heirs and use name brand cough syrup. VICKS NyQuil COLD & FLU Nighttime Reliet Heada hes & P P Anonymous 04/01/17(Sat)19:26:03 No.48039 ► >>47708 Amazing, I salute you for thinking up and going through with eating something that looks like it came out of shrek's anus. Make sure to tell one other person what you're doing and to check up on you if you happen to die from this. O Anonymous 04/01/17(Sat)19:27:22 No.48117 >>48188 >>48211 >>48230 >>48277 File: Snapchat-1227086413.jpg (578 KB, 1152x2048) We both are. Presentation is key O Anonymous 04/01/17(Sat)19:27:47 No.48138 ► File: 1279255505655.png (266 KB, 339x345) Presentation is key TOM FAST MULTI SY RELI MULTIS TOM >>47708 Why have you done this? MULT.SYMPTOM RELIEF CAST FAST EF O Anonymous 04/01/17(Sat)19:30:12 No.48277 ► File: ss+(2015-12-12+at+11.48.42). png (291 KB, 474x520) >>48117 Dude you are going to f------ die Powrares RELF O Anonymous 04/01/17(Sat)19:30:17 No.48283 ► >>47708 >buying massproduced big pharma cough ""syrup" Flyover cuck O Anonymous 04/01/17(Sat)19:30:41 No.48312 > I'm getting a headache from this thread. OP let's see the cross section. I better see some teeth marks O Anonymous 04/01/17(Sat)19:31:12 No.48339 > >>48423 >>48472 >>48485 >>48509 >>48526 >>48545 >>48852 File: IMG 20170401_233018 jpg (2.53 MB, 3480x4640) >>47850 >>47879 Better? AAAAAAAAAAAAA AAAAAAAAAAAAA AAAAAAAAAAAAA AAAAAAAAAAAAA AAAAAAAAAAAAA O Anonymous 04/01/17(Sat)19:33:59 No.48506 >48705 File: IMG 20170401 233306.jpg (3.71 MB, 3480x4640) >>48188 There's two of us 1:35 000 Nutrition Facts O Anonymous 04/01/17(Sat)19:41:30 No.48967 >>49091 >>49155 File: IMG 20170401_233837.jpg (2.48 MB, 3480x4640) >>48740 Still alive POWERFUL RELIEP VICKS NyQuil Daisy COLD & FLU Nige Ra BRAND SOUR CREAM O Anonymous 04/01/17(Sat)19:42:55 No.49054 >>49140 >>49155 >>49169 >>49 File: IMG 20170401_233842.jpg (2.39 MB, 3480x4640) >>48852 >>48970 It's so f------ gross goddamn Pure & Natural O Anonymous 04/01/17(Sat)19:43:28 No.49086 ► >green nyquil Pig f------ disgusting. Use red. O Anonymous 04/01/17(Sat)19:48:52 No.49417 File: everything is bad.jpg (436 KB, 739x1099) >>49583 >>49756 >>49054 >this whole thread built up to this one post TUCKY O Anonymous 04/01/17(Sat)19:51:27 No.49583 File: 20170401 234952.jpg (3.04 MB, 4032x3024) >>49417 Did it? O Anonymous 04/01/17(Sat)19:54:17 No.49746 File: DekuWorried.png (92 KB, 325x382) >>49583 YAMETE KUDAPLEASE O Anonymous 04/01/17(Sat)19:56:15 No.49858 ► >>49817 HE COOKED CHICKEN IN NYQUIL O Anonymous 04/01/17(Sat)19:54:27 No.49756 ► File: how Í will die png (109 KB, 723x669) HAMLET: O f---. (Exit HAMLET.) O Anonymous 04/01/17(Sat)19:56:15 No. 49859 ► >>49417 >>49583 I shouldn't have tested you. >>49789 BUT WHY IS IT RED, WHAT ELSE DID YOU ADD DUT OF MY THOADHT O Anonymous 04/01/17(Sat)19:56:18 No.49864 File: 1456577614915.png (54 KB, 219x301) O Anonymous 04/01/17(Sat)19:54:55 No.49789 >>49804 >>49859 >>49864 >>49895 >>49922 >>49965 >>50000 >>51056 File: IMG 20170401_235322.jpg (2.54 MB, 3480x4640) >>49789 RUB SOME ON YOUR D--- >>49664 >>49666 >>49690 >>49697 "unzips d---" >>49708 Every day we stray further from God's light O Anonymous 04/01/17(Sat)20:01:14 No.50207 >>50354 File: Beiberhank.gif (320 KB, 480x270) O Anonymous 04/01/17(Sat)19:57:52 No.49967 >>50000 >>50029 >>50070 >>50071 >>50073 >>50127 >>50476 >>5 File: 20170401 235544.jpg (3.14 MB, 4032x3024) Now this right here, this is why Icock/ should stick around. OPEN YA MOUTH, CLOSE YA EYES, SMILE LIKE A DONUT AND SWALLOW Anonymous 04/01/17(Sat)20:04:09 No.50476 >>50663 O Anonymous 04/01/17(Sat)19:58:19 No.50000 ► >>50641 File: ss+(2016-02-11+at+11.44.14)jpg (64 KB, 703x649) >>49789 >>49967 You won't f------ do it. >>49967 Is this a suicide pact or something? O Anonymous 04/01/17(Sat)20:06:28 No.50663 >>50751 >>50755 >>50789 >>50853 >>50880 >>50915 >>50917 >>50928 >>50978 >51044 File: IMG 20170402_000405_01.jpg (3.08 MB, 3480x2683) >>50231 >>50263 >>50476 I am a monster. O Anonymous 04/01/17(Sat)20:07:56 No.50764 >>50864 File: 1488405470653.jpg (19 KB, 239x207) >>49967 >SMILE LIKE A DONUT What did he mean by this? O Anonymous 04/01/17(Sat)20:06:33 No.50666 »50789 >>50817 >>50823 File: durr hurr hurr jpg (602 KB, 2448x3264) I feel like I'm watching someone build an elaborate Rube Goldberg machine that kills him at the end. O Anonymous 04/01/17(Sat)20:08:20 No.50789 >>50917 >50919 >>50978 >>51 File: IMG 20170402_000417_02.jpg (1.8 MB, 3480x2531) >>50663 >>50666 >>50701 Still alive. My liver's processed worse than this. That's disgusting You disgust me disgusting Disgusting. beyond words disgusting O Anonymous 04/01/17(Sat)20:11:26 No.51005 File: 1416560531264.png (87 KB, 171x208) >>50789 >That barely contained grimace Anonymous 04/01/17(Sat)20:12:27 No.51086 >51152 D Anonymous 04/01/17(Sat)20:11:30 No.51014 ► >51068 >>51File: is that S--- on my FLOOR.jpg (45 KB, 523x665) File: 20170402_000917.jpg (2.9 MB, 4032x3024) >>51014 HOW MUCH LONGER CAN YOU Forgive me gather for I have sinned KEEP THIS UP? O Anonymous 04/01/17(Sat)20:13:29 No.51160 ► File: 1464787099245.png (291 KB, 365x395) >>51014 O Anonymous 04/01/17(Sat)20:11:42 No.51022 ► File: LET ÍT RIP. JACK.png (385 KB, 604x741) This is my first visit to this board, and I don't think I like it. O Anonymous 04/01/17(Sat)20:12:49 No.51109 >>50789 >Still alive But for how long? >>48519 The alcohol is boiled off, you simpleton. It's for flavor. O Anonymous 04/01/17(Sat)20:12:55 No.51116 O Anonymous 04/01/17(Sat)20:13:38 No.51175 ► >>51014 The first casualty of /c---/ /ck/ I don't like these threads they're scary Anonymous 04/01/17(Sat)20:13:20 No.51152 >>51254 >>51260 >>51365 >>51421 >>51424 >>51435 >>51468 >>51086 I'm out of ideas but l'm staring at our French press O Anonymous 04/01/17(Sat)20:20:06 No.51602 >>51656 >>51658 >>51685 >>51695 >>51739 >>51810 >>51944 File: IMG 20170402 001837 01.jpg (3.55 MB, 2758x4086) >>51421 >>51424 >>51435 >>51468 Welp. Do it.jpg (43 KB, 759x500) *O Anonymous 04/01/17(Sat)20:22:08 No.51738 File: 20170402_001930.jpg (2.88 MB, 4032x3024) >>51832 >>51831 O Anonymous 04/01/17(Sat)20:21:13 No.51668 ► »51719 HERE WE COME N---- isn't this how you make meth? O Anonymous 04/01/17(Sat)20:21:56 No.51719 ► >>51668 No but we're getting pretty close. O Anonymous 04/01/17(Sat)20:23:13 No.51810 ► File: 1433563301503.jpg (2.33 MB, 2592x1936) O Anonymous 04/01/17(Sat)20:29:05 No.52195 >>51602 ANON PLEASE LOVE YOURSELF >>51836 THE BEST PART OF WAKING UP IS DYING IN YOUR SLEEP O Anonymous 04/01/17(Sat)20:30:20 No.52268 ► »52312 >>52315 >>52333 >>52404 File: IMG 20170402_002847_01.jpg (1.84 MB, 3289x3333) OH IT'S HAPPENIN O Anonymous 04/01/17(Sat)20:31:19 No.52315 ► File: tumblr_nntqze1sTv1sxudx701 500.png (183 KB, 500x383) >>52268 You don't have to do this 1O Anonymous 04/01/17(Sat)20:31:38 No.52333 >252404>>52415 >>52509 >>52647 File: IMG 20170402_003034.jpg (3.24 MB, 3480x4640) >>52268 "That's probably enough" O Anonymous 04/01/17(Sat)20:23:33 No.51832 >52070 >>51738 honest question: how drunk are y'all right now? O Anonymous 04/01/17(Sat)20:27:22 No.52070 >>52365 >>52496 >>51832 Eh I'm driving back to my place in a few hours. Only a few glasses of Bushmills in me. Speaking of... Gonna pour another. O Anonymous 04/01/17(Sat)20:32:25 No.52365 >52604 File: headed to Concern.jpg (128 KB, 900x767) >>52070 >Eh l'm driving back to my place in a few hours. Only a few glasses of Bushmills in me. Speaking of... Gonna pour another. Concern OP I'd seriously advise against driving in your current state HEAVEN NI RELIEF STRM


On April 20th, 2017, Twitter[1] user @trjstn posted two images of chicken, one showing the chicken soaking in a pot of NyQuil and another showing three pieces of chicken on a plate next to the NyQuil bottle, captioned, "if she makes you nyquil chicken…. do NOT let her go" (shown below). The post gained over 6,600 likes and 4,400 retweets in five years. The image was posted to /r/shittyfoodporn[2] the next day, the user writing, "Someone on Facebook posted this. Nyquil marinated chicken," gaining over 3,700 upvotes in the same span of time.

... tristan @trjstn yQuil if she makes you nyquil chicken.... do NOT let her go FAST SYMP RELIF NyQuil

On December 17th, 2019, YouTuber D1GS1TE posted a video making NyQuil chicken and eating it with his friends, who find it gross, gaining over 5,000 views in two years, with the video later being removed off the platform. On September 4th, 2020, TikToker[4] @igrobflo posted a seemingly ironic video where he cooks up two chicken breasts in NyQuil, saying he likes to use "four-thirds" of the bottle and exclaiming that the steam makes you sleepy, using a hair straightener throughout to flip the meat (shown below). He ends the video saying "Bone Apple Tea," a phrase mimicking "bon appétit" that is often used along with imagery or videos of unappetizing food. The video was removed off Tiktok, but on January 1st, 2022, the YouTuber Action Jaxon[10] uploaded a reaction to the original (shown below).

Health Concerns

On January 15th, 2022, Yahoo! Life[3] reported on TikTok's NyQuil Chicken videos, where a doctor suggests it is dangerous, saying, “When you cook cough medicine like NyQuil, however, you boil off the water and alcohol in it, leaving the chicken saturated with a super concentrated amount of drugs in the meat. If you ate one of those cutlets completely cooked, it’d be as if you're actually consuming a quarter to half a bottle of NyQuil.” On January 16th, Jimmy Fallon joked about the trend during his opening monologue on The Tonight Show (shown below). On the same date, Forbes[5] covered the trend in an article.

TikTok began removing videos making or referring to NyQuil chicken around the same time, showing a warning message if the user searches "nyquil chicken."[6] On January 17th, Newsweek[7] posted a story warning against the trend.

FDA Warning

On September 20th, 2022, the trend reemerged on Twitter, which caused the FDA to get involved and release a statement calling on people to not use Nyquil at any time in their cooking process. They also cited the videos seen online, as TikTok still appears to host several videos of cooking Nyquil chicken or encouraging others to, even after the ban and purge of videos in the past (shown below).


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NyQuil Chicken / sleepy chicken tiktok trend depicting someone pouring a bottle of nyquil onto blue chicken.

NyQuil Chicken / Sleepy Chicken

Part of a series on TikTok. [View Related Entries]

Updated Sep 21, 2022 at 04:26PM EDT by Zach.

Added Jan 18, 2022 at 10:37AM EST by Phillip Hamilton.

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NyQuil Chicken, also known as Sleepy Chicken or Bedtime Chicken, refers to a recipe where chicken is marinated in the cold and flu medication NyQuil, giving it a greenish or blueish color, to help treat cold or flu symptoms. An image of NyQuil chicken was first posted online in April 2017 and went viral online that year. In 2020 TikTokers began making the chicken, mostly in ironic videos, sparking health concerns from professionals. TikTok has since banned the trend following negative media attention warning about the health risks of making the chicken.


On April 1st, 2017 an anonymous user of 4chan's[8] /ck/ (cooking) board made a post showing an image of some chicken breasts, writing, "You guys wanna see my Sleepytime Chicken?" The anon then proceeded to photograph the entire process of making "Sleepytime chicken," a mixture of Nyquil and chicken (shown below, click to expand). An screenshot collecting the entirety of the thread was posted to /r/4chan[9] the next day.

ring, B Anever, Sore Throat, laisophen, Dornlanine seccinate, Dextreethonder File: IMG 20170401_194715_01.jpg (2.04 MB, 3422x2719) O Anonymous 04/01/17(Sat)18:23:27 No.44613 >>44831 >>45138 2 Lyson You guys wanna see my Sleepytime Chicken? > O Anonymous 04/01/17(Sat)18:25:46 No.44702 >>44771 if this is a f------ ramen sundae thread * O Anonymous 04/01/17(Sat)18:26:21 No.44725 ► >>48079 File: IMG 20170401_194730 01.jpg (2.84 MB, 2735x3871) First two ingredients Noull O Anonymous 04/01/17(Sat)18:27:47 No.44771 File: IMG 20170401_194935_01.jpg (2.59 MB, 2611x3723) >>44702 You are horribly mistaken O Anonymous 04/01/17(Sat)18:31:15 No.44903 >>45454 >>45559 >>45801 File: IMG 20170401_194938_01.jpg (2.37 MB, 3121x4114) >>44831 Cooking time was shorter, and more flavorful *O Anonymous 04/01/17(Sat)18:36:26 No.45138 ► >>45173 >>44613 (OP) >Sell by April 6, 17 Dear god, this is OC. OC. >> O Anonymous 04/01/17(Sat)18:37:13 No.45173 >>45212 File: IMG 20170401_195028_01.jpg (1.42 MB, 2302x3305) >>45138 You're goddamned right it is O Anonymous 04/01/17(Sat)18:43:05 No.45436 >>45590 >>45599 >>45616 >>45662 >>45666 >>45679 >>45694 >>45755 >>48442 File: IMG 20170401_202327_01.jpg (1.66 MB, 3185x3624) >>45212 >>45218 Bout halfway done O Anonymous 04/01/17(Sat)18:48:41 No.45687 >>45708 I swear to god I dreamed this thread last night. 4/01/17(Sat)18:58:36 No.46186 >>46259 >>46279 >>46315 >>46333 >>46429 >>46529 >>46784 >>48519 1 213234.jpg (2.42 MB, 3480x4640) >>46008 Yeah I was surprised, I was afraid we were gonna be dealing with Nyquil caramel at the end. It surprisingly stayed liquid the whole time and actually boiled. O Anonymous 04/01/17(Sat)19:00:00 No. 46279 ► >>46186 These are the last hours of /c---/. Are you going to put a spin on this? O Anonymous 04/01/17(Sat)19:02:37 No.46481 > >>48066 >>46315 The menthol was boiling off and cleared my sinuses. Like sticking your head in a steaming pot, but with Vick's. O Anonymous 04/01/17(Sat)19:03:10 No.46529 >>46685 >>49833 >>46186 You better not throw out the broth when you're done. Make part 2 where you make a soup out of it. O Anonymous 04/01/17(Sat)19:05:06 No.46685 > >>47499 >>49833 File: IMG 20170401 230414.jpg (2.84 MB, 3480x4640) >>46529 F--- man, I'm sorry. Too much whiskey for a round two. O Anonymous 04/01/17(Sat)19:06:14 No.46784 ► File: 1486667464841.jpg (170 KB, 487x745) O Anonymous 04/01/17(Sat)19:17:24 No.47538 >>47588 >>47708 OP needed to go to the hospital because food poisoning. prank cancelled >>46186 There are things to live for, anon. Have your lifealert bracelet ready. O Anonymous 04/01/17(Sat)19:18:07 No.47577 I'm just glad that we here in /col get to experience life on the other side today. God bless you all. O Anonymous 04/01/17(Sat)19:18:15 No.47588 >47669 >>47708 >>47538 is this food poisoning or overdose. food and medicine have been crossed! O Anonymous 04/01/17(Sat)19:54:17 No.49746 ► File: DekuWorried png (92 KB, 325x382) >>49583 YAMETE >>47499 >>47538 >>47588 Still alive. All plated up.. KUDAPLEASE MULTI-SYMPTOM RELIEF FAST AST APTOM O Anonymous 04/01/17(Sat)19:22:34 No.47839 POWERFUL LIEP >>47708 I don't know why you feel the urge to put on heirs and use name brand cough syrup. VICKS NyQuil COLD & FLU Nighttime Reliet Heada hes & P P Anonymous 04/01/17(Sat)19:26:03 No.48039 ► >>47708 Amazing, I salute you for thinking up and going through with eating something that looks like it came out of shrek's anus. Make sure to tell one other person what you're doing and to check up on you if you happen to die from this. O Anonymous 04/01/17(Sat)19:27:22 No.48117 >>48188 >>48211 >>48230 >>48277 File: Snapchat-1227086413.jpg (578 KB, 1152x2048) We both are. Presentation is key O Anonymous 04/01/17(Sat)19:27:47 No.48138 ► File: 1279255505655.png (266 KB, 339x345) Presentation is key TOM FAST MULTI SY RELI MULTIS TOM >>47708 Why have you done this? MULT.SYMPTOM RELIEF CAST FAST EF O Anonymous 04/01/17(Sat)19:30:12 No.48277 ► File: ss+(2015-12-12+at+11.48.42). png (291 KB, 474x520) >>48117 Dude you are going to f------ die Powrares RELF O Anonymous 04/01/17(Sat)19:30:17 No.48283 ► >>47708 >buying massproduced big pharma cough ""syrup" Flyover cuck O Anonymous 04/01/17(Sat)19:30:41 No.48312 > I'm getting a headache from this thread. OP let's see the cross section. I better see some teeth marks O Anonymous 04/01/17(Sat)19:31:12 No.48339 > >>48423 >>48472 >>48485 >>48509 >>48526 >>48545 >>48852 File: IMG 20170401_233018 jpg (2.53 MB, 3480x4640) >>47850 >>47879 Better? AAAAAAAAAAAAA AAAAAAAAAAAAA AAAAAAAAAAAAA AAAAAAAAAAAAA AAAAAAAAAAAAA O Anonymous 04/01/17(Sat)19:33:59 No.48506 >48705 File: IMG 20170401 233306.jpg (3.71 MB, 3480x4640) >>48188 There's two of us 1:35 000 Nutrition Facts O Anonymous 04/01/17(Sat)19:41:30 No.48967 >>49091 >>49155 File: IMG 20170401_233837.jpg (2.48 MB, 3480x4640) >>48740 Still alive POWERFUL RELIEP VICKS NyQuil Daisy COLD & FLU Nige Ra BRAND SOUR CREAM O Anonymous 04/01/17(Sat)19:42:55 No.49054 >>49140 >>49155 >>49169 >>49 File: IMG 20170401_233842.jpg (2.39 MB, 3480x4640) >>48852 >>48970 It's so f------ gross goddamn Pure & Natural O Anonymous 04/01/17(Sat)19:43:28 No.49086 ► >green nyquil Pig f------ disgusting. Use red. O Anonymous 04/01/17(Sat)19:48:52 No.49417 File: everything is bad.jpg (436 KB, 739x1099) >>49583 >>49756 >>49054 >this whole thread built up to this one post TUCKY O Anonymous 04/01/17(Sat)19:51:27 No.49583 File: 20170401 234952.jpg (3.04 MB, 4032x3024) >>49417 Did it? O Anonymous 04/01/17(Sat)19:54:17 No.49746 File: DekuWorried.png (92 KB, 325x382) >>49583 YAMETE KUDAPLEASE O Anonymous 04/01/17(Sat)19:56:15 No.49858 ► >>49817 HE COOKED CHICKEN IN NYQUIL O Anonymous 04/01/17(Sat)19:54:27 No.49756 ► File: how Í will die png (109 KB, 723x669) HAMLET: O f---. (Exit HAMLET.) O Anonymous 04/01/17(Sat)19:56:15 No. 49859 ► >>49417 >>49583 I shouldn't have tested you. >>49789 BUT WHY IS IT RED, WHAT ELSE DID YOU ADD DUT OF MY THOADHT O Anonymous 04/01/17(Sat)19:56:18 No.49864 File: 1456577614915.png (54 KB, 219x301) O Anonymous 04/01/17(Sat)19:54:55 No.49789 >>49804 >>49859 >>49864 >>49895 >>49922 >>49965 >>50000 >>51056 File: IMG 20170401_235322.jpg (2.54 MB, 3480x4640) >>49789 RUB SOME ON YOUR D--- >>49664 >>49666 >>49690 >>49697 "unzips d---" >>49708 Every day we stray further from God's light O Anonymous 04/01/17(Sat)20:01:14 No.50207 >>50354 File: Beiberhank.gif (320 KB, 480x270) O Anonymous 04/01/17(Sat)19:57:52 No.49967 >>50000 >>50029 >>50070 >>50071 >>50073 >>50127 >>50476 >>5 File: 20170401 235544.jpg (3.14 MB, 4032x3024) Now this right here, this is why Icock/ should stick around. OPEN YA MOUTH, CLOSE YA EYES, SMILE LIKE A DONUT AND SWALLOW Anonymous 04/01/17(Sat)20:04:09 No.50476 >>50663 O Anonymous 04/01/17(Sat)19:58:19 No.50000 ► >>50641 File: ss+(2016-02-11+at+11.44.14)jpg (64 KB, 703x649) >>49789 >>49967 You won't f------ do it. >>49967 Is this a suicide pact or something? O Anonymous 04/01/17(Sat)20:06:28 No.50663 >>50751 >>50755 >>50789 >>50853 >>50880 >>50915 >>50917 >>50928 >>50978 >51044 File: IMG 20170402_000405_01.jpg (3.08 MB, 3480x2683) >>50231 >>50263 >>50476 I am a monster. O Anonymous 04/01/17(Sat)20:07:56 No.50764 >>50864 File: 1488405470653.jpg (19 KB, 239x207) >>49967 >SMILE LIKE A DONUT What did he mean by this? O Anonymous 04/01/17(Sat)20:06:33 No.50666 »50789 >>50817 >>50823 File: durr hurr hurr jpg (602 KB, 2448x3264) I feel like I'm watching someone build an elaborate Rube Goldberg machine that kills him at the end. O Anonymous 04/01/17(Sat)20:08:20 No.50789 >>50917 >50919 >>50978 >>51 File: IMG 20170402_000417_02.jpg (1.8 MB, 3480x2531) >>50663 >>50666 >>50701 Still alive. My liver's processed worse than this. That's disgusting You disgust me disgusting Disgusting. beyond words disgusting O Anonymous 04/01/17(Sat)20:11:26 No.51005 File: 1416560531264.png (87 KB, 171x208) >>50789 >That barely contained grimace Anonymous 04/01/17(Sat)20:12:27 No.51086 >51152 D Anonymous 04/01/17(Sat)20:11:30 No.51014 ► >51068 >>51File: is that S--- on my FLOOR.jpg (45 KB, 523x665) File: 20170402_000917.jpg (2.9 MB, 4032x3024) >>51014 HOW MUCH LONGER CAN YOU Forgive me gather for I have sinned KEEP THIS UP? O Anonymous 04/01/17(Sat)20:13:29 No.51160 ► File: 1464787099245.png (291 KB, 365x395) >>51014 O Anonymous 04/01/17(Sat)20:11:42 No.51022 ► File: LET ÍT RIP. JACK.png (385 KB, 604x741) This is my first visit to this board, and I don't think I like it. O Anonymous 04/01/17(Sat)20:12:49 No.51109 >>50789 >Still alive But for how long? >>48519 The alcohol is boiled off, you simpleton. It's for flavor. O Anonymous 04/01/17(Sat)20:12:55 No.51116 O Anonymous 04/01/17(Sat)20:13:38 No.51175 ► >>51014 The first casualty of /c---/ /ck/ I don't like these threads they're scary Anonymous 04/01/17(Sat)20:13:20 No.51152 >>51254 >>51260 >>51365 >>51421 >>51424 >>51435 >>51468 >>51086 I'm out of ideas but l'm staring at our French press O Anonymous 04/01/17(Sat)20:20:06 No.51602 >>51656 >>51658 >>51685 >>51695 >>51739 >>51810 >>51944 File: IMG 20170402 001837 01.jpg (3.55 MB, 2758x4086) >>51421 >>51424 >>51435 >>51468 Welp. Do it.jpg (43 KB, 759x500) *O Anonymous 04/01/17(Sat)20:22:08 No.51738 File: 20170402_001930.jpg (2.88 MB, 4032x3024) >>51832 >>51831 O Anonymous 04/01/17(Sat)20:21:13 No.51668 ► »51719 HERE WE COME N---- isn't this how you make meth? O Anonymous 04/01/17(Sat)20:21:56 No.51719 ► >>51668 No but we're getting pretty close. O Anonymous 04/01/17(Sat)20:23:13 No.51810 ► File: 1433563301503.jpg (2.33 MB, 2592x1936) O Anonymous 04/01/17(Sat)20:29:05 No.52195 >>51602 ANON PLEASE LOVE YOURSELF >>51836 THE BEST PART OF WAKING UP IS DYING IN YOUR SLEEP O Anonymous 04/01/17(Sat)20:30:20 No.52268 ► »52312 >>52315 >>52333 >>52404 File: IMG 20170402_002847_01.jpg (1.84 MB, 3289x3333) OH IT'S HAPPENIN O Anonymous 04/01/17(Sat)20:31:19 No.52315 ► File: tumblr_nntqze1sTv1sxudx701 500.png (183 KB, 500x383) >>52268 You don't have to do this 1O Anonymous 04/01/17(Sat)20:31:38 No.52333 >252404>>52415 >>52509 >>52647 File: IMG 20170402_003034.jpg (3.24 MB, 3480x4640) >>52268 "That's probably enough" O Anonymous 04/01/17(Sat)20:23:33 No.51832 >52070 >>51738 honest question: how drunk are y'all right now? O Anonymous 04/01/17(Sat)20:27:22 No.52070 >>52365 >>52496 >>51832 Eh I'm driving back to my place in a few hours. Only a few glasses of Bushmills in me. Speaking of... Gonna pour another. O Anonymous 04/01/17(Sat)20:32:25 No.52365 >52604 File: headed to Concern.jpg (128 KB, 900x767) >>52070 >Eh l'm driving back to my place in a few hours. Only a few glasses of Bushmills in me. Speaking of... Gonna pour another. Concern OP I'd seriously advise against driving in your current state HEAVEN NI RELIEF STRM


On April 20th, 2017, Twitter[1] user @trjstn posted two images of chicken, one showing the chicken soaking in a pot of NyQuil and another showing three pieces of chicken on a plate next to the NyQuil bottle, captioned, "if she makes you nyquil chicken…. do NOT let her go" (shown below). The post gained over 6,600 likes and 4,400 retweets in five years. The image was posted to /r/shittyfoodporn[2] the next day, the user writing, "Someone on Facebook posted this. Nyquil marinated chicken," gaining over 3,700 upvotes in the same span of time.

... tristan @trjstn yQuil if she makes you nyquil chicken.... do NOT let her go FAST SYMP RELIF NyQuil

On December 17th, 2019, YouTuber D1GS1TE posted a video making NyQuil chicken and eating it with his friends, who find it gross, gaining over 5,000 views in two years, with the video later being removed off the platform. On September 4th, 2020, TikToker[4] @igrobflo posted a seemingly ironic video where he cooks up two chicken breasts in NyQuil, saying he likes to use "four-thirds" of the bottle and exclaiming that the steam makes you sleepy, using a hair straightener throughout to flip the meat (shown below). He ends the video saying "Bone Apple Tea," a phrase mimicking "bon appétit" that is often used along with imagery or videos of unappetizing food. The video was removed off Tiktok, but on January 1st, 2022, the YouTuber Action Jaxon[10] uploaded a reaction to the original (shown below).

Health Concerns

On January 15th, 2022, Yahoo! Life[3] reported on TikTok's NyQuil Chicken videos, where a doctor suggests it is dangerous, saying, “When you cook cough medicine like NyQuil, however, you boil off the water and alcohol in it, leaving the chicken saturated with a super concentrated amount of drugs in the meat. If you ate one of those cutlets completely cooked, it’d be as if you're actually consuming a quarter to half a bottle of NyQuil.” On January 16th, Jimmy Fallon joked about the trend during his opening monologue on The Tonight Show (shown below). On the same date, Forbes[5] covered the trend in an article.

TikTok began removing videos making or referring to NyQuil chicken around the same time, showing a warning message if the user searches "nyquil chicken."[6] On January 17th, Newsweek[7] posted a story warning against the trend.

FDA Warning

On September 20th, 2022, the trend reemerged on Twitter, which caused the FDA to get involved and release a statement calling on people to not use Nyquil at any time in their cooking process. They also cited the videos seen online, as TikTok still appears to host several videos of cooking Nyquil chicken or encouraging others to, even after the ban and purge of videos in the past (shown below).


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winton overwat
winton overwat

“When you cook cough medicine like NyQuil, however, you boil off the water and alcohol in it, leaving the chicken saturated with a super concentrated amount of drugs in the meat. If you ate one of those cutlets completely cooked, it’d be as if you're actually consuming a quarter to half a bottle of NyQuil.”

So what he's saying is that the marinade should be 1 part NyQuil, 3 parts Water.


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