Object Show
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Object Shows are animations, drawing and webcomics of anthropomorphic objects that that interact with each other.
The animations of object shows are shows where the objects contest dangerous challenges for a great prize, with the object host, who presents the challenges. They are eliminated one by one until the prize winner remains. These series are usually posted on youtube and the objects and the number of participants are quite varied. Although not all object shows work this way, the vast majority follow this pattern.
The first object show of the internet was Battle For Dream Island, from the youtuber animator jacknjellify, getting 61 mi. views the first episode. From there, several parodies of BFDI appeared, resulting in more original Object Shows.
The term "object show" was already used to identify games where dolls were objects. The term was first used to refer to this content was on the YouTube channel AnimationObjectShow, which also made Battle For Luxurious Hotel, one of the most popular series of object show, getting 469K views the first episode.
As object shows became more popular, several small channel object shows and authentic object shows, such as Object Manor, by youtuber Allenimations, which, although canceled, became popular, earning 75K views in the first episode.
So it arrived in the current situation, which, although its popularity has fallen a little, has grown with various parodies, memes, competitions, comics, and rich communities of fans of object shows, which ended up becoming an internet subculture and content on YouTube.
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