'Died Suddenly' Conspiracy Documentary Alleges COVID Vaccines Purposely Poisoned People As Part Of Planned Population Control

In an effort to make Thanksgiving as awkward as possible, a documentary was released for free recently called Died Suddenly, which promotes a conspiracy theory that the COVID-19 vaccine was a scientific endeavor for inducing population control through increasing health defects and a myriad of other issues (most notably heart problems) causing "healthy people" to "die suddenly."
The documentary, which many are lumping together with Plandemic and Watch The Water, was broadcast for free and has now led to many claiming it as "truth."
#DiedSuddenly WORLD PREMIER https://t.co/TIjFBCYomY
— DiedSuddenly (@DiedSuddenly_) November 21, 2022
I watched Died Suddenly. What’s taken place in our world is truly evil. To all the vaccinated you were warned by at least one person in your life. I’m positive of that. Best of luck.
— MatthewHasGottaKnow (@MattsGottaNo) November 22, 2022
Watching Died Suddenly.
These DOD rates, which have increased since these numbers in Feb '22, once exposed to a Senate committee, had it's database shut down once exposed.
I expect CAF #'s to be similar. pic.twitter.com/zL3tTiFO7F— Kaffir Kanuck (@Kaffir_Kanuck) November 22, 2022
After watching Died Suddenly, I have never been so confident in my decision to remain unvaccinated. Must watch.
— Eric Matheny 🎙 (@EricMMatheny) November 22, 2022
There wasn't just the usual amount of pushback against the film but a fervent decrying of it from the medical community and regular people who were personally affected by the coronavirus, many having personally lost loved ones to the virus.
This resulted in the film being labeled disinformation and put at the same level as election result denial or calling the entire shutdown part of the New World Order as it trended on Twitter and ignited viral debates across social media.
Died suddenly is trending. My beloved wife died suddenly 10 days ago and now I have anti-vaxxer conspiracy theorists slithering through my mentions suggesting that it was related to her being vaxxed against COVID. It's an outrageous intrusion on my grief and a total fabrication.
— Victoria Brownworth #NotLeavingThisBirdApp (@VABVOX) November 22, 2022
Died Suddenly with 2000 mules a double feature for the stupid. pic.twitter.com/HQ19Py6pvV
— Eddie (@EddieMc32562820) November 22, 2022
“Died Suddenly” is the new “Plandemic” is the new “Vaxxed”…
Just antivaccine misinformation,
dishonest framing and conspiracy theory reheated and reserved.
It’s always the same.— Alastair McAlpine, MD (@AlastairMcA30) November 22, 2022
If you see Died Suddenly trending, it's because some conspiracy nuts have put together a movie about how the Covid vaccine is the correlative cause of all post-vaccination deaths. At this point I expect the Covid vaccine to be accused of shooting JFK and cancelling Firefly.
— Megs (@the_meghaning) November 22, 2022
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