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anon's asceticism
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Anon asks what Pokemon most resembles Obama

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Anon is a former descendant of knighthood
![Anonymous 08/29/23(Tue)07:00:28 No.648828410 >>648828643 # >>648828647 # >>648828969 # >>648830754 # >>648832521 # >>648833080 # >>648833325 # >>648833496 # >>648834127 # >>648834549 # >>648834838 # >>648835129 # >>648835314 # >>648835395 # >>648835721 # >>648835954 # >>648836593 # >>648837364 # >>648839456 # >>648839930 # >>648841813 # >>648827617 (OP) # Former descendant of a Spanish Knight here. Bucklers were rarely used in combat unless for training. You didn't fight wars 1v1. In fact most deaths came from the knight you weren't paying attention to stabbing you on the side. Anonymous 08/29/23(Tue)07:04:10 No.648828647 ✓ >>648829308 # images.jpg (68 KB, 560x548) google yandex iqdb wait THATS B------- >>648828410 # >Former descendant of a Spanish Knight here. Anonymous 08/29/23(Tue)07:04:02 No.648828643 >>648829049 # >>648829308 # >>648829376 # Anonymous 08/29/23(Tue)08:19:38 No.648833496 1692219882374111.jpg (52 KB, 680x681) google yandex iqdb wait Anonymous 08/29/23(Tue)08:50:26 No.648835395 ✓ Divine Light Severed.jpg (423 KB, 1920x1920) google yandex iqdb wait NAN AL DIVINE LIGHT SEVERED Anonymous 08/29/23(Tue)08:46:19 No.648835129 ✓ 1679668714016.png (560 KB, 569x569) google yandex iqdb wait >>648828410 # >Former descendant Descendant of English knights here. How the f--- do you become a former descendant? >>648828410 # >Former descendant of a Spanish Knight here. That's a new one >>648828643 # >>648828969 # >>648828647 # >>648829906 SMAYE Anonymous 08/29/23(Tue)08:04:48 No.648832521 ✓ 1693285487049.jpg (43 KB, 528x394) google yandex iqdb wait >>648828410 # >Former descendant of a Spanish knight here. now this is shitposting Anonymous 08/29/23(Tue)07:14:40 No.648829308 >>648829906 # >>648830256 # >>648830808 # >>648833837 # >>648833869 # >>648834074 # >>648834838 # >>648835873 # >>648835954 # >>648836136 # >>648836557 # >>648839081 # >>648839456 # >>648839525 # >>648840254 # >>648840509 # >>648841912 # >>648842507 # What's the difference. Anonymous 08/29/23(Tue)10:19:55 No.648840381 ✓ >>648830976 Anonymous 08/29/23(Tue)07:41:02 No.648830976 >>648832636 # >>648840381 >>648829308 # Damn, straight out of a f------ doujin CLAS I came here to laugh at you. One of the women hunters from the forest r---- my conquistador ancestor in his tent while he was on the expedition in one of the lower Americas. Don't ask me how. I just know it was shameful he renounced his knighthood and became a local. TALOUSH AUFE ARENAMENTSFOR >>648828410 # >Eduardo Gomez-Sanchez-Aguilar- Aguirre Anonymous 08/29/23(Tue)07:23:35 No.648829906 ✓ >>648830976 # >>648829308 # That makes you a descendant of a former knight not a former descendant of a knight Jesus Christ I see the problem, he was retarded and so are you. ☐ Anonymous 08/29/23(Tue)07:29:21 No.648830256 ✓ >>648834347 # Anonymous 08/29/23(Tue)08:28:27 No.648834074 ✓ NOO000000000 [sound=https(...).jpg (58 KB, 576x429) google yandex iqdb wait Anonymous 08/29/23(Tue)08:59:49 No.648835954 ✓ 1654805087343.png (254 KB, 800x600) google yandex iqdb wait >>648828410 # >>648829308 # Anonymous 08/29/23(Tue)11:17:53 No.648843535 >>648828410 # >most deaths came from the knight you weren't paying attention to stabbing you on the side. just like in chivalrous and mordhau >>648829308 # >women hunters from the forest r---- my conquistador ancestor >goes on the expedition of a lifetime to the new world >gets r---- Anonymous 08/29/23(Tue)10:22:28 No.648840509 ✓ 61uqw6lmTIL.jpg (92 KB, 1200x1201) google yandex iqdb wait >>648828410 # >Former descendant Anonymous 08/29/23(Tue)10:47:31 No.648841912 14287914287010498.jpg (31 KB, 775x436) google yandex iqdb wait >N000000000000000 Anonymous 08/29/23(Tue)11:28:47 No.648844126 ✓ 1444453860383.png (900 KB, 690x968) google yandex iqdb wait >>648829308 # forever soiled by jungle p---- I see the problem he was retarded so are you. >>648829308 # >DON'T SUCK MY C---, DON'T SUCK MY C--- Anonymous 08/29/23(Tue)07:09:45 No.648828969 >>648829308 # >>648828410 # >former descendant >former Anonymous 08/29/23(Tue)08:33:16 No.648834347 ✓ >descendant did your bloodline get severed??? were you disowned? ☐ Anonymous 08/29/23(Tue)08:25:05 No.648833869 ✓ 1693181232950416.jpg (36 KB, 604x611) google yandex iqdb wait last Anonymous 08/29/23(Tue)08:41:37 No.648834838 ~ Principe de Esquilache.jpg (266 KB, 345x669) google yandex iqdb wait >>648829308 # as someone from the Southwest I can tell the rest of you anons that this is looks like a shitpost, reads like a shitpost, but is really ones of the many fake realities that lives in Mexicans heads. t. current white guy >>648829308 # >[muffled spanish screams followed by a quiet sobbing] >>648828410 # >>648829308 # Your grandpa sounds like a f-- desu Anonymous 08/29/23(Tue)09:03:08 No.648836136 >>648829308 # giwtwm Anonymous 08/29/23(Tue)09:10:31 No.648836557 ✓ >>64 3 # your ancestor got ara ara'd Anonymous 08/29/23(Tue)10:03:36 No.648839525 >>648829308 # put me in the screen cap bros Anonymous 08/29/23(Tue) 10:59:29 No.648842507 ✓ 1432828123795.jpg (68 KB, 651x1111) google yandex >>648829308 # BI BXl Anonymous 08/29/23(Tue)11:14:32 No.648843339 1690896747078107.jpg (2 KB, 114x125) google yandex iqdb wait >>648829308 # >nooooo please don't r--- me in the forest young brown woman ☐ Anonymous 08/29/23(Tue)11:32:30 No.648844345 ✓ >>648829308 # >MEIRDA >>648830256 # >Brother Eduardo Gomez the II hasn't been the same since he was taken in the night by that jungle harlot. ☐ Anonymous 08/29/23(Tue)11:01:30 No.648842608 ✓ >/v/ - Generational r--- and military tactics](/assets/image-covers/nsfw.png)
the limits of satire

stop giving a fuck about what random normies think of u

lego friends line

The End of 4chan


Disabled girls by 4chan

Shenis is introduced to 4chan's /gif/ board

Why is this attitude so prevalent?

Leaked Oppenheimer script | /r/4chan

anon is "that guy"
