Shut Up I Am Lady Gaga
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This meme is most notable by the legions of fans of the youtube user CardGamesFTW (formerly LittleKuribo). It is very forced and is ussually used in conjunction with another forced meme "CARD GAMES ON MOTORCYCLES" which fans shout (or type in caps) when they are happy, excited, angry, constipated, etc…
Tho forced it is a rather tame meme and isn't in any way sexual or violent (yet…). It is typically only used with the characters Marik and Bakura. It comes from the song "Leather Pants" which is a parody of the Lady Gaga song "Bad Romance". The line in question comes from a part somewhere in the middle of the video when Marik screams at Bakura "Shut up, I am Lady Gaga!"
Fans quickly picked up the phrase and began using the sound clip in their own youtube creations.
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