DoorDash Glitch Leads To Free Food And Alcohol For Chicagoans, And Countless Memes

Published July 08, 2022

Published July 08, 2022

A glitch last night on the food-delivery service DoorDash led to many people in the Chicago area ordering food, liquor and other products without paying a dime. The volume of free food ordered from Chicago-area restaurants astonished employees and overflowed counters and drive-thrus.

Shortly after people online took notice of the apparent bug, many began posting memes in droves reacting to the situation.

The glitch allowed customers to check out and receive items without specifying a mode of payment. On social media platforms like Reddit and Twitter, those who had ordered free stuff shared their gains in several viral posts.

Those who weren't so lucky shared their regret at missing out and sleeping during the DoorDash glitch.

Alongside people celebrating, a number of people also criticized those who had ordered free food for still not tipping DoorDash drivers. Some posters scolded others for not taking restaurant workers, who had to do a lot of extra work Thursday night with the influx of orders, into account either.

DoorDash, in statements to the New York Post, said that it canceled fraudulent orders after finding out about the glitch. Many of those who took advantage of the free stuff wondered if it would actually turn out to be free in the end, or if DoorDash would come to collect. After all, the food delivery service does have the name, phone number and address of everybody signed up for deliveries, as well as credit card information.

Some users seemed to believe they could avoid getting charged by using gift cards or even locking their credit cards, but a lively debate raged over whether these strategies would actually work or not.

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