Putting The D in Djent
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Putting the D in Djent is based on a sub genre of metal music commonly referred to as "Djent", while widely considered a genre, it is actually the onomatopoeic way of writing a sound made with a guitar when palm-muted chords are played. The "genre" itself usually refers to progressive metal and the use of unconventional rhythmic patterns. Due to the spelling of the word, finding mismatched pictures with wording or a name starting with the letter "J", a "D" is placed in front of it and a picture of a guitar is inserted (more often than not, and extended range or 7+ string guitar).
Understandably not that funny to those who've not listened to the music itself or those without an interest in guitars, it is quite popular in niche areas.
The earliest example found is the picture of Justin Bieber's head photoshopped onto a girls body while kneeling on a bed, but retitled as "Djustin Bieber" with posters of bands such as "Periphery" and "Animals As Leaders" photoshopped onto the wall behind and an Ibanez RGA8 in the hands of the girl.
Another example featuring a picture of Judge Judy which has had a picture of a 9-string guitar photoshopped onto it. Another parodying the meme: Leeroy Jenkins, again featuring the Ibanez RGA8 (the use of this guitar, which is commonly known to be used guitarists in bands classified and Djent seems to be the recurring theme) and a scene from the film Jumanji with a "D" place in the title and the same guitar. These examples are the only ones found at present, there may be more, but they have yet to be discovered/created.
At this point, it has not been confirmed as to which was the first image to be created in this fashion and nor is it known who created it.
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