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The Tall Knight or The_Tall_Knight (real name Elijah Brann) is a TikToker known for wearing a knight crusader helmet and his positive, motivational, gaming and comedy content, including videos about his personal life. Tall Knight gained a significant following on TikTok throughout 2021 and 2022 on his original account @the_average_tall_knight before it was permanently banned. He restarted in March 2022 and eventually surpassed his original follower count. In February 2023, Tall Knight posted a video asking for help from his community, claiming he was kicked from his home and about to be homeless, resulting in his followers sending him over $14,000 USD. Following the donations, TikToker @othodoxmainer, whose house Tall Knight was living in, accused him of allegedly scamming fans and lying about being homeless, which Tall Knight denied.


On March 31st, 2022, TikToker[1] @the_tall_knight posted a video sharing that his old account, @the_average_tall_knight had been permanently banned. On April 3rd, he posted a video about how he planned to get them all back in a month, garnering over 250,000 views in a year (shown below).

@the_tall_knight 2.5k down, 147.5k to go 💀 #crusader #GameTok #150k ♬ som original – --☆

He continued posting comedy content and videos about his personal life over the following months, some gaining millions of views. On June 29th, he posted a video to TikTok[2] that gained over 3.3 million views in eight months (shown below, left). On December 11th, he posted a video to TIkTok[3] revealing he'd been in a mental facility and was suicidal, but instead of ending his life decided to become the "strongest motherfucker in his bloodline," garnering over 777,000 views in two months (shown below, right).

@the_tall_knight My fyp is such a rollercoaster of emotion 😭 #crusader #healthadepopit #the_average_tall_knight #minions #riseofgru ♬ original sound – Big sexy

@the_tall_knight Deleting the app after I post this. Share this video plzzzz 😭 I want my return to be anticipated #tallknight #GenshinImpact33 #tranformation #month #deletingtiktok #mentalhealth #jan11 #HuluChippendalesDance ♬ original sound – Tall Knight

Tall Knight Dance

Tall Knight became increasingly popularized throughout January and February 2023, with the majority of his videos during those months gaining millions of views. On February 1st, 2023, the TikToker[4] then posted a comedy and dance video that gained over 8.5 million views in three weeks (shown below). Tall Knight continued to do this dance in some of his future videos.

@the_tall_knight Good Feelings: pt 4 ✨ #thetallknight #goodvibes #goodfeelings #positivity #corecore #QuakerPregrain #mindset ♬ Watch This (ARIZONATEARS Pluggnb Remix) – Lil Uzi Vert & sped up nightcore & ARIZONATEARS

Kicked From House, Homelessness, Scam Accusations

On February 20th, 2023, TikToker[5] @the_tall_knight posted a video in which he states that he just got kicked out of his house and that he was homeless. He claims that he doesn't have much money in the bank and won't get his payment from TikTok until the end of the month, calling his request for help "pathetic." The video gained over 6.5 million views in four days (shown below).

@the_tall_knight ($TheAverageTallKnight) I’m so scared, idk what I’m gonna do, please help #tallknight #the_tall_knight #homeless #apartment #tiktok #positivity #fanbase #fakesword ♬ original sound – Tall Knight

Later that night, Tall Knight then posted a video to TikTok[6] revealing that he had been sent over $14,000 by his followers (shown below, left). Two days later, he posted another video to TikTok[7] sharing that he is staying in a hotel while looking for an apartment (shown below, right).

@the_tall_knight Replying to @sadturtleexe ♬ original sound – Tall Knight

@the_tall_knight I swear I’m going to dedicate my life to making content that can maybe give you guys a fraction of the joy that you’ve brought me 💝😭 #tallknight #the_tall_knight #update #hotel #homeless #positivity ♬ original sound – they_luv_tony:)

That day, Christian TikToker[8] @othodoxmainer, who was Tall Knight's roommate and the owner of the house he was staying in before he was kicked out, posted a video accusing Tall Knight of scamming his followers. In the video, he shows Tall Knight's room, sword and helmet for proof. The TikToker claims that he let Tall Knight live in his house with himself, his wife and his kids since he was 18 under the understanding that he would be a "normal house guest."

According to the post, Othodoxmainer had a problem with Tall Knight when he flew his out-of-state girlfriend to visit and stay with him in the house without asking. His wife purportedly came home one day and saw Tall Knight and his girlfriend being "very intimate" and displaying "non-Christian values." He told Tall Knight he had until March 1st to start looking for a new home and that he wasn't kicked out or homeless at the time he made his video. At the end of the video, @othodoxmainer showed supposed texts in which Tall Knight says he refuses to come back to the home through March 1st, choosing to stay in a hotel instead (video now deleted).

On March 23rd, Tall Knight then posted a video to TikTok[9] responding to the accusations. He calls the claims by @othodoxmainer "rumors and accusations" and tells viewers to visit his Discord for the full story (shown below).

@the_tall_knight #stitch with @musclepilledv2 I have never and will never betray this invaluable trust I’ve been given from you guys. You mean too much to me. #the_tall_knight #tallknight #update #homeless #scammer #positivity ♬ Blade Runner 2049 – Synthwave Goose

On his Discord (screenshots shown below), he explains that the house he was staying at belongs to his sister Savannah and brother-in-law (@othodoxmainer). He admits that he did fly his girlfriend out to visit, then claims that Savannah walked in on the two of them talking on Discord the night before, so she knew his girlfriend was coming over. After Tall Knight's girlfriend arrived, Savannah caught them cuddling and was purportedly mad. He reveals that Savannah, a childcare provider, is currently not allowed around minors without supervision due to an incident where a child suffered a brain injury in her care,[10] also stating she cut off contact with her other brother because he voted for Biden and their sister for not being straight.

Tall Knight then claims that Savannah barged in on him and his girlfriend having sex in their room and told them to leave. He then states that she and @othodoxmainer have sex every day whether the children are home or not, even claiming they had sex in the living room once while he was there, that they leave sex toys in the kitchen sink and that @othodoxmainer purportedly likes to get pegged.

He thought Savannah was joking about kicking him out at first but then realized she wasn't, also adding that she allegedly called his girlfriend a whore. Tall Knight grabbed her suitcase and some things, went outside and recorded the video asking for help from his followers, posting it the next day. On that same day, he claims @othodoxmainer texted him offering to let him stay until March for the first time, but there was no way he was staying there after the confrontation. Tall Knight posts a link to a screenshot[11] claiming he only had $470 in his bank account before the donations (full Discord screenshots shown below, left to right).

Tall Knight Yesterday at 1:43 PM Hello! @everyone It's come to my attention that my old hyper-religious, hypocritical roommates have made a last ditch effort to make my life miserable He goes by something like OrthadoxMainer on tiktok. Feel free to go watch his video for context. He goes on to grab my stuff and say things along the lines of "he lived here for free” (lie) "he was given several warnings" (another lie) “hes scamming you for money" (also lie.) So, if you want the truth, if you genuinely want to know what really happened, please be patient. Open minded. And allow me to speak my side (edited) 5 So here is a quick run down of all the events to at took place that night. I'm leaving no details out, which will humiliate me and make me feel awful, but it's only fair. I'll do my best to be brief, I don't want to take too much of your time. And I'm addressing this on discord because I don't want to use my biggest platform (tiktok) just to talk about lies and rumors 24 BUT ANYWAY That weekend, Friday, February 17th, 2023 I had used my earnings from tiktok to fly my LDR (long distance relationship) girlfriend up to Maine to meet we had been talking for about a month and wanted to see if we were compatible in person (edited) My best friend drove me an hour down to the airport (cause I don't have a license to pick her up She was amazing... everything I'd hoped for and more So we headed back home to the apartment (of which I was paying $450 a month for one bedroom the size of a closet) (edited) 215 Tall Knight Yesterday at 1:51 PM Now, to be clear, my older sister had walked in on my and my gf the night before, calling on discord. She needed me to do the usual favor of escorting her and her child to his house with our grandparents because my sister is not allowed around minors without adult supervision. (edited) (There was incident about 2 years ago at a daycare she used to own which resulted in a baby being put into a coma because of what she did. https://www.newscentermaine.com/amp/article/news/crime/maine-child-care- provider-charged-after-19-month-old-suffered-brain-injury-in-her-care-makes-first- court-appearance/97-7d6b170c-f590-405d-a8af-69a988cac16b) (edited) 156 13 So, Savannah (my sister) was in fact aware I was going to have a girl over. Fast forward to the next day Me and this perfect girl are cuddling in my bed hehe, corny I know, but it was the loveliest thing ever Shortly after, Savannah gets home from work, and is outraged that I betrayed her trust by having a girl over (edited) 126 292 5 6 She storms off, and then about an hour later, she comes back and starts interrogating my poor girlfriend with questions 127 71 W 46 H 46 "What's your name? Where are you from? Who did you vote for?" Right off the bat 341 60 B 40 35 CO26 97 ? 3 Now, for context. Savannah has completely cut off ALL contact (blocked them on every social media) with our eldest brother Daulton cause he admitted to voting for Biden (edited) And our younger sister Trinity, for not being straight. - 245 G 125 A 125 Y 125 A 79 F 77 (This isn't even the worst of it, trust me, it gets worse O 39 81 Tall Knight Yesterday at 1:59 PM Fast forwarding once again, Me and my soulmate I will admit, have sex . In my room. Which I'm paying rent for. Behind closed doors, not making a sound. W 320 144 93 H 41 A 41 P 41 P 42 Y 41 74 Y 46 111 39 22 247 44 Now. Hah Savannah? Hah Hah НАН H 118 A 119 Go ahead and ask her son Danny what "mommy and daddy's special game is" and how "only they can be in the room to play it" 165 109 M 70 A 70 R 70 170 0 70 110 4 87 90 A 65 I kid you not. In the year I lived there, every day. EVERY DAY. EVERY SINGLE DAY they f----- 41 6 T 77 R 77 A 77 | 77 N 77
If the kids were home or not 28 57 If I was in the kitchen, 10 feet away 146 022 Or when me and my friend Logan were playing board games in the dining room, and they decided to LOUDLY f--- in the LIVING ROOM, AROUND THE CORNER 117 177 58 106 They constantly leave their sex toys in the sink 108 79 60 B 38 212 25 So many dildos... 139 And 0 25 12 79 18 112 my sister isn't the one who takes it in the ass 410 80 92 74 194 90 13 15 +6 D 60 I 60 R 39 And she then tells me to get out 61 20 15 L 61 3 52 P 15 E 15 G 14 So the fact. That THEY. THEM. of ALL PEOPLE in this WORLD. Think that THEY. Are on grounds to judge ME for having standard sex?? 50 (edited) 3 90 X 90 R 118 E 121 A 118 L 118 S 94 Is the most astounding, mind boggling, bamboozling, befaffling, inexplicably CONFOUNDING irony, I have ever seen. U 38 91 O 60 So. S 72 O 67 ... 41 41 Me and my gf, in the midst of making love, Savannah bursts in. Just opens the door all the way. And stands there staring at us. "Out. Now. Get out, permanently." 67 52 N 88 O 88 Obviously at first I didn't think she was serious 104 € 4 (16 I told her I was sorry 149 66 I told her I wouldn't do it again, I groveled 152 So that's where we were. 100 82 H 37 A 25 57 676 A 54 S 53 I have no car, no money, no where to go It's -2° outside and past midnight (so technically Saturday) Now I'm a prideful guy, I'll admit P 88 R 87 99 86 26 So me and my gf cleaned ourselves up, embarrassed, ashamed, but mostly laughing 167 Tall Knight Yesterday at 2:06 PM And I walked into the living room to get a blanket so I could sleep in the car (which was my sisters original demand) W 45 T 45 F 45 ? 5 ! 3 ? 3 I then realize she was serious. 93 94 My heart sank down to my ankles realizing I may have just seriously f----- up 64 F 87 U 87 C 85 K 85 M 74 E 74 92 63 8888 S 90 E 90 X 90 155 66 I need an occasional ego check D 83 E 84 - 89 But that night was the first time in years that I begged. Knelt down at my sisters feet as she sat on the couch, and begged It was pathetic. 162 I told her we had no where else to go 153 68 But I kid you not. All she would say, after 15 minutes of pleading, was "I don't care. She's a w---- if she spreads her legs like that for you when you just met. Get out.” 57 75 93 80 55 31 D 25 A 25 N 24 G 24 "Vannah, If you do this, you're literally making me homeless, we have no where else to go" 60 "I don't care." She said. "Out. Frankly, I want you homeless. Now get out." (edited) 95 40 97 86 39 48 18 52 I desperately called my best friend, telling him what happened 101 43 72 TikTok Tall Knight on Tik Tok ($TheAverage TallKnight) I'm so scared, idk what I'm gonna do, please help #tallknight #the_tall_knight #homeless #apartment Only enough time to grab my gfs briefcase, put my shoes on, and go outside in the snow. And his kind parents allowed us to sleep in their basement that night. 53 110 F 37 E 37 T 38 And THAT is when I recorded this. https://www.tiktok.com/t/ZTRnDYDfE/
Tall Knight Yesterday at 2:13 PM However, it was about 2am at the time, so I saved it to my drafts. I did not post it Friday night, even tho that's when I recorded it. 88 The next day, Brent, (orthodoxmainer from tiktok / Savannah's husband) messaged me (edited) 78 He said I could stay "til the end of the month" (which was 7 days away) since I had already paid rent 79 TW You can stay here until March 1st since you paid rent for the month of February. The girl is not to be here under any circumstances. At the end of the month I need you out. 88 So. Now obviously. There is no way I can speak her without saying things I'll regret OBVIOUSLY OBVIOUSLY After ALLAT ain't no F----- WAY I was gonna be in the same house as my sister again after she did that to us WAS HOW MUCH MONEY I HAD TO MY NAME AFTER BEING KICKED OUT 106 And Brent acts like that was enough money for me to get a new apartment in a WEEK 105 272 29 Yesterday 11:25 AM Tell Vannah to stop trying call me But the plan is I'm gonna sta at a hatal til I can find an 28 I did not lie. 157 9:47 PM 97 After the video had gotten millions and views and my sister had been exposed for the heartless hypocrite she is, She and her husband have now dedicated their lives to tearing down this community I've spent the last 2 years building 136 Y 131 Brent You've been respectful a mature during all this, so thank you for that But I know you guys. And you know me. 131 I did not scam you. (edited) 57 651 62 97 9 because THIS 89 I was over joyed 76 102 iCloud.com 87 64 Everything in the video is true. So I declined, and went through with posting the video I had recorded the night before anyway. P 78 C8 E 78 N 78 178 S 78 In an HOUR an HOUR, you guys stepped in and saved me 78 65 I checked my phone and $16,000.00 had been donated D 135 R 131 17 130 470 U 111 So here I am now. 141 111 77 2 https://share.icloud.com/photos/024mlf0jiRuej8lhqT39luQ7g (edited) 3 $$ 59 13 19 U 131 G 131 M 131 O 131 N 131 That's the whole story. 163 66 DM me if you have any questions 266 S 123 57 WAS HOW MUCH MONEY I HAD TO MY NAME AFTER BEING KICKED OUT I was kicked out for having premarital sex 165 73 90 81 22 155 Tall Knight Yesterday at 6:45 PM My sister really is something else 31 W 5 3 And my sister has now gotten my church to excommunicate me. (Kick me out.) 31 $ 4 W 3 +2 F 3 09 172 95 127 Staying at a hotel with my gf, until we can find an apartment together. 179 60 83 41 17 E 123 X 123 H 111 W 5 51 37 42 77 4 64 S 123 86 CheskaBitch. Creator My husband and I literally watch p--- together what is your point 9m Reply E 131 E 123 X 123 61 L 74 41 56 B 112 56 78 R 112

On February 24th, 2023, Tall Knight announced on his Discord server that he was refunding the majority of the donations, claiming he'd refused hundreds of thousands of dollars of donations already and repeating that he's not a scammer and is trying to do his best (shown below).

1:03 PM Tall Knight Today at 1:03 PM @everyone hiiiii So I've been DMd a few times asking for proof that I'm sending back the (VAST) majority of the donations, and that's perfectly fine, I understand 100 106 W 77 36 ! 36 41 29 26 25 30 23 Ⓒ 22 18 So here you go 00 47 W 29 P 3 10 13 23 E 3 N 3 13 S 3 Reminder: Gabriel Droit sent you $... Gabriel Droit sent you $80 on 2/22/23... ☆ 9 28 Cash App Feb 23 Reminder: Rashon Thomas sent yo... Rashon Thomas sent you $1 on 2/22/... ☆ Cash App Reminder: William Moore sent you... William Moore sent you $6 on 2/22/23... 14 9 15 Feb 23 Cash App Reminder: Idk Idk requested $50 o... Reminder: Idk ldk requested $50 from... ☆ 13 34 16 121 12 4 13 11 Just know I'm doing my best I am not evil I'm not scamming anyone 20 18 Feb 23 24 11 Cash App Reminder: Emma Fairman sent you... Sydney Crapser On Monday Accept As you can see, shortly after I made the video (a week ago) I made it set so I would have to manually accept each donation, and so that they would not just go into my account automatically 32 W 46 17 4 21 Feb 23 18 That way, after 24h, it gets sent back to the donor 100 78 19 €24 19 24 13 NO ONE 4 ASKED T NO ONE ASKED? 9 G 12 15 S 2 A 9 8 Since then, I have declined hundreds of thousands of dollars by ignoring the donation 100 21 38 G 28 14 21 12 12 12 26 17 16 17 db 2 18 16 12 12 W 27 Geremiah Gross For I've been homel... Javi Campbell $76.50 for samesituatio... Dylan Gibson For this is literally m... 21 10 18 28 8 16 13 15 N 9 10 23 19 23 W 30 13 13 25 11 14 Accept 10 Accept CHA Pay So please... I'm trying my best to the better person I'm turning down life changing amounts of money, and for what? to be called a scammer because my old roommates made a video about me leaving out CRUCIALLY important details 25 11 12 14 8 09 20 12 12 7 15 25 7 22 12 10 NEW

Online Presence

Tall Knight has garnered a notable following throughout the early 2020s, with over 1.3 million followers on his TikTok account @the_tall_knight as of late February 2023. His most dedicated followers often post videos in similar helmets, applauding Tall Knight for motivating them and spreading positivity with his content. Some TikTokers also post videos doing a dance started by Tall Knight that involves rhythmically bopping your head (examples shown below).

@the_tall_knight #duet with @kustoszowy #tallknight #the_tall_knight #NextLevelDish #positivity #fanbase ♬ Watch This (ARIZONATEARS Pluggnb Remix) – Lil Uzi Vert & sped up nightcore & ARIZONATEARS

@r4g_phantom W collab ? Yes of course 🤝🏻 #tallknight #vibes #collab #fyp #viral ♬ son original – Phantom

Search Interest

External References

[1] TikTok – @the_tall_knight

[2] TikTok – the_tall_knight

[3] TikTok – @the_tall_knight

[4] TikTok – the_tall_knight

[5] TIkTok – @the_tall_knight

[6] TIkTok – @the_tall_knight

[7] TikTok – the_tall_knight

[8] TikTok – @othodoxmainer

[9] TikTok – the_tall_knight

[10] News Center Maine – Child care provider charged

[11] iCloud – Elijah

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Tall Knight TikTok account.

The Tall Knight (TikTok)

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Updated Feb 24, 2023 at 05:24PM EST by Zach.

Added Feb 24, 2023 at 12:28PM EST by Phillip Hamilton.

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The Tall Knight or The_Tall_Knight (real name Elijah Brann) is a TikToker known for wearing a knight crusader helmet and his positive, motivational, gaming and comedy content, including videos about his personal life. Tall Knight gained a significant following on TikTok throughout 2021 and 2022 on his original account @the_average_tall_knight before it was permanently banned. He restarted in March 2022 and eventually surpassed his original follower count. In February 2023, Tall Knight posted a video asking for help from his community, claiming he was kicked from his home and about to be homeless, resulting in his followers sending him over $14,000 USD. Following the donations, TikToker @othodoxmainer, whose house Tall Knight was living in, accused him of allegedly scamming fans and lying about being homeless, which Tall Knight denied.


On March 31st, 2022, TikToker[1] @the_tall_knight posted a video sharing that his old account, @the_average_tall_knight had been permanently banned. On April 3rd, he posted a video about how he planned to get them all back in a month, garnering over 250,000 views in a year (shown below).

@the_tall_knight 2.5k down, 147.5k to go 💀 #crusader #GameTok #150k ♬ som original – --☆

He continued posting comedy content and videos about his personal life over the following months, some gaining millions of views. On June 29th, he posted a video to TikTok[2] that gained over 3.3 million views in eight months (shown below, left). On December 11th, he posted a video to TIkTok[3] revealing he'd been in a mental facility and was suicidal, but instead of ending his life decided to become the "strongest motherfucker in his bloodline," garnering over 777,000 views in two months (shown below, right).

@the_tall_knight My fyp is such a rollercoaster of emotion 😭 #crusader #healthadepopit #the_average_tall_knight #minions #riseofgru ♬ original sound – Big sexy

@the_tall_knight Deleting the app after I post this. Share this video plzzzz 😭 I want my return to be anticipated #tallknight #GenshinImpact33 #tranformation #month #deletingtiktok #mentalhealth #jan11 #HuluChippendalesDance ♬ original sound – Tall Knight

Tall Knight Dance

Tall Knight became increasingly popularized throughout January and February 2023, with the majority of his videos during those months gaining millions of views. On February 1st, 2023, the TikToker[4] then posted a comedy and dance video that gained over 8.5 million views in three weeks (shown below). Tall Knight continued to do this dance in some of his future videos.

@the_tall_knight Good Feelings: pt 4 ✨ #thetallknight #goodvibes #goodfeelings #positivity #corecore #QuakerPregrain #mindset ♬ Watch This (ARIZONATEARS Pluggnb Remix) – Lil Uzi Vert & sped up nightcore & ARIZONATEARS

Kicked From House, Homelessness, Scam Accusations

On February 20th, 2023, TikToker[5] @the_tall_knight posted a video in which he states that he just got kicked out of his house and that he was homeless. He claims that he doesn't have much money in the bank and won't get his payment from TikTok until the end of the month, calling his request for help "pathetic." The video gained over 6.5 million views in four days (shown below).

@the_tall_knight ($TheAverageTallKnight) I’m so scared, idk what I’m gonna do, please help #tallknight #the_tall_knight #homeless #apartment #tiktok #positivity #fanbase #fakesword ♬ original sound – Tall Knight

Later that night, Tall Knight then posted a video to TikTok[6] revealing that he had been sent over $14,000 by his followers (shown below, left). Two days later, he posted another video to TikTok[7] sharing that he is staying in a hotel while looking for an apartment (shown below, right).

@the_tall_knight Replying to @sadturtleexe ♬ original sound – Tall Knight

@the_tall_knight I swear I’m going to dedicate my life to making content that can maybe give you guys a fraction of the joy that you’ve brought me 💝😭 #tallknight #the_tall_knight #update #hotel #homeless #positivity ♬ original sound – they_luv_tony:)

That day, Christian TikToker[8] @othodoxmainer, who was Tall Knight's roommate and the owner of the house he was staying in before he was kicked out, posted a video accusing Tall Knight of scamming his followers. In the video, he shows Tall Knight's room, sword and helmet for proof. The TikToker claims that he let Tall Knight live in his house with himself, his wife and his kids since he was 18 under the understanding that he would be a "normal house guest."

According to the post, Othodoxmainer had a problem with Tall Knight when he flew his out-of-state girlfriend to visit and stay with him in the house without asking. His wife purportedly came home one day and saw Tall Knight and his girlfriend being "very intimate" and displaying "non-Christian values." He told Tall Knight he had until March 1st to start looking for a new home and that he wasn't kicked out or homeless at the time he made his video. At the end of the video, @othodoxmainer showed supposed texts in which Tall Knight says he refuses to come back to the home through March 1st, choosing to stay in a hotel instead (video now deleted).

On March 23rd, Tall Knight then posted a video to TikTok[9] responding to the accusations. He calls the claims by @othodoxmainer "rumors and accusations" and tells viewers to visit his Discord for the full story (shown below).

@the_tall_knight #stitch with @musclepilledv2 I have never and will never betray this invaluable trust I’ve been given from you guys. You mean too much to me. #the_tall_knight #tallknight #update #homeless #scammer #positivity ♬ Blade Runner 2049 – Synthwave Goose

On his Discord (screenshots shown below), he explains that the house he was staying at belongs to his sister Savannah and brother-in-law (@othodoxmainer). He admits that he did fly his girlfriend out to visit, then claims that Savannah walked in on the two of them talking on Discord the night before, so she knew his girlfriend was coming over. After Tall Knight's girlfriend arrived, Savannah caught them cuddling and was purportedly mad. He reveals that Savannah, a childcare provider, is currently not allowed around minors without supervision due to an incident where a child suffered a brain injury in her care,[10] also stating she cut off contact with her other brother because he voted for Biden and their sister for not being straight.

Tall Knight then claims that Savannah barged in on him and his girlfriend having sex in their room and told them to leave. He then states that she and @othodoxmainer have sex every day whether the children are home or not, even claiming they had sex in the living room once while he was there, that they leave sex toys in the kitchen sink and that @othodoxmainer purportedly likes to get pegged.

He thought Savannah was joking about kicking him out at first but then realized she wasn't, also adding that she allegedly called his girlfriend a whore. Tall Knight grabbed her suitcase and some things, went outside and recorded the video asking for help from his followers, posting it the next day. On that same day, he claims @othodoxmainer texted him offering to let him stay until March for the first time, but there was no way he was staying there after the confrontation. Tall Knight posts a link to a screenshot[11] claiming he only had $470 in his bank account before the donations (full Discord screenshots shown below, left to right).

Tall Knight Yesterday at 1:43 PM Hello! @everyone It's come to my attention that my old hyper-religious, hypocritical roommates have made a last ditch effort to make my life miserable He goes by something like OrthadoxMainer on tiktok. Feel free to go watch his video for context. He goes on to grab my stuff and say things along the lines of "he lived here for free” (lie) "he was given several warnings" (another lie) “hes scamming you for money" (also lie.) So, if you want the truth, if you genuinely want to know what really happened, please be patient. Open minded. And allow me to speak my side (edited) 5 So here is a quick run down of all the events to at took place that night. I'm leaving no details out, which will humiliate me and make me feel awful, but it's only fair. I'll do my best to be brief, I don't want to take too much of your time. And I'm addressing this on discord because I don't want to use my biggest platform (tiktok) just to talk about lies and rumors 24 BUT ANYWAY That weekend, Friday, February 17th, 2023 I had used my earnings from tiktok to fly my LDR (long distance relationship) girlfriend up to Maine to meet we had been talking for about a month and wanted to see if we were compatible in person (edited) My best friend drove me an hour down to the airport (cause I don't have a license to pick her up She was amazing... everything I'd hoped for and more So we headed back home to the apartment (of which I was paying $450 a month for one bedroom the size of a closet) (edited) 215 Tall Knight Yesterday at 1:51 PM Now, to be clear, my older sister had walked in on my and my gf the night before, calling on discord. She needed me to do the usual favor of escorting her and her child to his house with our grandparents because my sister is not allowed around minors without adult supervision. (edited) (There was incident about 2 years ago at a daycare she used to own which resulted in a baby being put into a coma because of what she did. https://www.newscentermaine.com/amp/article/news/crime/maine-child-care- provider-charged-after-19-month-old-suffered-brain-injury-in-her-care-makes-first- court-appearance/97-7d6b170c-f590-405d-a8af-69a988cac16b) (edited) 156 13 So, Savannah (my sister) was in fact aware I was going to have a girl over. Fast forward to the next day Me and this perfect girl are cuddling in my bed hehe, corny I know, but it was the loveliest thing ever Shortly after, Savannah gets home from work, and is outraged that I betrayed her trust by having a girl over (edited) 126 292 5 6 She storms off, and then about an hour later, she comes back and starts interrogating my poor girlfriend with questions 127 71 W 46 H 46 "What's your name? Where are you from? Who did you vote for?" Right off the bat 341 60 B 40 35 CO26 97 ? 3 Now, for context. Savannah has completely cut off ALL contact (blocked them on every social media) with our eldest brother Daulton cause he admitted to voting for Biden (edited) And our younger sister Trinity, for not being straight. - 245 G 125 A 125 Y 125 A 79 F 77 (This isn't even the worst of it, trust me, it gets worse O 39 81 Tall Knight Yesterday at 1:59 PM Fast forwarding once again, Me and my soulmate I will admit, have sex . In my room. Which I'm paying rent for. Behind closed doors, not making a sound. W 320 144 93 H 41 A 41 P 41 P 42 Y 41 74 Y 46 111 39 22 247 44 Now. Hah Savannah? Hah Hah НАН H 118 A 119 Go ahead and ask her son Danny what "mommy and daddy's special game is" and how "only they can be in the room to play it" 165 109 M 70 A 70 R 70 170 0 70 110 4 87 90 A 65 I kid you not. In the year I lived there, every day. EVERY DAY. EVERY SINGLE DAY they f----- 41 6 T 77 R 77 A 77 | 77 N 77 If the kids were home or not 28 57 If I was in the kitchen, 10 feet away 146 022 Or when me and my friend Logan were playing board games in the dining room, and they decided to LOUDLY f--- in the LIVING ROOM, AROUND THE CORNER 117 177 58 106 They constantly leave their sex toys in the sink 108 79 60 B 38 212 25 So many dildos... 139 And 0 25 12 79 18 112 my sister isn't the one who takes it in the ass 410 80 92 74 194 90 13 15 +6 D 60 I 60 R 39 And she then tells me to get out 61 20 15 L 61 3 52 P 15 E 15 G 14 So the fact. That THEY. THEM. of ALL PEOPLE in this WORLD. Think that THEY. Are on grounds to judge ME for having standard sex?? 50 (edited) 3 90 X 90 R 118 E 121 A 118 L 118 S 94 Is the most astounding, mind boggling, bamboozling, befaffling, inexplicably CONFOUNDING irony, I have ever seen. U 38 91 O 60 So. S 72 O 67 ... 41 41 Me and my gf, in the midst of making love, Savannah bursts in. Just opens the door all the way. And stands there staring at us. "Out. Now. Get out, permanently." 67 52 N 88 O 88 Obviously at first I didn't think she was serious 104 € 4 (16 I told her I was sorry 149 66 I told her I wouldn't do it again, I groveled 152 So that's where we were. 100 82 H 37 A 25 57 676 A 54 S 53 I have no car, no money, no where to go It's -2° outside and past midnight (so technically Saturday) Now I'm a prideful guy, I'll admit P 88 R 87 99 86 26 So me and my gf cleaned ourselves up, embarrassed, ashamed, but mostly laughing 167 Tall Knight Yesterday at 2:06 PM And I walked into the living room to get a blanket so I could sleep in the car (which was my sisters original demand) W 45 T 45 F 45 ? 5 ! 3 ? 3 I then realize she was serious. 93 94 My heart sank down to my ankles realizing I may have just seriously f----- up 64 F 87 U 87 C 85 K 85 M 74 E 74 92 63 8888 S 90 E 90 X 90 155 66 I need an occasional ego check D 83 E 84 - 89 But that night was the first time in years that I begged. Knelt down at my sisters feet as she sat on the couch, and begged It was pathetic. 162 I told her we had no where else to go 153 68 But I kid you not. All she would say, after 15 minutes of pleading, was "I don't care. She's a w---- if she spreads her legs like that for you when you just met. Get out.” 57 75 93 80 55 31 D 25 A 25 N 24 G 24 "Vannah, If you do this, you're literally making me homeless, we have no where else to go" 60 "I don't care." She said. "Out. Frankly, I want you homeless. Now get out." (edited) 95 40 97 86 39 48 18 52 I desperately called my best friend, telling him what happened 101 43 72 TikTok Tall Knight on Tik Tok ($TheAverage TallKnight) I'm so scared, idk what I'm gonna do, please help #tallknight #the_tall_knight #homeless #apartment Only enough time to grab my gfs briefcase, put my shoes on, and go outside in the snow. And his kind parents allowed us to sleep in their basement that night. 53 110 F 37 E 37 T 38 And THAT is when I recorded this. https://www.tiktok.com/t/ZTRnDYDfE/ Tall Knight Yesterday at 2:13 PM However, it was about 2am at the time, so I saved it to my drafts. I did not post it Friday night, even tho that's when I recorded it. 88 The next day, Brent, (orthodoxmainer from tiktok / Savannah's husband) messaged me (edited) 78 He said I could stay "til the end of the month" (which was 7 days away) since I had already paid rent 79 TW You can stay here until March 1st since you paid rent for the month of February. The girl is not to be here under any circumstances. At the end of the month I need you out. 88 So. Now obviously. There is no way I can speak her without saying things I'll regret OBVIOUSLY OBVIOUSLY After ALLAT ain't no F----- WAY I was gonna be in the same house as my sister again after she did that to us WAS HOW MUCH MONEY I HAD TO MY NAME AFTER BEING KICKED OUT 106 And Brent acts like that was enough money for me to get a new apartment in a WEEK 105 272 29 Yesterday 11:25 AM Tell Vannah to stop trying call me But the plan is I'm gonna sta at a hatal til I can find an 28 I did not lie. 157 9:47 PM 97 After the video had gotten millions and views and my sister had been exposed for the heartless hypocrite she is, She and her husband have now dedicated their lives to tearing down this community I've spent the last 2 years building 136 Y 131 Brent You've been respectful a mature during all this, so thank you for that But I know you guys. And you know me. 131 I did not scam you. (edited) 57 651 62 97 9 because THIS 89 I was over joyed 76 102 iCloud.com 87 64 Everything in the video is true. So I declined, and went through with posting the video I had recorded the night before anyway. P 78 C8 E 78 N 78 178 S 78 In an HOUR an HOUR, you guys stepped in and saved me 78 65 I checked my phone and $16,000.00 had been donated D 135 R 131 17 130 470 U 111 So here I am now. 141 111 77 2 https://share.icloud.com/photos/024mlf0jiRuej8lhqT39luQ7g (edited) 3 $$ 59 13 19 U 131 G 131 M 131 O 131 N 131 That's the whole story. 163 66 DM me if you have any questions 266 S 123 57 WAS HOW MUCH MONEY I HAD TO MY NAME AFTER BEING KICKED OUT I was kicked out for having premarital sex 165 73 90 81 22 155 Tall Knight Yesterday at 6:45 PM My sister really is something else 31 W 5 3 And my sister has now gotten my church to excommunicate me. (Kick me out.) 31 $ 4 W 3 +2 F 3 09 172 95 127 Staying at a hotel with my gf, until we can find an apartment together. 179 60 83 41 17 E 123 X 123 H 111 W 5 51 37 42 77 4 64 S 123 86 CheskaBitch. Creator My husband and I literally watch p--- together what is your point 9m Reply E 131 E 123 X 123 61 L 74 41 56 B 112 56 78 R 112

On February 24th, 2023, Tall Knight announced on his Discord server that he was refunding the majority of the donations, claiming he'd refused hundreds of thousands of dollars of donations already and repeating that he's not a scammer and is trying to do his best (shown below).

1:03 PM Tall Knight Today at 1:03 PM @everyone hiiiii So I've been DMd a few times asking for proof that I'm sending back the (VAST) majority of the donations, and that's perfectly fine, I understand 100 106 W 77 36 ! 36 41 29 26 25 30 23 Ⓒ 22 18 So here you go 00 47 W 29 P 3 10 13 23 E 3 N 3 13 S 3 Reminder: Gabriel Droit sent you $... Gabriel Droit sent you $80 on 2/22/23... ☆ 9 28 Cash App Feb 23 Reminder: Rashon Thomas sent yo... Rashon Thomas sent you $1 on 2/22/... ☆ Cash App Reminder: William Moore sent you... William Moore sent you $6 on 2/22/23... 14 9 15 Feb 23 Cash App Reminder: Idk Idk requested $50 o... Reminder: Idk ldk requested $50 from... ☆ 13 34 16 121 12 4 13 11 Just know I'm doing my best I am not evil I'm not scamming anyone 20 18 Feb 23 24 11 Cash App Reminder: Emma Fairman sent you... Sydney Crapser On Monday Accept As you can see, shortly after I made the video (a week ago) I made it set so I would have to manually accept each donation, and so that they would not just go into my account automatically 32 W 46 17 4 21 Feb 23 18 That way, after 24h, it gets sent back to the donor 100 78 19 €24 19 24 13 NO ONE 4 ASKED T NO ONE ASKED? 9 G 12 15 S 2 A 9 8 Since then, I have declined hundreds of thousands of dollars by ignoring the donation 100 21 38 G 28 14 21 12 12 12 26 17 16 17 db 2 18 16 12 12 W 27 Geremiah Gross For I've been homel... Javi Campbell $76.50 for samesituatio... Dylan Gibson For this is literally m... 21 10 18 28 8 16 13 15 N 9 10 23 19 23 W 30 13 13 25 11 14 Accept 10 Accept CHA Pay So please... I'm trying my best to the better person I'm turning down life changing amounts of money, and for what? to be called a scammer because my old roommates made a video about me leaving out CRUCIALLY important details 25 11 12 14 8 09 20 12 12 7 15 25 7 22 12 10 NEW

Online Presence

Tall Knight has garnered a notable following throughout the early 2020s, with over 1.3 million followers on his TikTok account @the_tall_knight as of late February 2023. His most dedicated followers often post videos in similar helmets, applauding Tall Knight for motivating them and spreading positivity with his content. Some TikTokers also post videos doing a dance started by Tall Knight that involves rhythmically bopping your head (examples shown below).

@the_tall_knight #duet with @kustoszowy #tallknight #the_tall_knight #NextLevelDish #positivity #fanbase ♬ Watch This (ARIZONATEARS Pluggnb Remix) – Lil Uzi Vert & sped up nightcore & ARIZONATEARS

@r4g_phantom W collab ? Yes of course 🤝🏻 #tallknight #vibes #collab #fyp #viral ♬ son original – Phantom

Search Interest

External References

[1] TikTok – @the_tall_knight

[2] TikTok – the_tall_knight

[3] TikTok – @the_tall_knight

[4] TikTok – the_tall_knight

[5] TIkTok – @the_tall_knight

[6] TIkTok – @the_tall_knight

[7] TikTok – the_tall_knight

[8] TikTok – @othodoxmainer

[9] TikTok – the_tall_knight

[10] News Center Maine – Child care provider charged

[11] iCloud – Elijah

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