The Child of the Sprite Tribe
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"The Child of the Sprite Tribe" (Japanese: 妖精族のこども, Youseizoku no Kodomo;), called as "The Little Sprite" in the English version, is an audio track from Square's 1993 game Secret of Mana.[1] This song has been a slightly well-used musical resource for MAD videos on the Japanese video sharing service Nico Nico Douga (NND) and YouTube Poop Music Videos (YTPMVs) on YouTube since the first half of 2009.
"The Little Sprite" was written by a Japanese composer Hiroki Kikuta.[2]. And its original title "The Child of the Sprite Tribe" is a homage to an anthology of short stories by Lord Dunsany[3], which includes his 1924 fantasy novel "The King of Elfland's Daughter" translated as "The Daughter of the Sprite Tribe" in the Japanese edition. However, this song is a theme music not for POPOI who is one of the player characters and the child of the sprite tribe, but for KAKKARA which is a village in the desert (shown below, left).
The oldest video using this song for parody was a simple remix with the dance of I Want To Love You Tender, which was posted to NND in May 13th, 2008[4]. This song became to increase its popularity in MADs around March 2009. Some of the earliest videos that received support from MAD editors featured Lucky Star[5] and Tsukuyomi: Moon Phase.[6]
Among these, several videos featuring the characters from K-ON! like this (shown below, right) succeeded to reach the largest audience partly due to the huge popularity of the anime in those days.
As of August 2013, there are over 340 videos utilizing this song on NND.[7] Most of MADs in this series are short footage, but loops infinitely by utilizing auto-loop feature of NND's video player.
Meanwhile on YouTube, this fad was imported by YTPMV lovers and named by the phrasal template "(X) of the Sprite Tribe" since they renamed imported video's title by this manner. They also have made their own "X of the Sprite Tribe" videos.[8]
Notable Examples
Left: Oreimo | Right: Nichijou
Left: Angry German Kid | Right: Untan
This Yui & Ritsu video above has several hand drawn animation version. Those videos are called "K-ON! Dance" on YouTube
Left: K-ON! | Right: Touhou Project
Left: My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic | Right: Marisa Stole the Precious Thing
Search Interest
[Not Available]
External References
Editor’s Note: Registration is needed to browse the original videos listed in this section.
[1] Wikipedia – Secret of Mana
[2] Wikipedia – Hiroki Kikuta
[3] Wikipedia – Edward Plunkett, 18th Baron of Dunsany
[4] Nico Nico Douga – 世界でいちばんダサい聖剣伝説2 part2 / Posted on 05-13-2008
[5] Nico Nico Douga – ねこみみ族の葉月 【ネコミミモード】 / Posted on 02-22-2009
[6] Nico Nico Douga – 携帯買ってもらったろろん☆ / Posted on 03-04-2009
[7] Nico Nico Douga – Search results for 妖精族のこども
[8] YouTube – Search results for of the sprite tribe