Ooga Gaga I Got Your Milkies
Part of a series on Mommy GF / Mommy Milky. [View Related Entries]
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Ooga Gaga I Got Your Milkies refers to a voiced-over POV image macro of Virtual YouTuber Shigure Ui holding a baby rattle and a bottle of milk, reading, "Ooga gaga I got your milkies since you want to act like a fucking baby." The image was voiced over in 2020 by Instagram's @cursed.voiceovers, becoming a popular original sound on TikTok in 2021 associated with a lip-dub trend.
On January 12th, 2020, Pixiv[1] and Twitter[2] user "となりける" posted an original piece of fan art titled "ういママ" or "Ui Mom" to social media, depicting VTuber Shigure Ui from a POV angle holding a bottle of milk and a rattle (notably featuring an image of Shuba Duck on it) with a smile on her face and pronounced breasts (shown below). The image gained over 100,000 views and 14,000 likes on Pixiv and 15,000 likes and 3,400 retweets on Twitter in a year.

On January 30th, Facebook[3] user "Taigei Kyaria" posted an image macro using the piece of art, adding text reading, "Ooga gaga I got your milkies since you want to act like a fucking baby," (shown below).

Around March, now-inactive Instagram[4] user @cursed.voiceovers posted a voiced-over version of the image macro reading the text. The video was reposted by Instagram[5] user @dingleslap.v3 on March 22nd, offering one of the earliest reuploads (shown below).
The cursed.voiceovers version of the image macro was reposted a number of times over the course of 2020, notably to Instagram[6] on March 28th, garnering over 29,000 views and 4,000 likes, and on YouTube[7] on April 2nd, garnering over 213,000 views in a year. The image also inspired a number of pieces of fan art referencing it (example shown below).[13]

On April 25th, 2021, TikToker[8] @i.luv.u_u posted the voiced-over image macro under an original sound titled "mommy milker cult," garnering over 7.5 million views in a month. In early May, the original sound for the video took off as users began lip dubbing to it. The majority of videos see female TikTokers[9][10] lip dub the lines while wearing revealing clothing meant to highlight their breasts (popular examples shown below, left and right).
Within a month, the original sound had been used in over 70,000 videos on TikTok,[11][12] with both males and females making renditions of the trend focused on highlighting their breasts (examples shown below, left and right).
Many male TikTokers use the trend to trap users, making them think they're looking at female breasts when really it's a man's (example shown below).
Various Examples
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External References
[2] Twitter – Ui Mom Twitter
[4] Instagram – cursed.voiceovers
[5] Instagram – Morning peeps
[7] YouTube – Ooga Gaga I Got Your Milkies
[8] TikTok – "":https://www.tiktok.com/@i.luv.u_u/video/6955271506758765830
[11] TikTok – man milkies
[13] Folioscope – ooga gaga I got your milkies
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May 26, 2021 at 01:40PM EDT
May 26, 2021 at 02:05PM EDT in reply to