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Hispachan (site domain: hispachan.org)[1] is a Spanish-language imageboard community that serves as an alternative to 4chan for Hispanic users from all over the world, including Europe and the Americas.


Hispachan was launched in November 2012 as the international hub for users of various Spanish-speaking imageboard communities, such as Mexico's Sectachan, Chile's 6-chan and Puerto Rico's Puertochan. Whereas most previous image boards devoted to Hispanic users were sectioned by their geographical or regional identities, Hispachan distinguished itself as a global imageboard for all Spanish-speaking users, which helped its community to grow rapidly over a relatively short of period of time. The administrator(s) and founder(s) of the imageboard is only known as "Zeta," whose identity and nationality remain unknown (shown below, left); its official logo is ñ (the letter "n" with a tilde), which is considered the most representative character in Spanish alphabet (shown below). Hispachan is the world's largest anonymous imageboard on the Spanish-speaking web with more than 17 million posts (as of July 2019).



  • Posting anonymously
  • Identify yourself as the OP of a thread
  • Thread auto-updater
  • Hide threads and posts
  • Favorite threads
  • Expand threads
  • Safe mode (hide NSFW images)
  • New threads and new posts notifications
  • 8 CSS styles
  • 35 boards (12 regional boards)
  • Transparency reports


  • /v/: Video games-related discussions
  • /a/: Anime and manga-related discussions
  • /mu/: Music-related discussions
  • /ac/: Comics and animation-related discussions
  • /di/: Drawing and art-related discussions
  • /tv/: TV, films and series-related discussions
  • /g/: Off-topic discussions; equivalent of 4chan's /b/
  • /tv/: TV, films and series-related discussions
  • /m/: Meta Hispachan-related discussions
  • /pol/: Politics-related discussions
  • /k/: Economy and bussiness-related discussions
  • /t/: Tecnology-related discussions
  • /hu/: Humanities-related discussions
  • /c/: Science-related discussions
  • /ar/: Argentina-specific discussions
  • /bo/: Bolivia-specific discussions
  • /cc/: Central America-specific discussions
  • /cl/: Chile-specific discussions
  • /co/: Colombia-specific discussions
  • /ec/: Ecuador-specific discussions
  • /es/: Spain-specific discussions
  • /mx/: Mexico-specific discussions
  • /py/: Paraguay-specific discussions
  • /pe/: Peru-specific discussions
  • /uy/: Uruguay-specific discussions
  • /ve/: Venezuela-specific discussions
  • Up to 10 sexy boards (+18) including regional

Hispachan's frontpage in 2018.


From its beginning, Hispachan has been involved in several controversies and cyberattack incidents, many of which have been covered by news media outlets in the Spanish-speaking countries.

  • In 2013, a neo-Nazi group used Hispachan to coordinate hate crimes and organize other acts of violence against homosexuals in Spain. After several videos of the group assaulting gays in Catalonia, Spain surfaced online, the Catalan police (Mossos d'Esquadra) launched an investigation into the incident and arrested the suspects. Meanwhile, Spain's judicial authorities requested the imageboard to remove all discussion threads related to the case.[7]
  • In April 2014, a group of anonymous hackers leaked the sequence keys to access the control panel of the official website for Isabel Allende, Chile's President of Senate, on Hispachan. As a result of the breach, the website was vandalized with images of memes and shock content.
  • In May 2014, a group of Hispachan users created a fake online child escort agency to lure in pedophiles. The profile information of dozens of individuals who inquired about the service were disclosed and reported to the authorities.[6]
  • In March 2015, National Chilean TV channel TVN's TV show #Viral featured Hispachan, along with several screenshots of activities on the imageboard, as an example of a "website where pedophiles share experiences and resources".[11]

Anonimo 15/02/21(Sat)01.57 sro ir archivo: 142448383145 jpg #951939 (118.48KB,1037x835 #ViralTVN TVn The P--------'s Handbook https Ilanonfiles.com/file/7 9d01912601b3c71065bBedcc2fb2 pass hispachan R 951982 Anonimo 15/02/21 (Sat)01.58 Mt # 951944 La saco de donde mismo la saqué yo (74 94KB, 781x334, Sin titulo png) Negros, pude abrir el archivo ra del trollsito que no dejó la password
  • In May 2015, some Hispachan users were found responsible for cyberbullying and harassing feminist and lesbian activists. The case was reported on by various news outlets in Latin America.[5]
  • In December 2015, Raúl Robles, a Mexican hacker and cybersecurity consultant for the Mexican government, was murdered in Guadalajara. This led the local authorities to launch an investigation into various death threats that had been made against Robles prior to his death on Hispachan, due to the fact that the time and the place of the crime matched up precisely with one of the threats posted on the site.[3][9][12]

Gr 144909062767 ipal 9834K, 120k720, maxresdefutpo D Matare a al puerco de hacking H Anónimo oran5 2010/6/ 238488 (VerResponderl Negros, estoy harto de Raul robles, tengo un arma y le robare su puto auto haber si se la sigue tirando de bien vergas, lo vi desayunando ayer en un cafe va muy seguido, lo esperare haber si viene mañana HAnónimo 01/12/15 2.10阁2384898 Calmate narquito Anónimo 02/1215 2141 / 238490 8 Ayyy elmio espero verte en las noticias haber si es verdad
  • In December 2015, hackers from Hispachan's /ve/ board (Venezuela) gained access to the website of Cantv, Venezuela's largest internet service provider, to complain about the poor quality of its high-speed internet service. The website was vandalized with the logo of Hispachan and a humorous song about Hugo Chávez, which subsequently became a trending topic in the Venezuelan social media.[4]

Hiroyuki Nishimura on Hispachan (Ask Me Anything)
  • In April 2016, a Hispachan user created a hoax terrorist website on the Deep Web, threatening several countries of imminent attacks with a countdown clock. After drawing the attention of the social media and the news outlets, the homepage of the website displayed the message "Has sido trolleado por Hispachan" (English: "You have been trolled by Hispachan") and "Amarillismo no es igual a periodismo" (English: "Sensationalism is not journalism").

BOUTH AUSTRALIA ESTE ES EL FUTURO QUE ELIGIERON 142 dias 2 horas 9 minutos 52 segundos
  • In November 2016, hackers from /cl/ board (Chile) hacked and vandalized the website of Salvador Allende Foundation with pornographic images of the chilean leader.
  • In January 2017, a Hispachan user created a thread warning that he would do a massacre and then he would commit suicide. He said that there would be "a lot of blood", it would be "shown on TV", and it would be in Mexico. The next day it happened. Federico Guevara shot his teacher and some of his classmates at school, in Monterrey (Mexico), and after that, he commited suicide.[17] [18]

148468712391.jpg [S] (27.75KB, 515x286, image.jpg) Mañana es el día Anónimo 17701/17 21:05 #3119257 (Este hilo ha llegado al límite de bumps.) Mis queridos negros, mañana es el día Seré parte de la historia de Internet, tengo todo preparado No daré detalles pero estoy seguro de que provocará bastante polémica y atención pero la pregunta aquí es iLes gustaría que agregue una "n" para poner en alto Hispachan? Lo estuve pensando y creo que eso atraería cantidad. Qué opinan? Anónimo (OP) 17/01/17 22:01 31 19354 >>3119338 Me vale verga si no me creen, y sean pacientes hijos de su puta madre, les pedí su opinión respecto a la "n", ya esta todo planeado Niño mata a balazos a 3 compañeros en Monterrey Habrá sangre, imágenes y una transmisión en vivo Enviar Imprimir Anónimo 18/01/17 07:01 El hecho ocurrió dentro de las instalaciones del Colegio Americano del Noreste, al sur de Monterrey 01/18/2017 08:42 a.m Nacional Agencia /#13120915 3119257 (OP) Necesito saber en que país ocurrirán los hechos CANO DELNt MONTERR Anónimo 18/01/17 14:01 >> -ー/#/ 3121285 3120915 México POLICÍA Mueren tres estudiantes baleados en colegio Trascendió que uno de los menores portaba un arma de fuego, con la que disparó a sus compañeros de clase en el Colegio Americano del Noreste, al sur de Monterrey MONTERREY-Tres menores de edad murieron por impactos de un arma calibre 22 luego de que uno de los alumnos portara un arma de fuego.El hecho ocurrió dentro de las instalaciones del Colegio Americano del Noreste, ubicado en la colonia Del paseo Residencial, al sur de Monterrey. fMe gusta17in Compartir17 G+1 0 Ir a comentarios 18/01/2017 El día en que OP no fue COLEGIO AMERICANO DEL NORESTE uto y entregó lo que prometía. Un héroe Mata a hombre que llegó a extorsionarlo Golpean en bar de San Pedro a estudiante del Tec Hispachan.org inictarialac alamantoc da la Policia dal Fctadn racuardan al ároa (Fcnecial
  • A number of popular YouTube personalities in the Spanish-speaking world have been known to lurk or participate on the imageboard community, including Dross (shown below). However, the majority of Hispachan users have expressed disapproval of their official presence as they break the principle of anonymity.

  • Hispachan /pol/, /ve/ and /es/ users are known for their passionate conversations about the political situation in the Spanish-speaking countries, as there's notable political instability in countries like Spain or Venezuela at present. See image timestamped next to Pablo Iglesias – Spanish politician candidate for the presidency of Spain – below.

  • From March to November 2018 Hispachan remained "paused" due to personal issues of the administrator Zeta and the slow development of the new script "Hispagold", specially created for Hispachan.[13]
  • In February 2019 Hispachan users boycotted the funding of Nido.org, network dedicated to share child pornography and "revenge porn"[21]. Due to this, the network administrator committed suicide.
  • In June 2019 Vice Magazine accused Hispachan of being a "collaborative misogyny" website[19] and started a signature petition to close the site, which didn't succeed.[20]


Hispachan is ranked 26,912 worldwide and it's in the top 1,000 in countries like Mexico, Venezuela, Colombia and Spain (May 2016).[2] According to Alexa Rank, it is also the 5th most active imageboard on the internet.

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Hispachan (site domain: hispachan.org)[1] is a Spanish-language imageboard community that serves as an alternative to 4chan for Hispanic users from all over the world, including Europe and the Americas.


Hispachan was launched in November 2012 as the international hub for users of various Spanish-speaking imageboard communities, such as Mexico's Sectachan, Chile's 6-chan and Puerto Rico's Puertochan. Whereas most previous image boards devoted to Hispanic users were sectioned by their geographical or regional identities, Hispachan distinguished itself as a global imageboard for all Spanish-speaking users, which helped its community to grow rapidly over a relatively short of period of time. The administrator(s) and founder(s) of the imageboard is only known as "Zeta," whose identity and nationality remain unknown (shown below, left); its official logo is ñ (the letter "n" with a tilde), which is considered the most representative character in Spanish alphabet (shown below). Hispachan is the world's largest anonymous imageboard on the Spanish-speaking web with more than 17 million posts (as of July 2019).

"source":http://hispachan.org/blog/las-primeras-fotos-reales-de-zeta/ KEK


  • Posting anonymously
  • Identify yourself as the OP of a thread
  • Thread auto-updater
  • Hide threads and posts
  • Favorite threads
  • Expand threads
  • Safe mode (hide NSFW images)
  • New threads and new posts notifications
  • 8 CSS styles
  • 35 boards (12 regional boards)
  • Transparency reports


  • /v/: Video games-related discussions
  • /a/: Anime and manga-related discussions
  • /mu/: Music-related discussions
  • /ac/: Comics and animation-related discussions
  • /di/: Drawing and art-related discussions
  • /tv/: TV, films and series-related discussions
  • /g/: Off-topic discussions; equivalent of 4chan's /b/
  • /tv/: TV, films and series-related discussions
  • /m/: Meta Hispachan-related discussions
  • /pol/: Politics-related discussions
  • /k/: Economy and bussiness-related discussions
  • /t/: Tecnology-related discussions
  • /hu/: Humanities-related discussions
  • /c/: Science-related discussions
  • /ar/: Argentina-specific discussions
  • /bo/: Bolivia-specific discussions
  • /cc/: Central America-specific discussions
  • /cl/: Chile-specific discussions
  • /co/: Colombia-specific discussions
  • /ec/: Ecuador-specific discussions
  • /es/: Spain-specific discussions
  • /mx/: Mexico-specific discussions
  • /py/: Paraguay-specific discussions
  • /pe/: Peru-specific discussions
  • /uy/: Uruguay-specific discussions
  • /ve/: Venezuela-specific discussions
  • Up to 10 sexy boards (+18) including regional

Hispachan's frontpage in 2018.


From its beginning, Hispachan has been involved in several controversies and cyberattack incidents, many of which have been covered by news media outlets in the Spanish-speaking countries.

  • In 2013, a neo-Nazi group used Hispachan to coordinate hate crimes and organize other acts of violence against homosexuals in Spain. After several videos of the group assaulting gays in Catalonia, Spain surfaced online, the Catalan police (Mossos d'Esquadra) launched an investigation into the incident and arrested the suspects. Meanwhile, Spain's judicial authorities requested the imageboard to remove all discussion threads related to the case.[7]
  • In April 2014, a group of anonymous hackers leaked the sequence keys to access the control panel of the official website for Isabel Allende, Chile's President of Senate, on Hispachan. As a result of the breach, the website was vandalized with images of memes and shock content.
  • In May 2014, a group of Hispachan users created a fake online child escort agency to lure in pedophiles. The profile information of dozens of individuals who inquired about the service were disclosed and reported to the authorities.[6]
  • In March 2015, National Chilean TV channel TVN's TV show #Viral featured Hispachan, along with several screenshots of activities on the imageboard, as an example of a "website where pedophiles share experiences and resources".[11]

Anonimo 15/02/21(Sat)01.57 sro ir archivo: 142448383145 jpg #951939 (118.48KB,1037x835 #ViralTVN TVn The P--------'s Handbook https Ilanonfiles.com/file/7 9d01912601b3c71065bBedcc2fb2 pass hispachan R 951982 Anonimo 15/02/21 (Sat)01.58 Mt # 951944 La saco de donde mismo la saqué yo (74 94KB, 781x334, Sin titulo png) Negros, pude abrir el archivo ra del trollsito que no dejó la password

  • In May 2015, some Hispachan users were found responsible for cyberbullying and harassing feminist and lesbian activists. The case was reported on by various news outlets in Latin America.[5]
  • In December 2015, Raúl Robles, a Mexican hacker and cybersecurity consultant for the Mexican government, was murdered in Guadalajara. This led the local authorities to launch an investigation into various death threats that had been made against Robles prior to his death on Hispachan, due to the fact that the time and the place of the crime matched up precisely with one of the threats posted on the site.[3][9][12]

Gr 144909062767 ipal 9834K, 120k720, maxresdefutpo D Matare a al puerco de hacking H Anónimo oran5 2010/6/ 238488 (VerResponderl Negros, estoy harto de Raul robles, tengo un arma y le robare su puto auto haber si se la sigue tirando de bien vergas, lo vi desayunando ayer en un cafe va muy seguido, lo esperare haber si viene mañana HAnónimo 01/12/15 2.10阁2384898 Calmate narquito Anónimo 02/1215 2141 / 238490 8 Ayyy elmio espero verte en las noticias haber si es verdad

  • In December 2015, hackers from Hispachan's /ve/ board (Venezuela) gained access to the website of Cantv, Venezuela's largest internet service provider, to complain about the poor quality of its high-speed internet service. The website was vandalized with the logo of Hispachan and a humorous song about Hugo Chávez, which subsequently became a trending topic in the Venezuelan social media.[4]

Hiroyuki Nishimura on Hispachan (Ask Me Anything)

  • In April 2016, a Hispachan user created a hoax terrorist website on the Deep Web, threatening several countries of imminent attacks with a countdown clock. After drawing the attention of the social media and the news outlets, the homepage of the website displayed the message "Has sido trolleado por Hispachan" (English: "You have been trolled by Hispachan") and "Amarillismo no es igual a periodismo" (English: "Sensationalism is not journalism").

BOUTH AUSTRALIA ESTE ES EL FUTURO QUE ELIGIERON 142 dias 2 horas 9 minutos 52 segundos

  • In November 2016, hackers from /cl/ board (Chile) hacked and vandalized the website of Salvador Allende Foundation with pornographic images of the chilean leader.
  • In January 2017, a Hispachan user created a thread warning that he would do a massacre and then he would commit suicide. He said that there would be "a lot of blood", it would be "shown on TV", and it would be in Mexico. The next day it happened. Federico Guevara shot his teacher and some of his classmates at school, in Monterrey (Mexico), and after that, he commited suicide.[17] [18]

148468712391.jpg [S] (27.75KB, 515x286, image.jpg) Mañana es el día Anónimo 17701/17 21:05 #3119257 (Este hilo ha llegado al límite de bumps.) Mis queridos negros, mañana es el día Seré parte de la historia de Internet, tengo todo preparado No daré detalles pero estoy seguro de que provocará bastante polémica y atención pero la pregunta aquí es iLes gustaría que agregue una "n" para poner en alto Hispachan? Lo estuve pensando y creo que eso atraería cantidad. Qué opinan? Anónimo (OP) 17/01/17 22:01 31 19354 >>3119338 Me vale verga si no me creen, y sean pacientes hijos de su puta madre, les pedí su opinión respecto a la "n", ya esta todo planeado Niño mata a balazos a 3 compañeros en Monterrey Habrá sangre, imágenes y una transmisión en vivo Enviar Imprimir Anónimo 18/01/17 07:01 El hecho ocurrió dentro de las instalaciones del Colegio Americano del Noreste, al sur de Monterrey 01/18/2017 08:42 a.m Nacional Agencia /#13120915 3119257 (OP) Necesito saber en que país ocurrirán los hechos CANO DELNt MONTERR Anónimo 18/01/17 14:01 >> -ー/#/ 3121285 3120915 México POLICÍA Mueren tres estudiantes baleados en colegio Trascendió que uno de los menores portaba un arma de fuego, con la que disparó a sus compañeros de clase en el Colegio Americano del Noreste, al sur de Monterrey MONTERREY-Tres menores de edad murieron por impactos de un arma calibre 22 luego de que uno de los alumnos portara un arma de fuego.El hecho ocurrió dentro de las instalaciones del Colegio Americano del Noreste, ubicado en la colonia Del paseo Residencial, al sur de Monterrey. fMe gusta17in Compartir17 G+1 0 Ir a comentarios 18/01/2017 El día en que OP no fue COLEGIO AMERICANO DEL NORESTE uto y entregó lo que prometía. Un héroe Mata a hombre que llegó a extorsionarlo Golpean en bar de San Pedro a estudiante del Tec Hispachan.org inictarialac alamantoc da la Policia dal Fctadn racuardan al ároa (Fcnecial

  • A number of popular YouTube personalities in the Spanish-speaking world have been known to lurk or participate on the imageboard community, including Dross (shown below). However, the majority of Hispachan users have expressed disapproval of their official presence as they break the principle of anonymity.


  • Hispachan /pol/, /ve/ and /es/ users are known for their passionate conversations about the political situation in the Spanish-speaking countries, as there's notable political instability in countries like Spain or Venezuela at present. See image timestamped next to Pablo Iglesias – Spanish politician candidate for the presidency of Spain – below.


  • From March to November 2018 Hispachan remained "paused" due to personal issues of the administrator Zeta and the slow development of the new script "Hispagold", specially created for Hispachan.[13]
  • In February 2019 Hispachan users boycotted the funding of Nido.org, network dedicated to share child pornography and "revenge porn"[21]. Due to this, the network administrator committed suicide.
  • In June 2019 Vice Magazine accused Hispachan of being a "collaborative misogyny" website[19] and started a signature petition to close the site, which didn't succeed.[20]


Hispachan is ranked 26,912 worldwide and it's in the top 1,000 in countries like Mexico, Venezuela, Colombia and Spain (May 2016).[2] According to Alexa Rank, it is also the 5th most active imageboard on the internet.

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