/r/freefolk - Images
Why do you think Jorah Mormont was Friendzoned? | /r/FreeFolk

I always wondered how would Maester Aemon would've reacted if he somehow recognised or knew Jon Snow...

How do think things would've turned out for him if he accepted? | /r/FreeFolk

| /r/FreeFolk

The odds of this guy swimming to shore from all the way back there, and just in time to stumble on t...

D&D brainstorming creative humor for the later seasons. | /r/FreeFolk

What would've happened if Daenerys had died in Meereen during the 'Fighting Pit' fight? (spoilers ma...

Any boy whore with a sword could beat three meryn trants | /r/FreeFolk

How Daemon would really react to King Bobby B | /r/FreeFolk

What would Daemon Targaryen say to Robert Baratheon? | /r/FreeFolk

Average Khaleesi Fan vs Average Spice King Enjoyer | /r/FreeFolk

I think if Cersei had Missandei executed like Ned(in public with everyone shouting and throwing stuf...

A more level-headed response | /r/FreeFolk

Which hairstyle goes best with her? | /r/FreeFolk

Supposed Villain | /r/FreeFolk

You must not be good at your job. | /r/FreeFolk
