Fan Complaint About 'Nagatoro' Subs Goes From 0 To 100 At Lightning Speed

April 26th, 2021 - 2:01 PM EDT by Adam Downer

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nagatoro sus

A Twitter user and fan of the romance anime Please Don't Tease Me, Nagatoro took umbrage with Crunchyroll's translation of the series over the weekend, arguing that having the title character use several modern slang terms like "sus" did the original work a disservice. What seemed like a minor quibble turned into one of the most astounding meltdowns on Twitter in recent memory.

The thread started innocently enough. Now-suspended user @locksneedfartin tweeted his displeasure with the localization of Nagatoro, arguing that having Nagatoro use the modern time slang words "sus," "scrub" and "derp" ruined the character:

Thread on what @Crunchyroll is doing to #nagatoro, one of the hottest shows out of japan is unforgivable. Their translations are not just lazy. They are deliberately shitty and cringe. Adapted by soy bug gamer people to appeal to soy bug gamer people and nobody else. Translations are a very simple concept. You take a word and translate it DIRECTLY into another languages word. Sometimes there is no direct translation. So you engage in whats called "localization". However doing this in a sloppy way can RUIN a character, show, and feeling. Exibit A on why the people subbing this show should be fired. "sus" is not a word. Its not real. its meme from a videogame that quite literally just became popular in the past year. In 10 years. nobody will know what the fuck they are saying here. This is lazy.

sus nagatoro

The tweets were strongly worded, but hardly noteworthy in the context of Twitter users complaining about things. What made the thread noteworthy was how @locksneedfartin responded to the criticism. After a few users made counter-arguments, @locksneedfartin typed, "If you are a black/LGBT weeb i dont care what you think. black fighting game fans in my mentions blowing a george floyd sized gasket over 'scrub' right now."

Though the posts referencing the Death of George Floyd offended many, anime fans being offensive on Twitter isn't all that unusual, but @locksneedfartin, seemingly determined to get suspended from the platform, escalated his thread to a wild degree.

Over the course of a massive thread, @locksneedfartin mocked trans users arguing with him in his mentions, spewed transphobic and racist rhetoric, posted a picture of Donald Trump defecating on the trans pride flag, argued one of the good things Nazis did was burn books on transgenderism and posted lots of highly graphic pictures of trans genitalia before finally getting suspended.

The thread caused Nagatoro to trend on Twitter, but users clicking the trend to see discussion about the latest episode were sorely disappointed.

Coincidentally, and perhaps poetically, Nagatoro used "sus" again the night after @locksneedfartin's meltdown.

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in reply to Crystal Geyser

Except, consider for the moment, if you would, that rendering it as "sus" is actually experiencing it as it was meant by the original creators.

Newsflash: Japanese has slang too and Nagatoro is speaking in it.

She, as a character speaks extremely informal, slangy Japanese. If she was speaking English she would 100% be someone who would say "sus" in that context. So translating it as "sus" in this case is actually more respectful to the original creation than to not as simply rendering it as "suspicious" would completely remove the fact that she is speaking so informally. You would be losing an entire aspect of the original experience if the subtitles were written that way.

Also, please stop using "jelly doughnuts" as your example. The fact that you need to go back 20 years for it should indicate to you how that never happens anymore.


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