Discord Rebrand Criticized By Users Over New Logo, Possible Accessibility Issue

Published 3 years ago

Published 3 years ago

On May 13th, the team at instant-messaging giant Discord made a statement on Twitter announcing a company rebrand. With the post, they shared the new logo for the app, featuring the same game-controller character "Clyde," only less sharp and more symmetrical. The logo also boasts a new, arguably more fun typeface. The rebrand comes on the sixth anniversary of the application.

In the tweet, Discord cites wanting to make the logo "friendlier," and links a further breakdown of the full changes and their reasoning. Beyond a logo change, Discord also changed the general in-app color palette to make it brighter, notably saturating the "blurple" color they're known for. On the font change, Discord explained:

We explored hundreds of different fonts before landing on this very unique font face that we believe captures the playfulness of Discord. We even tweaked some elements of the font and letters so it’s easier to read than how it originally was.

Predictably, the rebrand sparked mixed-to-negative reactions from many users of the application. Some were critical of the changes to beloved mascot Clyde, but most took aim at the new font. In fact, Twitter user @RobPlayinGames commented on the post the day it was made with a photoshopped version of logo removing the font, challenging users to replace it with something better. This inspired numerous comments, many offering jokingly worse fonts, and others offering true competitors and going the extra step to change Clyde as well.

In a more serious realm of discussion, one user tweeted complaining that the new shade of blurple potentially causes distress for people with visual processing problems, resulting in eyestrain and driving them away from the app. Discord responded to the tweet that day, promising to relay the issue internally.

Of course, not everyone was displeased with the rebrand. Many other users tweeted their praise for the app's new look, evidencing more than a little bit of, shall we say, discord among users of the app. All things considered, the rebrand definitely could have looked a lot worse — such as the new minimalist Firefox logo.

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