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faust visits /mlp/ part 2
![creen Shot 2013-05-27 at 646 16 PM ong (351 KB, 460x612) 900gle iadb L Ok I got 20 minutes Lauren Faust (really) !5lhHZnoEA 05/28/13(Tue)00.36.58 No.1 091 3834メ[T] 2210913893 2210913906 2210913907 22 318 2210913943 Hi /mlp/! H E Anonymous 05/28/13(Tue)00:38:07 No. 109 138771 ▼ 1 Oh, hello again Anonymous 05/28/13(Tue)00:38:13 No.10913881 hey welcome back □ Lauren Faust (really) !SUhHznoEA 05/28/13(Tue)00:40:27 No. 10914009 [▼] >> 10914083 >> 10914094 >>10914101 >> 10914120 >> 10914127 >> 10914144 □ Anonymous 05/28/13(Tue)00:39:05 No. 10913924 [▼] >>10913955 >>10914009 I think I remember you telling someone on DA that you originally planned to have the main six have different body types/styles but were either short on time or money. If you had any specific ones already in mind could you describe what each pony would have looked like had been able to spend more time designing them? Also, great to see you here again! It's not that we were short on time and money, it's that I anticipated it would be a production nightmare to make them all different. I tried to get as much of their individuality into their hair and eye shape as I could Lauren Faust (really) !5UhHznoEA 05/28/13(Tue)00:41:03 No 10914042 [▼] >> 10914171 Lauren Faust @Fyre flye 38s □ Anonymous 05/28/13(Tue)00:39:21 No. 10913943 [▼] >>10914042 Back on /mlp for 20 minutes! (139 KB, 900x707) google iadb Collapse ← Reply t2 Retweet ★Favorite More 10913834 Hello, Miss Faust! Have you contacted the mods? 9.37 PM-27 May 13 Details Reply to @Fyre flye □ Lauren Faust (really) !5WhHZnoEA 05/28/13(Tue)0042.05 No. 10914116 [▼] 2210914164>>10%, Lu O Anonymous 05/28/13(Tue)00:40:21 No 10914000 [▼] 22109 14116 (167 KB, 1199x986) google igdb So what's the deal with the Princesses? Did you ever plan on going in to more detail with their history? I didn't plan on it, but I was hoping I could □ Lauren Faust (really) !51MHZnoEA 05/28/13(Tue)00 42.49 № 10914 173 [ 22109 14242 >>10914256 2210914300 2210914318 An 1332349587774 gif (436 KB, 320x180) google iodb is 05/28/13(Tue)004043 No 10914024 [ >> 10914173 Lauren, Seriously. I love you. Stay safe in here, it can get freaky at times, but we al mean well in the end I know. : n Lauren Faust (really) isih HZnoEA 05/28/1 3(Tue)00 44:38 No 10914299 [ ▼ >> 10914343 >> 10914345 > > 10914360 > > 1 0914364 > > 109 14367 >> 109 14389 >> 10914394 >> 10914395 >> 10914396 ロAnonymous 05/28/13(Tue)00:40:59 No. 109 14038 [ ▼ ] >> 10914299 excited.gif (342 KB, 153x113) google iqdb Hi Lauren I would like to ask you just a question please? Why did you choose to come here? It's not like we have the best "fame" in the fandom. I'm just curious. And thanks again! I've said it before, but I've seen some of the most thoughtful critiques here. I need to dig through some awful stuff to find it, but people are smart here sometimes. 8570 Lauren Faust (really) isimHZnoEA 05/28/13(Tue)004732 No 10914472 [▼] Lauren Faust (really) !5lhHZnoEA 05/28/13(Tue)01 04:15 No 10915431 [▼] □ Anonymous 05/28/1 3(Tue)00 43:44 No. 109 14241 | ▼ >> 1091 4472 Anonymous 05/28/13(Tue)01:02:42 No 10915334 [▼] >> 1091 5431 image ipg (136 KB, 768x960) google igdb (10 KB, 260x361) google igdb Lauren are you going to any conventions this year? 2210915250 How was working on Cats Dont Dance? SQUEE think I'll be at Comic Connot sure yet AMAZING! I was 21, non-jaded and in love with my first job! | □ Lauren Faust (really) !5UhH2noEA 05/28/13(Tue00 4810 No. 109 1451 1 [▼] >> 109145532> 10914574 2210914576 □ question Redcorezero 05/28/13(Tue)00:43:51 No 10914250 [▼] >> 10914511 Ok Ok, Lauren, what was your biggest influence on Rarity? Audrey Hepburn Lauren Faust (really) !sihHZnoEA 05/28/13(Tue)00:54:21 No. 10914876/ ▼ I □ Anonymous 05/28/13(Tue)00 45:11 No.10914331 [▼»10914876 15WhHZnoEA Yo Lauren Faust, "Luna Eclipsed" and the midsection of "Hearth's Warming Eve" in Season 2 really feel like your work (and more like Season 1) than the other eps in that season. Am I right? Also, which episodes of Season 2 did you work on the most (stories, mostly)? Wow. I can't believe you noticed I worked on all the stories, structurally, and only did script work on the first half. Luna Eclipsed, HWE are two I had a heavier hand in- also Lesson Zero. Can't remember shich others □ Lauren Faust (really) isl HZnoEA 05/28 13 Tue)00.55:00 No.1 0914907 >> 10914934 2210914945 >> 10914958 >>10914964 >> 10914967 >>10914972 >>10914986 >>10915000 >>10915016 2210915030 2210915032 ▼ 109143 ロAnonymous 05/28/13(Tue)00:46: 1 3 No 10914391 l ▼ l > > 1 091 4907 Lauren what's your favorite part about tripcodes? They are so easy to understand! | Lauren Faust (really) !5l HZnoEA 05/28/13(Tue)01 01 24 No.1 091 52501 ▼I >> 10915268 >> 10915201 >>10915287321 915289 >> 10915299 >>10915295 >>109 15296 >> 10915297 22109153 2 2210915303 2210915304 2210915305 2210915306 2210915309 10915310 22 10915311210915312 2210915320 2210915321 2210915322 5 more minutes, then I gotta go ] □ Lauren Faust (really) !SI/hHZnoEA 05/28/13(Tue)01:08:05 No 1 0915629 |v- Thanks Imlp/! I was all bummed when I stopped by to visit and now I feel better. Good night!!](https://i.kym-cdn.com/photos/images/masonry/000/934/979/719.png)
![creen Shot 2013-05-27 at 646 16 PM ong (351 KB, 460x612) 900gle iadb L Ok I got 20 minutes Lauren Faust (really) !5lhHZnoEA 05/28/13(Tue)00.36.58 No.1 091 3834メ[T] 2210913893 2210913906 2210913907 22 318 2210913943 Hi /mlp/! H E Anonymous 05/28/13(Tue)00:38:07 No. 109 138771 ▼ 1 Oh, hello again Anonymous 05/28/13(Tue)00:38:13 No.10913881 hey welcome back □ Lauren Faust (really) !SUhHznoEA 05/28/13(Tue)00:40:27 No. 10914009 [▼] >> 10914083 >> 10914094 >>10914101 >> 10914120 >> 10914127 >> 10914144 □ Anonymous 05/28/13(Tue)00:39:05 No. 10913924 [▼] >>10913955 >>10914009 I think I remember you telling someone on DA that you originally planned to have the main six have different body types/styles but were either short on time or money. If you had any specific ones already in mind could you describe what each pony would have looked like had been able to spend more time designing them? Also, great to see you here again! It's not that we were short on time and money, it's that I anticipated it would be a production nightmare to make them all different. I tried to get as much of their individuality into their hair and eye shape as I could Lauren Faust (really) !5UhHznoEA 05/28/13(Tue)00:41:03 No 10914042 [▼] >> 10914171 Lauren Faust @Fyre flye 38s □ Anonymous 05/28/13(Tue)00:39:21 No. 10913943 [▼] >>10914042 Back on /mlp for 20 minutes! (139 KB, 900x707) google iadb Collapse ← Reply t2 Retweet ★Favorite More 10913834 Hello, Miss Faust! Have you contacted the mods? 9.37 PM-27 May 13 Details Reply to @Fyre flye □ Lauren Faust (really) !5WhHZnoEA 05/28/13(Tue)0042.05 No. 10914116 [▼] 2210914164>>10%, Lu O Anonymous 05/28/13(Tue)00:40:21 No 10914000 [▼] 22109 14116 (167 KB, 1199x986) google igdb So what's the deal with the Princesses? Did you ever plan on going in to more detail with their history? I didn't plan on it, but I was hoping I could □ Lauren Faust (really) !51MHZnoEA 05/28/13(Tue)00 42.49 № 10914 173 [ 22109 14242 >>10914256 2210914300 2210914318 An 1332349587774 gif (436 KB, 320x180) google iodb is 05/28/13(Tue)004043 No 10914024 [ >> 10914173 Lauren, Seriously. I love you. Stay safe in here, it can get freaky at times, but we al mean well in the end I know. : n Lauren Faust (really) isih HZnoEA 05/28/1 3(Tue)00 44:38 No 10914299 [ ▼ >> 10914343 >> 10914345 > > 10914360 > > 1 0914364 > > 109 14367 >> 109 14389 >> 10914394 >> 10914395 >> 10914396 ロAnonymous 05/28/13(Tue)00:40:59 No. 109 14038 [ ▼ ] >> 10914299 excited.gif (342 KB, 153x113) google iqdb Hi Lauren I would like to ask you just a question please? Why did you choose to come here? It's not like we have the best "fame" in the fandom. I'm just curious. And thanks again! I've said it before, but I've seen some of the most thoughtful critiques here. I need to dig through some awful stuff to find it, but people are smart here sometimes. 8570 Lauren Faust (really) isimHZnoEA 05/28/13(Tue)004732 No 10914472 [▼] Lauren Faust (really) !5lhHZnoEA 05/28/13(Tue)01 04:15 No 10915431 [▼] □ Anonymous 05/28/1 3(Tue)00 43:44 No. 109 14241 | ▼ >> 1091 4472 Anonymous 05/28/13(Tue)01:02:42 No 10915334 [▼] >> 1091 5431 image ipg (136 KB, 768x960) google igdb (10 KB, 260x361) google igdb Lauren are you going to any conventions this year? 2210915250 How was working on Cats Dont Dance? SQUEE think I'll be at Comic Connot sure yet AMAZING! I was 21, non-jaded and in love with my first job! | □ Lauren Faust (really) !5UhH2noEA 05/28/13(Tue00 4810 No. 109 1451 1 [▼] >> 109145532> 10914574 2210914576 □ question Redcorezero 05/28/13(Tue)00:43:51 No 10914250 [▼] >> 10914511 Ok Ok, Lauren, what was your biggest influence on Rarity? Audrey Hepburn Lauren Faust (really) !sihHZnoEA 05/28/13(Tue)00:54:21 No. 10914876/ ▼ I □ Anonymous 05/28/13(Tue)00 45:11 No.10914331 [▼»10914876 15WhHZnoEA Yo Lauren Faust, "Luna Eclipsed" and the midsection of "Hearth's Warming Eve" in Season 2 really feel like your work (and more like Season 1) than the other eps in that season. Am I right? Also, which episodes of Season 2 did you work on the most (stories, mostly)? Wow. I can't believe you noticed I worked on all the stories, structurally, and only did script work on the first half. Luna Eclipsed, HWE are two I had a heavier hand in- also Lesson Zero. Can't remember shich others □ Lauren Faust (really) isl HZnoEA 05/28 13 Tue)00.55:00 No.1 0914907 >> 10914934 2210914945 >> 10914958 >>10914964 >> 10914967 >>10914972 >>10914986 >>10915000 >>10915016 2210915030 2210915032 ▼ 109143 ロAnonymous 05/28/13(Tue)00:46: 1 3 No 10914391 l ▼ l > > 1 091 4907 Lauren what's your favorite part about tripcodes? They are so easy to understand! | Lauren Faust (really) !5l HZnoEA 05/28/13(Tue)01 01 24 No.1 091 52501 ▼I >> 10915268 >> 10915201 >>10915287321 915289 >> 10915299 >>10915295 >>109 15296 >> 10915297 22109153 2 2210915303 2210915304 2210915305 2210915306 2210915309 10915310 22 10915311210915312 2210915320 2210915321 2210915322 5 more minutes, then I gotta go ] □ Lauren Faust (really) !SI/hHZnoEA 05/28/13(Tue)01:08:05 No 1 0915629 |v- Thanks Imlp/! I was all bummed when I stopped by to visit and now I feel better. Good night!!](https://i.kym-cdn.com/photos/images/original/000/934/979/719.png)