A Trailer For The 'Animaniacs' Reboot Has Dropped, Reminding People That The Show Has Always Had Political Humor
The internet got its first look at the Animaniacs reboot today, 22 years after the final episode of the show aired. 13 new episodes are set to air on Hulu on November 20th, and another batch of 13 episodes are planned to be released sometime in 2021.
The trailer shows off the series' self-aware and adult-pitched sense of humor, as Yakko opens the trailer by bemoaning the flood of reboots in Hollywood before he, Wakko, and Dot take their reboot cash and the trailer proper begins.
The trailer also features some modern jokes, as Pinky bemoans getting "catfished" on dating apps, Yakko swallows a tablet (as in an iPad) and obtains the sum of all human knowledge, and a brief cut to what looks like an anime sketch featuring the three main characters.
While most of the internet was hyped for the trailer, there were some grumblings about what was seen as political content in the trailer, including a Trump-like Cyclops and Dot saying "never mansplain-y" during the theme song.
It's all so tiresome. pic.twitter.com/GTpnU8Mhwx
— PelleCreepy (@PelleCreepy) October 21, 2020
This tweet by user @PelleCreepy was the loudest among a minority of commenters who bemoaned the trailer's political humor, but as rumors of backlash spread on Twitter, users brought up plenty of times in the Animaniacs original run where the show went for political jokes and satire.
A-are people getting mad at Animaniacs for making jokes about current events?…
I mean…did you WATCH old Animaniacs? One of the main parts of the old show was lampooning (at the time) modern slang/celebrities and Bill Clinton was practically a character. https://t.co/FXIDnUzzyz— Caudle – BLM (@Caudlewag) October 21, 2020
“Hey guys, welcome to my 1 hour rant about how the Animaniacs reboot is WOKE VIRTUE SIGNALING INDOCRTINATION because they made exactly 1 Trump joke. The original was APOLITICAL and BASED. Bill Clinton plays the sax who?” pic.twitter.com/VCUISO1JrO
— 🎃Gabriela👻 (8 days) (@GabrielaToon83) October 21, 2020
It's really pathetic seeing detractors against the reboot pretending to be Animaniacs fans; whining over how SJWs are ruining the original as if cartoons from the 90s were squeaky clean. If anything, the anti-SJWs are becoming too damn soft! pic.twitter.com/ktQxnGcaNC
— Crimson Mayhem (@Crimson_Mayhem_) October 21, 2020
Some people bitching about the Animaniacs reboot taking the piss out of Trump
Cause that's something the original never did, am I right? Making fun of a prominent political figure of the time? pic.twitter.com/GpfGygm70B— Ben300 (@ben300) October 21, 2020
Still, the majority of commentary after the trailer dropped was excitement, particularly about the half-second shot showing Yakko, Wakko and Dot as anime characters.
I just woke up and seen the new Animaniacs trailer and WTF?
Why does this look so cool. Lol
Really like Wakko’s design haha, can’t wait for November 20. pic.twitter.com/o0s9Dp03Bm— Occupied by a Mobile game. (@WolfMoon35) October 21, 2020
Everyone's posting the Anime Animaniacs and before I forget I THINK these are the references:
Latch (Lethal League), Kamina (TTGL) and Ryuko (Kill la Kill) maybe???? pic.twitter.com/gy0Xg8L9a7— Gabbah (@gabbah_draws) October 21, 2020
Animaniacs in anime form pic.twitter.com/1ShUev8Pra
— Radio🎃👻 (@Negative_Bloom) October 21, 2020
By the looks of the trailer, it seems like the Animaniacs reboot might just be one of the only good things to come out of 2020.
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