The Plague Doctor - Images

The Plague Doctor
Facts don't lie

The Plague Doctor
the doctor is in

The Plague Doctor
ITT we pretend we are medieval doctors prescribing patients with
![File: doc.ipg (64KB, 569x605px) Image search: ligdb [SauceNaol Google Anonymous (ID: dIP9/IEX) 2014-07-25 22:00:24 Post No. 558767408 [Report] Quoted by: 2558768141 22558769821 2558770503 2558778534 2558783430 2>558783617 22558785250 22558785882 2>558786536 22558787000 2558789878 22558793476 2-558795904 558798962 22558812605 ITT we pretend we are medieval doctors prescribing patients with old timey medicine >be me, chillin in my doctor office castle hamplanet fattie lady comes into my office, all out of breath because stairs fat people is weird because it's the middle ages >bitchhowdidyoudothat.tapestry tell fattie she has an imbalance of humors too much ketchup humor, its making you fat as a toad doctors in the middle ages said stuff like that probably tell her she needs to attach a chair to the ceiling with rope, twist it up, and sit in it and spin around really fast three times a day tell her she also needs more vegetable humors prescribe her turnips from my in house farm-acy collect them sweet medieval bitcoins look down the nose of my bird doctor mask thing and tell her to return in a fortnight >tell her I'll know if she didn't spin in the chair](
![File: doc.ipg (64KB, 569x605px) Image search: ligdb [SauceNaol Google Anonymous (ID: dIP9/IEX) 2014-07-25 22:00:24 Post No. 558767408 [Report] Quoted by: 2558768141 22558769821 2558770503 2558778534 2558783430 2>558783617 22558785250 22558785882 2>558786536 22558787000 2558789878 22558793476 2-558795904 558798962 22558812605 ITT we pretend we are medieval doctors prescribing patients with old timey medicine >be me, chillin in my doctor office castle hamplanet fattie lady comes into my office, all out of breath because stairs fat people is weird because it's the middle ages >bitchhowdidyoudothat.tapestry tell fattie she has an imbalance of humors too much ketchup humor, its making you fat as a toad doctors in the middle ages said stuff like that probably tell her she needs to attach a chair to the ceiling with rope, twist it up, and sit in it and spin around really fast three times a day tell her she also needs more vegetable humors prescribe her turnips from my in house farm-acy collect them sweet medieval bitcoins look down the nose of my bird doctor mask thing and tell her to return in a fortnight >tell her I'll know if she didn't spin in the chair](
The Plague Doctor
Sexy Doctor Costume

The Plague Doctor
you can't lose your medical license if you never had one

The Plague Doctor
Dress up as a plague doctor

The Plague Doctor
be me a plague doctor

The Plague Doctor
Step 1

The Plague Doctor
be plague doctor hired

The Plague Doctor
Plague Doctor Girl - AWDTwit / AWD!

The Plague Doctor
“The Plague Mistress” by wsache007

The Plague Doctor
Doctor tries medieval tinder

The Plague Doctor
when the leeches don't work

The Plague Doctor
Oh boy I can't wait to try and cure the black plague

The Plague Doctor
Plagueful Prankster

The Plague Doctor