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Paper Planes

Added 5 years ago by Matt • Updated about a year ago by Matt
Added 5 years ago by Matt • Updated about a year ago by Matt

Paper Planes
Paper Planes

Category: Meme Status: submission Year: 2008 Origin: M.I.A. (rapper) Region:
Type: Song
Tags: m.i.a. hip hop pineapple express

Additional References: Wikipedia


"Paper Planes" is a song by British rapper M.I.A. from her album Kala. The has been used in numerous pop culture properties and received wide acclaim from critics and music fans.


On August 8th, 2007, M.I.A.'s album Kala was released. The album included the song "Paper Planes," which would be the album's fourth single.[2]

Two years later, a video (shown below) for the song was uploaded to YouTube, where it received more than 137 million views in nine years.


On June 28th, 2018, "Paper Planes" ranked #2 on Rolling Stone's[1] top 100 greatest songs of the century.

The lyric to the song has frequently been parodied on Twitter, replacing the final like "take your money" with other humorous endings. One of the earliest variations of this was posted on August 25th, 2012 by Twitter[3] user @calebRAD. The tweet (shown below, left) reads, "All I wanna do is *gunshot* *gunshot* *gunshot* and *ear-shattering killer whale roar* watch Free Willy."

Six years later the meme was revived. On June 16th, 2018, Twitter[4] user @peedekaf tweeted a variation that read, "all i wanna do is *gunshot* *gunshot* *gunshot* *cash register noise* mean something to someone." The post (shown below, center) received more than 77,000 retweets and 200,000 likes in one month.

One month later, on July 19th, Twitter[5] user @_AlexHirsch tweeted, "All I wanna do is *gunshot* *gunshot* *cash register sound* take a nap." The tweeted (shown below, right) received more than 10,000 retweets and 33,000 likes in four days.

On July 22nd, Twitter[6] published a moments page about the meme.

All I wanna do is gunshot gunshot gunshot* and *ear-shattering killer whale roar* watch Free Willy. all i wanna do is "gunshot* "gunshot* gunshot* *cash register noise* mean something to someone All I wanna do is gunshot* gunshot* "cash register sound* take a nap

External References

all I wanna do is gunshots* gunshots* *click* "cash register noise* support all my friends' creative projects and love them forever all I wanna do is *bang "bang* bang* "click* "cash register noise* get above the average on my exams this semester all i wanna do is gunshot* *gunshot* gunshot* *gunshot "gunshot "gunshot* *gunshot* ZIMMERMAN STOP
all I wanna do is gunshots* gunshots* *click "cash register noise* my best all I wanna do is gunshots* gunshots* *click* "cash register noise* fall asleep at a reasonable hour and wake up feeling replenished all I wanna do is gunshots* gunshots* *click "cash register noise* The bare minimum

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