thog dont caare
thog dont caare refers to a comment on a Yahoo! Answers post titled "Why do chips get stale??" to which a user named "thog" replies "thog dont caare." The comment spread online in various communities before becoming popular on Reddit in late 2018.
On October 15th, 2006, an anonymous Yahoo! Answers user asked "Why do chips get stale??" The original asker goes on in the description "gross i just eat a cheeto and it was NASTY …. like all stale & crap. eww." In the replies, a user named thog replied "thog dont caare" (shown below).

The post spread in various communities roughly a decade later. Screenshots were published to Funnyjunk[2] on October 15th, 2016. On July 19th, 2018, it was posted to /r/madlads,[3] where it gained over 27,000 points. On October 30th, 2018, a recursive text post appeared on /r/okbuddyretard (shown below, left). It appeared on /r/comedyheaven on November 21st, gaining over 15,000 points (shown below, right).

The /r/comedyheaven post was instrumental in helping the joke spread to various subreddits over the course of December. In /r/comedyheaven, a post from user THOG_DONT_CARE appeared on December 13th (shown below, left). It was parodied on /r/okbuddyretard in a Virgin vs. Chad parody that gained over 280 points (shown below, right).

Various Examples

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External References
[1] Yahoo! Answers – Why do chips get stale??
[2] Funnyjunk – Thog Don't Care
[3] Reddit – /r/madlads
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Dec 20, 2018 at 05:58PM EST
Dec 21, 2018 at 03:06PM EST