Space Dandy (Japanese: スペース☆ダンディ) is an anime series created by Studio Bones, and directed by Shinichiro Watanabe, also known for his work on the series Cowboy Bebop. After the series first aired, it gained a significant online fandom, due part to the fact that the show's world premiere occurred on the Toonami programming block.
Space Dandy originated as a tv anime directed by Shinichiro Watanabe, of Cowboy Bebop fame, and produced by Studio Bones. The show chronicled the adventures of Space Dandy, a bounty hunter who searches for undiscovered alien species on his personal space ship, the Aloha Oe, along with his robot assistant QT and an alien nicknamed 'Meow', who they bring along after mistaking him for a new species. The series first premiered in English on Adult Swim's Toonami block, on January 4, 2014, before premiering in Japan the day after. Due to the show airing in America before in Japan, it garnered attention from both anime fans and casual viewers alike. A manga series based on the show also began airing in Square Enix's Young Gangan magazine on December 20, 2013. A Free-To-Play mobile game for iOS and Android based of the Galaga series is also being developed by Bandai Namco games for release in early 2014.
Online Relevance
Space Dandy has garnered a significant online following. The show has a significant presence on sites such as Tumblr[1], Reddit[2], 4chan's /a/ (Anime and Manga) board[3], My Anime List[4] and DeviantART[5]. There are numerous sites holding information of the series, such as the Space Dandy[6], TV Tropes[7] and Anime News Network[8].
Search Interest
External References
[1] Tumblr – Space Dandy
[2] Reddit – r/Space Dandy
[3] 4chan – /a/ Anime and Manga
[4] My Anime List – Space Dandy
[5] DeviantART – Space Dandy
[7] TV Tropes – Space Dandy
[8] Anime News Network – Space Dandy
Top Comments
Fenris Lupiq
Feb 06, 2014 at 06:38PM EST
Kirb Blanco
Sep 28, 2014 at 01:05AM EDT