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Part of a series on 4chumblr. [View Related Entries]

un/b/Lr O 2?


"What is Air?" is a catchphrase used by Tumblr users to identify each other outside of the website. Since being introduced in 2010, the phrase has evolved into a form of trolling on anonymous chat site Omegle causing the Anonymous raid on Tumblr known as Operation Overlord.


The phrase “what is air?” was used on Tumblr as early as September 19th, 2010[7] to express the feeling of laughing so hard, one’s breath is lost.[6] On November 8th, 2010, the phrase was included in an Urban Dictionary definition for the phrase “Tumblr Cancer”[8] as an example of phrases Tumblr users will say to fit in with one another. The following day, a second Urban Dictionary definition was added for “What is air?”[3], which described its use as similar to HNNG on 4chan.

3. What is air? 56 up, 25 down Basically, the new HNNG of tumblr. On Omegle You: WHAT IS AIR? Stranger: You: STRANGER HAS DISCONNECTED buy what is air? mugs & shirts what is air? waht iz err wat ayurhnngtumblr omegle stranger you by CaraThe Ninja Turti Nov 9, 2010 s share this add a video


On November 9th, 2010, the first question inquiring about the appearance of the phrase “What is Air” on Omegle was posted to Yahoo! Answers.[4] Over the course of the next three days, this phrase’s appearance on Omegle, combined with what 4chan users perceived as Tumblr users stealing memetic content from their site, led Anonymous members to launch “Operation Overlord,” a nod to the code name for the Battle of Normandy[9] during World War II. Images advertising the plan to flood Tumblr with spam (shown below, left) appeared as early as November 10th[10], and a screenshot of thread from 4chan’s /b/ (random) board began to spread the following day (shown below, right).

OPERATION OVERLORD tumblr TUMBLR IS THE VERY DEFINITION OF CANCER These hipsters constantly steal our memes and claim them as their own. They even plan their own little “raids". They also refer to themselves as a secret cult, obviously they are just copying off of Anonymous. They are organizing a "raid" against us at this very moment. We cannot not stand for this. WHAT DO WE DO ABOUT IT THEN? We make them suffer. We make troll accounts on Tumblr. You do not need to confirm an email in order to make an account. Just use a proxy. Then just follow as many users as you can, wait for a decent amount to follow you back... And spam the s--- out of all of them with gore, p---, cp, the worst we can offer. Remember, the point of this is to make them realize we are not to be f----- with or imitated. Also, we must hack into any popular Tumblr accounts and use them for our raid (the more who see our horrors the better) NOW QUIT BEING P------. GO SPAM AND TROLL. REMEMBER TO PROXY UP, THIS IS JUST PHASE ONE.
Anonymous 11/11/10 (Thu)12:29:25 No.286429XXX OPERATION OVERLORD tumblr.nlaet I'll just leave this here TUMBER IS THE VERY DEFINITION OF CANCER □ Anonymous 11/11/10(Thu)12:30:25 No.286429 where theis phase 2?? WHAT DD WE DO ABOUT ITTMEN? Anonymous 11/11/10 (Thu)12:33:19 No.286430 bump, this still needs to happen. □ Anonymous 11/11/10 (Thu)12:33:40 No.286430 ) XX NOW OUIT BEING P------, GO SPAM AND TROLL REMEMBER TO PROXY UP, THIS IS JUST PHASE ONIE bumpz Anonymous 11/11/10(Thu)12:34:34 No.286430xXX We have Tumbler pretty damn scared. Behold I am a IZr2Tripfag 11/11/10(Thu)12:35:12 No.286430Xxxx or we could aim our LOICs Anonymous 11/11/10 (Thu)12:35:24 No.286430XXX ITT people angry about memes getting stolen from them that they didn't write or have anything to do with Anonymous 11/11/10(Thu)12:35:29 No.286430xXX Tumbir is full of cancer Anonymous, assemble Get your ass behind a proxy and post your gore p---. GO GO GO GO

Also on November 10th, the internet culture blog Urlesque[1] broke the news of the incoming raid. On November 14th, the “final phase” of Operation Overlord (shown below, left) began at around 5pm (ET) with DDoS attacks on the microblogging platform. Warnings of this attempted attack were shared on celebrity gossip site Oh No They Didn’t[11], fashion blog[12], Gawker[13], and Wired UK.[17] Tumblr did suffer some downtime[20] that evening.

OPERATION OVERLORD: FINAL PHASE tumblr. WE SHALL FINALLY TAKE DOWN TUMBLR Our attacks and fear campaigns have been working quite excellently so far Tumblr has had it too good for too long and now they are finally regretting their cancerous ways. We are trolling them hard. Now have just have to finally end it all and declare victory WHAT DO WE DO HAVE TO DO? Commence our final attack. It will be simple. We DDoS them with an LOIC flood Download it here: Tutorial: 60LzvjDqrOo On November 14th, at 5 PM Eastern Time we point our LOICs at Tumblr. Their IP Address is: Use LOIC and flood Tumblr as much as possible, do not give up. If we get enough at the same time, the site WILL go down This entire operation will require a group effort, so repost this and DDoS as much as possible It's time to finally these sons of bitches down... WE CAN DO IT. WE ARE ANONYMOUS. WE ARE LEGION! NOW GET OFF YOUR ASSES AND DDOS TUMBLR! YOU DON'T NEED A PROXY FOR LOIC, DON'T WORRY THIS IS THE FINAL PHASE, WE WILL WIN THIS!
tumblr. TO aLL OF LeT uS SHOW 4CHan HOw TO ReaLLY InvaDe a SITe. November 15th will be the day That tumblr invades 4Charn We'll show them how it's done Troll them using WHAT IS AIR and of course U MAD

In response, Tumblr users fought back (shown above, right) using both the phrase “What is Air” and pictures of kittens to spam threads on 4chan, taking down the site for a short period of time on November 15th. Referred to as “Operation Overkitten,” Tumblr users' counter-raid was covered by TechCrunch[14], The Atlantic[15], NPR[16], the Village Voice[18] and Motherboard.[19] Additionally, Tumblr users created threads on 4chan to point out that each site is populated by “desperate virgins” of the opposite sex, which led to an influx of fan art depicting anthropomorphic website mascots of Tumblr and 4chan as being romantically involved. The fictional relationship was bestowed the nickname 4chumblr.

Search Interest

Search queries for "what is air?" spiked in November of 2010, the same month that Operation Overlord took place.

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What Is Air?

What Is Air?

Part of a series on 4chumblr. [View Related Entries]

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un/b/Lr O 2?


"What is Air?" is a catchphrase used by Tumblr users to identify each other outside of the website. Since being introduced in 2010, the phrase has evolved into a form of trolling on anonymous chat site Omegle causing the Anonymous raid on Tumblr known as Operation Overlord.


The phrase “what is air?” was used on Tumblr as early as September 19th, 2010[7] to express the feeling of laughing so hard, one’s breath is lost.[6] On November 8th, 2010, the phrase was included in an Urban Dictionary definition for the phrase “Tumblr Cancer”[8] as an example of phrases Tumblr users will say to fit in with one another. The following day, a second Urban Dictionary definition was added for “What is air?”[3], which described its use as similar to HNNG on 4chan.

3. What is air? 56 up, 25 down Basically, the new HNNG of tumblr. On Omegle You: WHAT IS AIR? Stranger: You: STRANGER HAS DISCONNECTED buy what is air? mugs & shirts what is air? waht iz err wat ayurhnngtumblr omegle stranger you by CaraThe Ninja Turti Nov 9, 2010 s share this add a video


On November 9th, 2010, the first question inquiring about the appearance of the phrase “What is Air” on Omegle was posted to Yahoo! Answers.[4] Over the course of the next three days, this phrase’s appearance on Omegle, combined with what 4chan users perceived as Tumblr users stealing memetic content from their site, led Anonymous members to launch “Operation Overlord,” a nod to the code name for the Battle of Normandy[9] during World War II. Images advertising the plan to flood Tumblr with spam (shown below, left) appeared as early as November 10th[10], and a screenshot of thread from 4chan’s /b/ (random) board began to spread the following day (shown below, right).

OPERATION OVERLORD tumblr TUMBLR IS THE VERY DEFINITION OF CANCER These hipsters constantly steal our memes and claim them as their own. They even plan their own little “raids". They also refer to themselves as a secret cult, obviously they are just copying off of Anonymous. They are organizing a "raid" against us at this very moment. We cannot not stand for this. WHAT DO WE DO ABOUT IT THEN? We make them suffer. We make troll accounts on Tumblr. You do not need to confirm an email in order to make an account. Just use a proxy. Then just follow as many users as you can, wait for a decent amount to follow you back... And spam the s--- out of all of them with gore, p---, cp, the worst we can offer. Remember, the point of this is to make them realize we are not to be f----- with or imitated. Also, we must hack into any popular Tumblr accounts and use them for our raid (the more who see our horrors the better) NOW QUIT BEING P------. GO SPAM AND TROLL. REMEMBER TO PROXY UP, THIS IS JUST PHASE ONE. Anonymous 11/11/10 (Thu)12:29:25 No.286429XXX OPERATION OVERLORD tumblr.nlaet I'll just leave this here TUMBER IS THE VERY DEFINITION OF CANCER □ Anonymous 11/11/10(Thu)12:30:25 No.286429 where theis phase 2?? WHAT DD WE DO ABOUT ITTMEN? Anonymous 11/11/10 (Thu)12:33:19 No.286430 bump, this still needs to happen. □ Anonymous 11/11/10 (Thu)12:33:40 No.286430 ) XX NOW OUIT BEING P------, GO SPAM AND TROLL REMEMBER TO PROXY UP, THIS IS JUST PHASE ONIE bumpz Anonymous 11/11/10(Thu)12:34:34 No.286430xXX We have Tumbler pretty damn scared. Behold I am a IZr2Tripfag 11/11/10(Thu)12:35:12 No.286430Xxxx or we could aim our LOICs Anonymous 11/11/10 (Thu)12:35:24 No.286430XXX ITT people angry about memes getting stolen from them that they didn't write or have anything to do with Anonymous 11/11/10(Thu)12:35:29 No.286430xXX Tumbir is full of cancer Anonymous, assemble Get your ass behind a proxy and post your gore p---. GO GO GO GO

Also on November 10th, the internet culture blog Urlesque[1] broke the news of the incoming raid. On November 14th, the “final phase” of Operation Overlord (shown below, left) began at around 5pm (ET) with DDoS attacks on the microblogging platform. Warnings of this attempted attack were shared on celebrity gossip site Oh No They Didn’t[11], fashion blog[12], Gawker[13], and Wired UK.[17] Tumblr did suffer some downtime[20] that evening.

OPERATION OVERLORD: FINAL PHASE tumblr. WE SHALL FINALLY TAKE DOWN TUMBLR Our attacks and fear campaigns have been working quite excellently so far Tumblr has had it too good for too long and now they are finally regretting their cancerous ways. We are trolling them hard. Now have just have to finally end it all and declare victory WHAT DO WE DO HAVE TO DO? Commence our final attack. It will be simple. We DDoS them with an LOIC flood Download it here: Tutorial: 60LzvjDqrOo On November 14th, at 5 PM Eastern Time we point our LOICs at Tumblr. Their IP Address is: Use LOIC and flood Tumblr as much as possible, do not give up. If we get enough at the same time, the site WILL go down This entire operation will require a group effort, so repost this and DDoS as much as possible It's time to finally these sons of bitches down... WE CAN DO IT. WE ARE ANONYMOUS. WE ARE LEGION! NOW GET OFF YOUR ASSES AND DDOS TUMBLR! YOU DON'T NEED A PROXY FOR LOIC, DON'T WORRY THIS IS THE FINAL PHASE, WE WILL WIN THIS! tumblr. TO aLL OF LeT uS SHOW 4CHan HOw TO ReaLLY InvaDe a SITe. November 15th will be the day That tumblr invades 4Charn We'll show them how it's done Troll them using WHAT IS AIR and of course U MAD

In response, Tumblr users fought back (shown above, right) using both the phrase “What is Air” and pictures of kittens to spam threads on 4chan, taking down the site for a short period of time on November 15th. Referred to as “Operation Overkitten,” Tumblr users' counter-raid was covered by TechCrunch[14], The Atlantic[15], NPR[16], the Village Voice[18] and Motherboard.[19] Additionally, Tumblr users created threads on 4chan to point out that each site is populated by “desperate virgins” of the opposite sex, which led to an influx of fan art depicting anthropomorphic website mascots of Tumblr and 4chan as being romantically involved. The fictional relationship was bestowed the nickname 4chumblr.

Search Interest

Search queries for "what is air?" spiked in November of 2010, the same month that Operation Overlord took place.

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I love these Operation Overload instruction photos. They're some of the most pathetic, hilariously stupid ideas I've ever heard. They're essentially a bunch of overly-sensitive keyboard warriors who think that the internet is something to be taken seriously and that they are fighting a real life war by using melodramatic phrases like ''we shall commence our final attack''. It really gives the impression that most of anonymous is taken up by 12 year old dumbshits.


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